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Recommended Post: 【Computer Science】 Computer Science Index

1. Overview

2. Syntax

3. Shortcuts

1. Overview

⑴ MATLAB stands for matrix laboratory

⑵ A commercial license (paid) is required to use MATLAB commercially: Contrasts with free Python

⑶ Comparison with Python

① 1-indexed

② Range end is inclusive

③ Uses “()” instead of “[]”

④ Functions do not require return: Output variables are returned automatically

2. Syntax

; (semicolon): Executes the code but does not display the output. Can be used to write multiple commands in one line

[v d] = version

%: Comment

help plot: Outputs documentation related to plot

disp(x): Displays x

clear: Clears the workspace

clc: Clears the command window

a1 = [1 2 3 4 5]

a2 = 1:100

a3 = 0:5:100

.*: element-wise multiplication

.^: element-wise power

c1 = [1; 3; 5; 7; 9]: column vector

m1 = [1 2 3 ; 4 5 6 ; 7 8 9]

m2 = zeros(3, 2)

m3 = ones(3, 2)

m4 = rand(3, 2): Creates a 3 × 2 matrix by randomly sampling from a uniform range [0, 1]

m5 = randn(3, 2): Creates a 3 × 2 matrix by randomly sampling from a normal distribution N(0, 1)

m6 = eye(3)

inv(m1): Inverse of m1

m1': Transpose of m1

size(m6): Returns the shape of matrix m6

a /b: Unlike a / b, results in an error

length(m1): Outputs the largest dimension

numel(m1): Number of elements in m1

m1(:): Flattens the m1 matrix

data(data > 0): Outputs elements greater than 0 in data

find(data > 0): Outputs indices of elements greater than 0 in data

hold on: Used before plotting new graphs to display multiple graphs at once

subplot(2,2,2): Specifies the number of rows, number of columns, and index to display multiple subplots simultaneously

save('data.mat','data','w','x','y','t'): Saves multiple variables into a file named data.mat at once

save('data.mat','b','-append'): Updates existing data.mat with a new variable b

load('data.mat'): Loads a saved file

fft(y): Fourier Transform of signal y

lowpass(y, cutoff_frequency, sampling_frequency): Applies a lowpass filter to signal y

highpass(y, cutoff_frequency, sampling_frequency): Applies a highpass filter to signal y

bandpass(y, [low_cutoff_frequency high_cutoff_frequency], sampling_frequency): Applies a bandpass filter to signal y

gray_image = imread('dark_woods.tif'): Reads an image file

imshow(gray_image): Visualizes the image

gray_image_equalized = histeq(gray_image): Histogram equalization function. Widens the distribution of pixel intensity, improving image contrast

colored_image_eq = cat(3, red_channel_eq, green_channel_eq, blue_channel_eq): Concatenate

3. Shortcuts

○ Use Ctrl + - (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + - (macOS) to reduce font size

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