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Chapter 9. Radical Reactions

Recommended Post: 【Organic Chemistry】 Organic Chemistry Table of Contents

1. Radical

2. Overview of Radical Reactions

3. Radical Substitution Reactions

4. Radical Addition Reactions

5. Radical Elimination Reactions

6. Other Radical Reactions

1. Radical

⑴ Definition: Intermediate with unpaired electrons

⑵ Stability of Radicals

① Stability: Phenyl Radical < Vinyl Radical < Methyl Radical < 1° Radical < 2° Radical < 3° Radical ≪ Allyl Radical < Benzyl Radical

② Higher carbon degree leads to higher stability ( sp3 → sp2 electron donating inductive effect)

③ Allyl and benzyl radicals are stabilized through resonance, making them stable

⑶ Formation

① Generated through thermal (Δ) or UV (hν) homolytic reactions

○ A-B → A · + · B

② Radical initiators: O-O, X-X have weak bond strength due to repulsion of non-bonding electron pairs, leading to radical formation

○ Examples: X2, benzoyl peroxide, ROOR, AIBN, Ph(CO2)2

2. Overview of Radical Reactions

⑴ Overview

① Since outer electrons are not 8, radicals are electron-deficient and highly reactive

② Generally do not carry a charge

sp2 hybridization

④ Unlike carbon cations, no rearrangement reactions occur

Propagation First Step is rate-determining step (r.d.s)

⑥ Radical reactions are categorized into radical substitution and radical addition reactions, distinguishable based on reaction conditions

⑵ Carbon Radical Rearrangement

① Carbon cations undergo rearrangement, but carbon radicals do not

② Explained by molecular orbital function

○ Assumption: Bonding orbital function A, antibonding orbital function B, C are given

○ In the case of carbon cation, both electrons fill A

○ In the case of carbon radical, 2 electrons fill A, and the remaining electron fills B or C

○ In carbon cation, 1s orbital and pi bonding have the same phase → rearrangement is possible

○ In carbon radical, 1s orbital and pi bonding have different phases → rearrangement is impossible

⑶ Conditions for Radical Substitution Reactions

Condition 1: X2 / hν or Δ

○ X2 itself is a radical initiator, using separate ROOR is wasteful

Condition 2: NBS / hν or ROOR: NBS / Δ condition can lead to undesirable reactions apart from radical generation


Figure 1. Structure of N-bromosuccinimide (NBS)

Condition 3: NBS + HBr / hν or ROOR

○ NBS reacts with HBr to produce Br2

○ Br2 is maintained at low concentration under this condition


Figure 2. Reaction between NBS and HBr

○ N-Br bond of NBS can be cleaved into N · + · Br bond, directly providing radicals

○ NBS is usually reacted under CCl4 solution conditions: NBS exists in solid state

⑷ Conditions for Radical Addition Reactions

Condition 1: HBr / hν, Δ, or ROOR

(Tip) If HBr is a sole reactant, it’s radical addition reaction; otherwise, it’s radical substitution reaction

③ However, NBS can also be used in radical addition reactions

3. Radical Substitution Reactions

⑴ Mechanism

① Overall reaction


Figure 3. Overview of Radical Substitution Reaction

② Initiation step


Figure 4. Initiation step

③ Propagation step

Reaction 1: Interaction with X · on sp3 carbon, rate-determining step


Figure 5. Propagation step 1

Reaction 2:


Figure 6. Propagation step 2

④ Termination step

Reaction 1: Cl · + · Cl → Cl2

Reaction 2: CH3CH2 · + · CH2CH3 → CH3CH2-CH2CH3

Reaction 3: CH3CH2 · + · Cl → CH3CH2Cl

⑵ Site Selectivity

① Overview: Hydrogens with higher degree are more easily substituted due to radical stability in reaction mechanism

② Overall reaction equation


Figure 7. Overall reaction equation

③ F2: Very reactive, undergoes multiple halogenation reactions

④ Cl2: Highly reactive

○ Products: (CH3)3C-Cl (37%) + (CH3)2-CH-CH2Cl (63%)

○ Highly reactive, multiple reactions can occur easily

○ Carbon radical intermediate step is exothermic ( Cl2 has high energy due to non-bonding electron pair repulsion)

○ Product ratio

○ 3° hydrogen substitution: 1° hydrogen substitution = 37: 63

○ Number ratio

○ 3° hydrogen: 1° hydrogen = 1: 9

○ Reactivity ratio

○ 3° hydrogen substitution: 1° hydrogen substitution = 37 (37 ÷ 1): 7 (63 ÷ 9)

⑤ Br2: Highly selective

○ Products: (CH3)3C-Br (99%) + (CH3)2-CH-CH2Br (1%)

○ Carbon radical intermediate step is endothermic: High activation energy leads to high selectivity

⑥ I2: Very selective, but low reactivity so it’s hard to remove hydrogen radicals

⑦ Reactivity of F, Cl, Br radicals based on alkyl degree

  Cl· Br·
methyl 1 1 1
2 250 500
2.5 1,100 40,000
3 1,800 850,000

Table. 1. Reactivity of F, Cl, Br radicals based on alkyl degree

⑧ Excess Halogen: Increases the ratio of multi-substituted halogenated alkane, decreasing the yield of single-substituted halogenated alkane.

⑨ Temperature Increase: Reverse reaction occurs actively, adjusting products; thermodynamically stable product becomes major product

Application 1. Chlorination of butane

○ Product ratio

○ 1-chlorobutane (30%) + 2-chlorobutation (70%)

○ Number ratio

○ primary hydrogen (60%) + secondary hydrogen (40%)

○ Reactivity ratio

○ primary hydrogen : secondary hydrogen = 30/6 : 70/4 = 1 : 3.5

⑶ Allylic Radical Substitution Reaction

① Allylic radical is more stable, so radical generated will be in the allylic position.

Condition 1: X2 / hν or Δ

○ Competes with alkene halogen addition reaction

○ Occurs well in high temperature, low concentration, non-polar solvent

Factor 1: High temperature: ΔS < 0 in addition reaction, so ΔG increases with temperature increase in ΔG = ΔH - TΔS

Factor 2: Low concentration: In low concentration halogen addition reaction, probability of halonium ion formation and subsequent backside attack by halide is low

Factor 3: Non-polar solvent: If solvent can’t stabilize halonium ion, addition reaction rate slows down

Condition 2: NBS / hν or ROOR: Commonly used for allylic radical substitution reaction

Condition 3: NBS + HBr / hν or ROOR

○ Similar to condition 1, competes with alkene halogen addition reaction

○ However, Br2 is maintained at low concentration in NBS + HBr, making radical substitution reaction more dominant

⑷ Benzyl Radical Substitution Reaction

① If benzyl radical is more stable, then radical generated will be in the benzyl position

Condition 1: X2 / hν or Δ: Possible

Condition 2: NBS / hν or ROOR: Possible

Condition 3: NBS + HBr / hν or ROOR: Possible

4. Radical Addition Reactions

⑴ Radical Addition Reactions of Alkenes

① Overall reaction


Figure 8. Overview of Radical Addition Reaction

② Initiation step


Figure 9. Initiation step

③ Propagation step

Reaction 1:


Figure 10. Propagation step 1

Reaction 2:


Figure 11. Propagation step 2

④ Termination step

Reaction 1: X · + X · → X2

⑵ Radical Addition Reactions of Alkynes

① Reaction equation


Figure 12. Radical Addition Reaction of Alkynes

② In this reaction, Br moiety can resonate with radical carbon, making it a better electron-donating group than methyl group

○ In aromatic electrophilic addition reactions (EAS), halogen moiety is classified as EWG, but depends on reaction

Radical Addition Polymerization Reactions

5. Radical Elimination Reactions

Ozone Layer Depletion by Freon Gas (CFC)

⑵ Radical Inhibitors (Antioxidants)

① Types: Vitamin E, BHT (butylated hydroxy toluene)

② Substances that react with radicals instead

6. Other Radical Reactions

⑴ Cumene Process

① O2 breaks into two O· radicals, each forms an OH group and reacts

② Tautomeric rearrangement can also occur

⑵ McLafferty Rearrangement


Figure 13. McLafferty Rearrangement

Feature 1: Hydrogen radical migration

Feature 2: Hexagonal ring transition state

Feature 3: Decomposes into neutral alkene and radical cation

Input: 2019.03.08 23:44

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