Chapter 8. Random Variable Transformation
Higher category: 【Statistics】 Statistics Overview
1. overview
2. moment generating function technique
3. distribution function technique
1. overview
⑴ random variable transformation: a methodology for obtaining pY(y) when Y = f(X) is present and pX(x) is given
⑵ Class 1. moment generating function technique
⑶ Class 2. distribution function technique: 2-step method
⑷ Class 3. transformation technique: 1-step method
⑸ Example problems for random variable transformation
⑹ Example problems for advanced random variable transformation
2. moment generating function technique
⑴ definition
⑵ moment generating function and probability distribution function are one-to-one correpondence
⑶ example: if X ~ N(μ, σ2), Y = aX + b ~ N(aμ + b, a2σ2)
3. distribution function technique
⑴ definition
⑵ example 1. X ~ u[-1, 1], Y = X2
⑶ example 2. Y = max{X1, ···, Xn}, Xi: i.i.d
⑷ example 3. Y = min{X1, ···, Xn}, Xi: i.i.d
4. transformation technique
⑴ premise
① it is only possible when the relationship between X and Y is one-to-one correspondence
② by the premise, there exist two functions of Y = u(X) and X = ω(Y)
⑵ transformation technique of discrete random variable
⑶ transformation technique of continuous random variable
① overview
○ when ω(Y) is a monotone increasing function,
○ when ω(Y) is a monotone decreasing function,
② generalization
○ Jacobian: a kind of function determinant. geometrically, it means the area enlargement rate.
○ for x1 = f1-1(y1, y2) and x2 = f2-1(y1, y2),
○ if J ≠ 0, the one-to-one correspondence is established
③ tip. ways to get around a one-to-one correspondence.
○ premise: pX(x) = e-x (x > 0), pY(y) = e-y (y > 0), Z = X + Y
○ question: pZ(z)
○ calculation
Input : 2019.06.19 11:39