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Chapter 7-1. Drosophila and Genetics

Recommended Post: 【Biology】 Chapter 7. Genes and Genetics

1. Wild-type Male and Female Drosophila Structure

2. Drosophila Mutants

3. Drosophila Salivary Gland Chromosomes

a. Drosophila developmental biology

1. Wild-type Male and Female Drosophila Structure

Structure 1. Head

① Has a pair of antennae.

② Has a pair of red eyes: Compound eyes, unlike human eyes.

Structure 2. Thorax

① Divided into three parts.

② Each segment has a pair of legs.

③ A pair of wings is attached to the second thoracic segment.

④ The third thoracic segment has a haltere, a reduced and modified wing.

⑤ The halteres help maintain balance during flight.

Structure 3. Abdomen

⑷ Sexual Dimorphism

① Males have a structure called sexcomb on the first leg.

② The posterior part of the male abdomen is black, unlike females.

2. Drosophila Mutants

⑴ White Eye Mutant (w, white)


Figure 1. White Eye Mutant

① Morgan discovered it in 1910 through natural occurrence.

Type 1. w1 mutant allele

○ First mutant allele discovered.

○ Obtained through natural occurrence.

○ The protein produced by this gene is membrane-bound and involved in synthesizing pigment precursors.

○ It is located at the 3C2 position of the polytene chromosome.

Type 2. w118 mutant allele

○ Obtained through natural occurrence.

○ The protein produced by this gene is membrane-bound and involved in synthesizing pigment precursors.

○ More commonly used than w1 allele.

○ It is located at the 3C2 position of the polytene chromosome.

⑵ Bar Eye Mutant (B, bar)


Figure 2. Bar Eye Mutant

① Discovered by Tice in 1914 through X-ray.

② Located on the X chromosome.

○ It is located at the 16A1-2 position of the polytene chromosome.

③ A normal gene is duplicated, resulting in the bar-eye phenotype.

○ A normal male has approximately 740 ommatidia, while a normal female has about 780.

○ In the bar-eye mutation, males have about 90 ommatidia, and homozygous females have about 70.

⑶ Vestigial Wing Sepia Eye Mutant (vg se, vestigial sepia)


Figure 3. Vestigial Wing Sepia Eye Mutant

① Double mutant.

Component 1. Vestigial wing gene

○ Discovered by Morgan and Bridge in 1919 through natural occurrence.

○ Located on the second chromosome: It is located at the 49D2-E1 position of the polytene chromosome.

○ Inherited in a recessive manner.

○ Mainly involved in wing margin development.

○ Drosophila primarily exhibits wing spreading in the vestigial form.

○ At temperatures above 29°C, wings become elongated.

Component 2. Sepia eye gene

○ Discovered by Wallace in 1923 through natural occurrence.

○ Located on the second chromosome.

○ Inherited in a recessive manner.

○ Encodes an enzyme that converts the red pigment precursor into other intermediate products.

○ Newly emerged pupae appear brown, but they gradually darken with age.

⑷ Antennapedia Ebony Mutant (Antp e, antennapedia ebony)


Figure 4. Antennapedia Ebony Mutant

① Double mutant.

Component 1. Antennapedia gene

○ First discovered by Abbot using X-ray.

○ Later discovered by Green through natural occurrence (commonly used).

○ Located on the third chromosome: It is located at the 85B1-2 position of the polytene chromosome.

○ Inherited in a dominant manner.

○ Homeotic genes, which are crucial for animal development, are normally expressed in the thorax to determine structures such as legs.

○ Homeosis or homeotic transformation occurs.

Component 2. Ebony body gene

○ Discovered by Wallace in 1923 through natural occurrence.

○ Located on the third chromosome: It is located at the 93D2-6 position of the polytene chromosome.

○ Inherited in a recessive manner.

○ Encodes β-alanyl dopamine synthetase enzyme, promoting synthesis of β-alanyl dopamine from dopamine and β-alanine with the help of ATP and MgCl2.

⑸ Curly Wing Mutant (Cy, curly)


Figure 5. Curly Wing Mutant

① Discovered by Ward in 1923 through natural occurrence.

② Located on the second chromosome: It is located at the 22F4-23B2 position of the polytene chromosome.

③ Inherited in a dominant manner.

④ Homozygous mutants die during late embryo or early larval stages.

⑹ Apterous Mutant (ap, apterous)


Figure 6. Apterous Mutant

① Discovered by Wallace in 1914 through natural occurrence.

② Located on the second chromosome: It is located at 41B-C on the polytene chromosome.

③ Inherited in a recessive manner.

3. Drosophila Salivary Gland Chromosomes


Figure 7. Sketch of Calvin B. Bridge’s Salivary Gland Chromosomes

⑴ Salivary gland chromosomes are clustered together in chromocenters.

⑵ This clustering facilitates the production of glue required for pupation.

⑶ Salivary gland chromosomes have a polytene structure with 1024 strands.

⑷ Salivary glands undergo degeneration during metamorphosis.

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