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Chapter 13. Circulatory system

Higher category : 【Biology】 Biology Index 

1. Blood composition and function

2. Circulatory system and heart

3. Vascular system

4. Blood flow control

5. Hemostasis and Blood Coagulation

6. Cardiovascular disease

1. Blood composition and function

⑴ Blood centrifugation : Separate blood by component

① Centrifugation with Anticoagulant : Separated from below into red blood cells, soft layers, and plasma

○ Soft layer (buffy coat) : neutrophils + platelets

○ Plasma : Liquid composition of blood

② Centrifugation without anticoagulant : Separated into blood clots and serum from below

○ Blood clot : Ingredients of coagulated blood, red blood cells + neutrophils + platelets + blood coagulation factors

○ Serum : Liquid components remaining after blood clotting, removal of fibrinogen and other components from plasma

○ Cellular elements are entangled by fibrinogen in plasma

③ Erythrocyte volume fraction (hematocrit) : Ratio of red blood cell volume to total blood volume

○ Normal adult man : 0.41 to 0.51

○ Normal adult woman : 0.36 to 0.45

○ Why men use power more than women

○ Anemic people have small hematocrit

○ Viscosity is proportional to erythrocyte volume fraction

⑵ Composition of blood


Figure. 1. Composition of blood

① Blood : 7% of female weight, 8% of male weight

② Blood = plasma (55%) + cellular urea (45%)

③ Plasma = Water (92%) + Protein (7%) + Other (1%)

○ Water : Solvents Carrying Other Materials

○ Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl-, HCO3- : Osmotic balance, membrane permeability control

○ HCO3-, H2PO4-, Albumin, Hb (Bore effect) : pH buffer

○ Albumin : Osmotic balance, involved in the transport of lipids, stored energy sources in plasma, 3.5 to 5 g / dl

○ Fibrinogen : Blood clotting elements

○ Immunoglobulins (antibodies), interferon : Defensive function, acting faster than NK cells

○ Lipoprotein : Carrying fat

○ Hormone binding protein : Especially fat-soluble hormones

○ Transferrin : Iron-carrying protein

○ Nutrients, Metabolic Wastes, Respiratory Gases (O2, CO2), Hormones

④ Cellular elements


Figure. 2. Types of Cellular Elements

⑶ Cellular elements : Red blood cells

① Structure : Concave, flexible disc-shaped cells on both sides filled with hemoglobin

○ Concave disc : Increased gas exchange efficiency by increasing the contact area between oxygen and red blood cells

○ Structure that can be folded and crumpled, making it easier to pass narrow capillaries

○ Hemoglobin is about 3 million per red blood cell


Figure. 3. Type of red blood cells

○ Hemoglobin : The iron is red because it contains iron


Figure. 4. Structure of hemoglobin

② Function

○ Hemoglobin has the ability to bind to O2, which can carry oxygen

○ Erythrocytes are also involved in the transport of CO2

③ Produce

○ Derived from bone marrow stem cells (or myeloid cells) in the ribs, thorax, pelvis, vertebrae, etc.

○ Erythrocyte : Erythrocyte precursor cells

○ During fetal period, blood cell production from liver, spleen and bone marrow

○ 5 to 6 million pieces per mm3

○ 84% of human cells are red blood cells

○ Erythropoietin (EPO) produced by the kidney regulates red blood cell production


Figure. 5. Oxygen deficiency and red blood cell production

④ Maturity : Other organelles are destroyed when the amount of hemoglobin in red blood cells reaches 30%

○ No oxygen consumption due to mitochondria removal and lactic acid fermentation to produce ATP during maturation

○ Only glucose is used as an energy source

○ Mammalia : Nucleated cells (nucleated), lack of nucleus, capable of containing large amounts of hemoglobin

○ Remainder : Nucleated cells

⑤ Place of destruction : Liver

○ Erythrocyte lifespan : About 120 days

○ Spleen damage in sickle cell anemia

○ Zira (splenic) : Located in the back of the stomach, the ability to produce neutrophils and destroy waste red blood cells

○ Bile formation with bilirubin produced as a result of destroying red blood cells

⑥ theory of evolution : Number of hemoglobin amino acids that differ from humans

○ Gorilla 1, Rhesus Macaque 8, Dog 15, Horse 25, Chicken 45, Frog 67, Seven Growth 125

⑷ Cellular elements : neutrophils (white blood cell)

① Originated from myeloid stem cells, 5,000 to 10,000 per 1 mm3

② life span : 100 to 200 days

③ Characteristic

○ Unlike red blood cells, they also exist in intracellular and lymphatic fluids

○ Nucleus is present and used for karyotyping

○ The shape is not constant and amoeba movement

○ Swarming : Free movement within the organization

④ Produce : Produced by colony stimulating factor (CSF) produced by endothelial cells, bone marrow fibroblasts and neutrophils

⑤ Granulocyte : Phagocytosis, pus formation, allergic reactions, inflammatory reactions

○ Main feature : High density due to many polymorphonucleus and granules

○ Classification of neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils according to dyes for staining granulocytes

○ Neutrophils (neutrophils)

○ Function : Antibody-Coated Pathogen Phagocytosis

○ Distribution : Account for 60-65% of total neutrophils, 12-14 μm

○ Granule form : Forming three lumps

○ Eosinophilic neutrophils (eosinophils)

○ Function : Antibody-Coated Parasite Death and Allergic Hypersensitivity Involvement

○ Distribution : Accounted for 1% of total neutrophils

○ Shape : 2 clumps formed, relatively large granules, 12 to 17 μm

○ Dyed red by Eosin

○ Basophil neutrophils (basophils)

○ Function : Histamine and heparin release promotes T lymphocyte development

○ Distribution : 0 of all neutrophils.2% occupy

○ Shape : Granules dispersed form, large granules, 14 ~ 16 ㎛

○ Dyed in dark purple by methylene blue

⑥ Mast cells : Release of histamine, leukotriene, etc., due to damage or antigen binding

○ Refers to basophilic neutrophils that act on tissue cells

○ Mast Cells Are Not Associated with Obesity

⑦ Monocytes : Phagocytosis, differentiation into macrophages, 4% of total neutrophils, ~ 20 μm

○ Monocytes = macrophages + foreign body giant cells

⑧ Macrophages : Microbial predation and digestion, antigen presentation, T lymphocyte activation

○ Brain microglia (microglia) are also a type of macrophage

⑨ Dendritic cells : Antigen Expression in T Lymphocytes

⑩ Lymphocytes : B lymphocytes, T lymphocytes, natural killer cells, accounting for 20-35% of all neutrophils, 6-9 μm

○ Lymphocytes do not move into the blood vessels and only work within the lymph vessels

○ High percentage of nuclei compared to other neutrophils

⑷ Cellular elements : Platelets

① A fragment of the cytoplasm of bone marrow special cells (bone marrow megakaryocytes)

○ Characteristic : Nucleus-Free, Blood Coagulation

○ Uneven in shape and very small compared to erythrocytes and neutrophils

② Produce

○ 250,000 to 400,000 pieces per mm3

○ Produced by TPO (thrombopoietin) produced by the liver

③ life span : 9-12 days

④ Blood Coagulation (See. 5. Hemostasis and blood coagulation)

2. Circulatory system and heart

⑴ Circulatory system

① Type of circulatory system


Figure. 6. Open and Closed Circulation System

○ Open circulatory system

○ Object : Arthropods and molluscs

○ Simplicity : No distinction between hemolymph and interstitial fluid due to lack of capillaries

○ Saving : Low hydraulic pressure saves energy and eliminates the need for capillary networks

○ Closed circulatory system

○ Object : Large or highly mobile organisms, such as annulus, cephalopods, vertebrates

○ Complexity : Capillaries exist to separate blood and tissue fluid

○ Efficiency : High hydraulic pressure for efficient delivery of oxygen or nutrients and formation of osmotic pressure with macromolecules in the blood

② Cardiovascular system of vertebrates : Closed circulation system

○ Animals with faster metabolism have more complex blood vessels and stronger hearts than animals without

○ The complexity and distribution of blood vessels in an individual is also proportional to the metabolism of each organ.

③ Vertebrate heart


Figure. 7. Vertebrate Heart Structure

○ Fish (1 Atrium, 1 Ventricle) : Monocyclic

○ There is no distinction between the body circulation system and the pulmonary circulation system, so you have to go through the capillary network twice before blood returns to the heart.

○ Maintain blood flow rate through exercise of skeletal muscle

○ Only venous blood flows to the heart

○ Amphibians (2 Atrium, 1 Ventricle) : Double circulation

○ Distinct circulatory system and pulmonary circulation system, supplying a large amount of blood to brain and muscle, but mixing venous and arterial blood efficiency ↓

○ Development of skin circulatory system to compensate for insufficient oxygen

○ Reptiles (2 Atrial Incomplete 2 Ventricle) : Double circulation

○ Increased efficiency of mass exchange due to less mixing between venous and arterial blood

○ Birds, mammals (2 atrium complete 2 ventricle) : Double circulation

○ Venous and arterial blood are completely separated for efficient material exchange

○ Circulatory system required for warm-blooded animals, which consume about 10 times more energy than warm-blooded animals of the same size

○ Human circulatory system

○ Body circulation : Left ventricle → Aorta → Whole body (capillaries) → Large vein → Right atrium

○ Pulmonary circulation : Right ventricle → Pulmonary artery → Pulmonary (capillary) → Pulmonary vein → Left atrium


Figure. 8. Human circulatory system

⑵ Structure of the heart


Figure. 9. Structure of the heart

① Located under the sternum, most of the heart muscle is fist-sized

② It consists of the atrium, which receives blood, and the ventricle, which delivers blood.

③ The ventricles have a thicker muscle layer than the atria and have a stronger contractile force.

○ In particular, the left ventricle contracts with much stronger force, sending blood to each organ in the body

○ The left ventricle contracts more powerfully than the right ventricle, but the same amount of blood is released in one contraction

④ Valve : Four valves in the heart prevent blood from flowing back


Figure. 10. Valve structure

○ Atrioventricular valve : Between the atria and the ventricles, tricuspid and bicuspid

○ Meniscus : Between the ventricle and the artery

○ Abnormal sound (heart noise) occurs when blood is ejected through an incomplete valve when the valve is abnormal

⑶ Heart muscle

① Characteristic

○ Capillaries and mitochondria high density (organic breathing)

○ Red due to high myoglobin content

○ Nutrition : Fatty acids ≫ Glucose, lactic acid (∴ Organic breathing only)

○ Coronary artery : Blood supply to heart muscle, lack of blood supply to heart muscle causes cardiac arrest, heart attack, myocardial infarction

② Beating potential of autonomic beating cells

○ Autonomic beating cells : Magnolia (right atrium), Atrioventricular node (right atrium), Purkysop fiber

○ Magnolia : Generate pulsating potential without external electrical signal

○ Atrioventricular nodules, Purkysop fiber : Potential amplification upon receiving external electrical signal

○ Orthogonal nodules decrease the diastolic period and increase the number of beats due to the sympathetic nerve.

○ Magnolia increase the diastolic period and decrease the number of beats due to the effects of parasympathetic nerves.

○ The autonomic nerve acting on the nodule is the vagus n.Kind of)

③ Flat dislocation of the ventricular muscle

○ Ventricular muscles are only affected by the sympathetic nerve and one-time cardiac output is controlled

④ Contraction mechanism of ventricular muscle

⑷ Electrocardiography (ECG)

① Summary

○ Electrical signal of heartbeat, not directly attached to heart

○ Divided into waves and segments

○ Wave : If it goes up above the baseline and then goes down

○ Segment : Baseline between two waves


Figure. 11. Electrocardiogram

② P wave : Depolarization of the nodule

○ SA node, sinoatrial node : Organizations that voluntarily generate action potentials

○ Atrial depolarization as a signal of ipsilateral nodules causing atrial contraction

○ Initial state of valve : Atrioventricular valve open, meniscus closed

○ The heart muscles of the atrial are all connected to the junction, so the electrical signals of the nodule move all over the atrium in an instant.

③ P-Q interval : Room delay

○ Room delay : Action potential is approximately zero in atrioventricular node.Delayed by 1 second, measuring the time that atrial blood flow enters the ventricles

○ Atrioventricular node (Av node, atripventricular node) : Junction passage between the atria and ventricles, iso-dong dong, which causes the fibrillation after receiving signals from the nodules, synchronized with the nodules

④ Q point : Action potential reached heath color

⑤ QRS wave : Depolarization of heather, purky fibrous fibers, ie depolarization of ventricles

○ Depolarization of Purkysop Fiber → Ventricular Depolarization → Induces Ventricular Contraction

○ Ventricular contraction is triggered, resulting in atrial repolarization → atrial relaxation

○ Valve state : Atrioventricular valve closed to prevent blood flow from the ventricles to the atria

○ 1 heart sound : Heart sound as the atrioventricular valve closes

⑥ QRS-T thickness : The stage where the ventricles really contract

○ Valve state : Atrioventricular valve closed, meniscus valve open

○ After the ventricles contract, the meniscus opens and blood flows to the arteries.

○ Increasing and decreasing intraventricular pressure

⑦ T wave : Ventricular repolarization, including a few ST segments

○ Ventricular repolarization → trigger ventricular relaxation

○ Valve state : Atrioventricular valve closed to prevent blood flow from the artery to the ventricles

○ 2 heart sounds : Meniscus with closing meniscus

⑧ U wave

○ Small wave after T wave

○ Estimation of relaxation signal by vesicles after depolarization

⑨ Valve state clearance

○ Lub Dub : Sound of closing heart valve

○ Lub (Q time point) : Atrioventricular valve closing. Meniscus closed.

○ S point : Atrioventricular valve closed. Meniscus valve opening.

○ Dub (just before T) : Atrioventricular valve closed. Meniscus closing.

○ Just after T : Atrioventricular valve opening. Meniscus closed.

⑩ Electric shaft of the heart

⑹ Cardiac cycle : How the heart pumps and receives blood


Figure. 12. Cardiac cycle

① Pulse : Changes in blood vessels according to the cardiac cycle

② Systolic : Blood flow in the ventricles → arteries

③ Diastolic : Blood flow atrium → ventricles

④ Atrium, Ventricular Relaxation : Intravenous → Atrium → Ventricular, Tricuspid and Tricuspid open, Meniscal closed (0.4 seconds)

⑤ Atrial contraction, ventricular relaxation : Atrial blood → ventricles, tricuspids and tricuspids open, meniscus closed (0.1 second)

⑥ Ventricular Contraction, Atrial Relaxation : Venous blood → Atrial, ventricles release blood, tricuspid and tricuspid valve closed, meniscus open (0.3 seconds)

⑦ Delayed time so that the atria and the ventricles do not contract at the same time (0.1 second) is due to the atrioventricular delay

⑺ Cardiac arrest

① Cardiac arrest due to synchronization failure, fibrillation, arrhythmia

② Synchronization by electric shock (re-defibrillation)

⑻ Blood pressure : Pressure within the artery


Figure. 13. Blood pressure

① Ventricular Contraction Pressure (Max) : 1 heart rate, release rate

○ Increased ventricular contraction pressure when the aorta decreases in distensibility

○ Increasing volume of single stroke increases ventricular contraction pressure

② Ventricular relaxation pressure (lowest) : Peripheral circulation resistance, time to next systolic

○ Decreased elongation of the aorta reduces ventricular diastolic pressure

○ Single stroke does not affect ventricular relaxation

③ Pulse pressure (= systolic blood pressure-diastolic blood pressure) ← 1 stroke volume, elasticity of the aorta

④ Cardiac output : The volume of blood ejected from the ventricle for 1 minute, the volume change of the ventricles × heart rate for 1 minute

⑤ Blood pressure 120/80 (mmHg) is the pressure exerted in addition to the existing atmospheric pressure

⑥ Measurement of blood pressure


Figure. 14. Measurement graph of blood pressure


Figure. 15. How to measure blood pressure

⑦ Blood pressure changes according to the cardiac cycle


Figure. 16. Blood pressure changes according to the cardiac cycle

⑧ Blood pressure = full load × post load

○ Full load : Proportional to blood volume, long-term regulation, regulation in the kidneys

○ After load : Proportional, short-term control of capillary perfusion resistance, control through arterial contraction and rela» xation

○ Vascular resistance


○ (Important) The body’s distal blood pressure is greater than the pressure of the heart because it has to go against gravity, and skeletal muscle is involved.

○ (Note) Figure. 13.Is not identified because is a major vessel

⑼ Fetal heart

① Blood with gas and mass exchange in the placenta enters the right atrium through the inferior vena cava (93% circulatory circulation, 7% pulmonary circulation)

② Oval : Pathway between the left atrium and the right atrium during fetal period

○ 60% of the blood going to the pulmonary artery goes to the aorta

○ At birth, the left atrium contractions are greater than the right atrium contractions, which push the lid of the oocyte and block it.

○ Ovarian obstruction (atrial septal defect) : Less obturation of the oocyte, resulting in a mixture of pulmonary and body circulation, reduced motor performance (congenital)

③ Arterial canal (bottal canal) : Blood from the pulmonary artery of the fetus moves into the blood of the aorta

○ Arteriovascular obstruction (arterial patency) (congenital)

3. Vascular system

⑴ blood vessel


Figure. 17. The structure of blood vessels

① Artery : Consists of three layers (intima, media, outer membrane), many elastic fibers and muscle fibers (smooth muscle), aorta (with 11% blood)

○ The proportion of elastic tissue is relatively higher than that of veins → elasticity ↑

○ With thick blood vessel walls, can withstand high blood pressure

○ The elasticity of the artery wall allows the artery to return to its original state and maintain high blood pressure when the heart relaxes

○ (Important) The aorta regulates its contraction and relaxation by itself

○ (Important) Arterioles are controlled by contraction and relaxation by autonomic nerves

② Vein : Consists of three layers (intima, media, and outer membrane), the presence of valves and muscle fibers (smooth muscle), vena cava and predetermined vein (61% blood)

○ More than the artery and larger in diameter, holding more than half the blood in the circulatory system

○ The smallest blood flow resistance due to the largest radius among blood vessels

○ Thinner, less elastic, and lower blood pressure than arteries to prevent backflow

○ In addition to smooth muscle, there is a regulatory action of adjacent skeletal muscle

③ Capillaries

○ Capillary wall consists of a very thin layer of epithelial cells. No smooth muscle

○ Capillary pore (opening) : Pores in a tube of endothelial cells. Not in the brain with strict control of BBB

○ Basement : Peripheral, easy to permeate with endothelial cells → material exchange

○ Hydrophobic, small hydrophilic : Simple diffusion of endothelial cell membrane. Carbon dioxide, water, glucose, amino acids, etc.

○ Large Hydrophilic Material : Pass through transcytosis. Liver and small intestine have large endothelial cell spacing

○ Cells 100 μm away from capillaries die

④ Blood pressure, total cross-sectional area, blood flow rate


Figure. 18. Blood pressure, total cross-sectional area, blood flow rate

○ Blood pressure : Arteries> Capillaries> Veins

○ Total cross section : Capillaries> Veins> Arteries

○ Blood flow rate : Arteries> Veins> Capillaries (∵ Continuous Equation)

⑵ Material transport through the walls of capillaries

① Capillaries have a single layer of cells and have the largest cross-sectional area, which is advantageous for mass exchange.

② Mass exchange method

○ Simple diffusion or accelerated diffusion : Oxygen, carbon dioxide, small molecules, some ionic material

○ Transcytosis : When moving large molecules (blood cells, proteins, etc.)

○ Movement through capillary pores

○ Active transport

○ Osmotic pressure

③ Driving force for mass exchange

○ Blood pressure

○ Blood osmotic pressure : Formed by large molecules remaining in the capillaries

⑶ Mechanism of blood flow to the heart through veins

① Disruptors of Vein Blood Flow

○ Veins have low blood pressure, which can reverse intravenous pressure depending on external conditions

○ Example. Gravity : Obstruct the flow of blood from bottom to top through an artery or vein

② Vein Blood Flow Mechanism : Helps blood flow to the heart

○ Valve : Prevent blood flow in the vein from reversed → Prevent blood flow reversed during muscle contraction and relaxation

○ Periodic contraction of smooth muscles surrounding the veins


Figure. 19. Vein Blood Flow Mechanism

○ When muscles contract, blood moves towards the heart

○ When the muscles relax, the valve closes to prevent blood backflow

○ Skeletal muscle contracting during exercise

○ Example. Efficacy in removing blood clots formed in veins when traveling long distances

○ Pressure changes in the chest cavity (negative pressure) dilate the vena cava around the heart

③ If an abnormality occurs in the valve of a vein, varicose veins develop : Blood stagnation, increased load, risk of pulmonary blood

⑷ Exchange of blood and tissue fluid

① Tissue fluid and lymphatic fluid

○ Tissue

○ No plasma components, neutrophils, erythrocytes and platelets from capillaries

○ Tissue fluid is secreted from the capillaries to supply the cells with the nutrients and materials they need

○ Function : Cell and substance exchange, immune function

○ Return of tissue : About 85% of tissue fluid goes to capillaries, about 15% of tissue fluid goes to lymphatic vessels

○ Lymphatic fluid

○ Tissue fluid entering the lymphatic vessel

○ No blood cells, protein, etc.

② Exchange of blood and tissue fluid through capillaries

○ Hydrostatic pressure (or capillary pressure) (Pc) : Blood pressure acts as a force to push liquid

○ Plasma osmotic pressure (πp) : High osmotic pressure acts as a force to draw water from tissue fluid

○ Tissue Fluid Osmotic Pressure (PIF)

○ Tissue Fluid Osmotic Pressure (πIF)

○ Net Filtration Pressure at End of Artery = (Pc-PIF)-(πpIF) = (35-0)-(28-3) = 10 mmHg

○ End venous net filtration pressure = (Pc-PIF)-(πpIF) = (15-0)-(28-3) = -10 mmHg

③ Return of liquid components through the lymphatic system : Lymph circulation is 1/3000 of cardiac output


Figure. 20. Blood and Lymphatic Exchange

○ Formation of the lymphatic system : The amount of water that has drained into the tissue fluid is greater than the amount of water that has entered the blood

○ Function

○ Lymph nodes : Along the main lymphatic vessels of birds and mammals, various immune cell locations, swelling upon infection

○ Absorption of fat-soluble nutrients : Lymphatic system has thin walls and high permeability, allowing fat-soluble nutrients to move

○ Tissue fluid → return to blood

○ Lymphatic fluid recovery : Capillary Lymph Trachea → Chest Tube → Relative Vein → Subclavian Vein → Heart

○ Backflow prevention mechanism

○ Lymphatic vessels have leaflets (limbs) that allow lymph to enter the chest tube without reflux

○ Shifted to the pressure the lymphatic vessel receives by surrounding skeletal muscle contraction

④ Dropsy : Increased tissue fluid beyond recovery imbalance or lymphatic system

4. Blood flow control

Nerve signals, hormones, chemicals (ex. Histamine → smooth muscle relaxation) becomes a signal for blood flow regulation

⑴ Overall control : Blood flow control


Figure. 21. Global blood flow regulation mechanism
The dashed line represents the feedback circuit associated with the specified blood pressure adjustment

① Soft water : Autonomic nervous system

○ PH detection of cerebrospinal fluid → control breathing and circulation

○ Since H+ does not pass through BBB, pH change is detected through simple diffusion of CO2 and carbonate reaction.

② Arterial pressure vessels : Signals are sent to the aortic arch, carotid sinuses, and training

○ The carotid arch is more efficient than the aortic arch

③ Blood Flow Control Process

○ 1st. Increased blood pressure → arterial pressure receptors act on soft water

○ 2nd. Training promotes parasympathetic nerves by acting directly on parasympathetic nerves

○ Parasympathetic nerve endings : Acetylcholine Release, Beating Delay

○ 3rd. Soft water acts on the inhibitory neurons of the spinal cord to suppress sympathetic nerves

○ Sympathetic nerve endings : Epinephrine Release, Pulsation Promotion

○ Cardiac : Epinephrine

○ 4th. Parasympathetic ↑, sympathetic ↓ : Relaxation of the small arteries, delayed pulsation, decreased cardiac output

⑵ Local regulation : Contraction and Relaxation of Arterial Smooth Muscle

① Arterial smooth muscle is controlled by the autonomic nervous system

② General : When the sympathetic nervous system acts, the arteries toward the internal organs contract and the arteries toward the skeleton relax.

③ Transient hyperemia : The arterioles near tissues with low oxygen partial pressure and high carbon partial pressure relax and increase blood flow

④ Active hyperemia : Local activity (eg : Blood flow in proportion to changes in metabolism

⑤ Reactive hyperemia : Blood supply in response to blood flow decline


Figure. 22. Aortic smooth muscle regulation mechanism

⑶ Local regulation : Capillary Microcirculation Control

① Contraction and Relaxation of Total Capillary Sphincter or Endothelial Cells

○ Relaxation of the arterioles increases full load → increases capillary blood pressure


Figure. 23. Mechanisms of Microcirculation Control of Capillaries

② Quantitative explanation : Blood flow resistance R is inversely proportional to the square of the radius of the tube r.. 2-⑻-⑧)

③ Small adjustments to the radius of one capillary can easily control the flow of blood to other capillaries

5. Hemostasis and Blood Coagulation : Blood loss prevention

⑴ Exogenous coagulation : Coagulation outside the vessel. General coagulation process

① 1st. Endothelial Surface Changes : Collagen exposure on endothelial cell surface

② 2nd. Primary hemostasis

○ 2nd-1st. Platelets adsorb to collagen in connective tissue and physically block

○ 2nd-2nd. Secretion of substances that bind platelets to better bind nearby platelets

③ 3rd. Secondary hemostasis : Clumps blood cells in the blood while forming fibrin aggregates. Platelet plug formation


Figure. 24. Blood clotting process

○ 3rd-1st. Fibrin Formation by Multistage Enzyme Reaction of Platelets, Damaged Cells, and Plasma Coagulation Factors

○ 3rd-1st-1st. Secretion of clotting factors such as thrombokinase from damaged tissue cells

○ 3rd-1st-2nd. Blood coagulation factor is activated by Ca2 +

○ 3rd-1st-3rd. Activated coagulation factor activates prothrombin to thrombin together with Ca2 +

○ 3rd-1st-4th. Thrombin activates fibrinogen as fibrin

○ Plasma proteins, including thrombin in blood coagulation, protein lyase

○ 3rd-2nd. Fibrin conglomerates (blood clots) form as fibrin entangles and forms platelet stoppers to close wounds

④ 4th. Vasoconstriction : Aggregated platelets contract smooth muscle, synthesizing thromboxane A2 and releasing chemical mediators

○ 4th-1st. Arachidonic acid → prostaglandins : cyclooxygenase is involved

○ 4th-2nd. Prostaglandins → Thromboxane : thromboxane synthetase is involved

⑤ 5th. Wound closure

○ 5th-1st. PDGF secretion from platelets

○ 5th-2nd. PDGF receptors on epithelial cells show tyrosine kinase activity

○ 5th-3rd. Increased collagen fibers in fibroblasts → wound closure

⑵ Endogenous coagulation : Coagulation in blood vessels

① Hagueman argument involved

② Generally speaking, blood coagulation refers to exogenous coagulation, not endogenous coagulation.

⑶ Regulation of blood clotting

① Vitamin K : Essential for blood clotting; other vitamins are virtually independent of blood clotting

② Prostacyclin (PGI2), Nitric Oxide (NO) : Inhibit platelet aggregation

○ From endothelial cells

○ Prevent platelet plugs from forming at the site of injury

③ Aspirin

○ Anticoagulant effect by inhibiting cyclooxygenase involved in thromboxane synthesis

○ Heart attack prevention effect

○ Used as a thrombolytic

④ Heparin, hirudin : Anticoagulant action by inhibiting the activation of protein lyase

○ Heparin : Mast cells. Most of the carboxyl groups are negatively charged. Present in the liver

○ 1st . Heparin and anti-thrombin III bind

○ 2nd. The three-dimensional structure of antithrombin changes

○ 3rd. Heparin and antithrombin conjugates irreversibly bind thrombin

○ 4th. When antithrombin binds to thrombin, heparin loses its binding capacity

○ 5th. Heparin is recycled and combined with another antithrombin

○ Hirudin : Secreted by leeches to prevent blood clotting

⑤ Warfarin : Competitive inhibitor of vitamin K, anticoagulant action by inhibiting prothrombin formation

⑥ EDTA, sodium citrate, sodium oxalate : Anticoagulant by removing calcium

⑦ Plasmin : Blood clot removal

⑷ Blood type and blood coagulation

① Type A standard serum (anti-B) : Antigen A and Aggregate β

② Type B standard serum (anti-A) : Antigen B and agglutinin α are present

③ Aggregate reaction between antigen A and agglutinin α, antigen B and agglutinin β

④ Blood type A : Aggregation reaction with type B standard serum (anti-A) with antigen A and very small aggregates β

⑤ Blood type B : Aggregation reaction with type A standard serum (anti-B) with antigen B and very small aggregates α

⑥ AB blood : Agglutination reaction with type A and B standard serum without antigen A and antigen B

⑦ O blood : No antigen and no aggregate reaction due to aggregate α and aggregate β

6. Cardiovascular disease

⑴ Arteriosclerosis : Oil in blood vessels causes arteries to harden


Figure. 25. Arteriosclerosis

① 1st. Lipoproteins, such as LDL, become entangled in the arterial endothelium

case 1 : Cholesterol deposits on damaged sites after damage to the vessel’s inner wall

case 2 : Cholesterol deposition around the inside of blood vessels : Decreased elasticity of blood vessels

② 2nd. Macrophages eat them and transform them into fat-rich foam cells

③ 3rd. Plaque (a.K.a bamboo tomb formed : The secretion of extracellular substrates (such as collagen) results in larger lipoprotein masses.

④ 4th. Plaque also joins T lymphocytes and smooth muscle cells in the vessel wall

⑤ 5th. Part of the smooth muscle cells form a fibrous cap that separates the plaque from the blood

⑥ 6th. Foam cells in plaque die and release cellular residue and cholesterol

○ When plaque explodes, blood clots develop in arteries

○ Example. If the coronary artery is blocked → causing angina

○ If the plaque does not burst and continues to grow, the artery is blocked

⑦ 40 years to hematoma and clot formation

⑵ Heart attack and stroke

① heart attack : Caused by coronary artery blockage, oxygen supply to heart muscle is blocked and cardiomyocytes die

② Stroke : The death of tissue due to lack of oxygen due to the inability to flow blood to the cerebrovascular system

○ Ischemic stroke : If the artery in the head is blocked → block the blood supply to the underlying tissues

○ Hemorrhagic stroke : When the arteries of the head burst

○ Treatment of stroke patients within 3 hours can completely reverse the consequences of a stroke

③ These two diseases are also caused by blood clots

⑶ High blood pressure

① Defition : Symptoms with a contraction pressure of at least 140 mmHg and a relaxation pressure of at least 90 mmHg

② Cause : Increased cardiac output, increased peripheral resistance

③ Characteristic : In hypertensive patients, carotid and aortic pressure receptors recognize hypertension as normal and do not perform subcutaneous reflexes.

⑷ Anemia : Red blood cells do not carry oxygen well

① Hemolytic anemia (eg : Sickle cell anemia) : Insufficient red blood cell count

② Iron deficiency anemia

③ Anemia due to hematopoietic disorder

④ Pernicious anemia (eg : Lack of vitamin B12)

⑤ Myeloid dysfunction

⑸ Diagnosis and Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases

① Cholesterol Level Survey : Investigating LDL / HDL

② Inflammatory Response : Inflammation plays a decisive role in atherosclerosis and thrombosis

○ Cure : Aspirin → Heart Attack Prevents Stroke Again

○ Investigate the amount of CRP (C reactive protein) : Synthetic and inflammatory reactions in the liver increase blood levels

③ Blood pressure probe : In case of hypertension, damage to the inner wall → promote plaque formation

Input : 2015.7.18 00:07

Modify : 2019.2.10 22:34

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