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GPA Conversion Table (4.0 scale, 4.3 scale, 4.5 scale, 100-point scale)

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1. Introduction

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3. Full Table

1. Introduction

⑴ GPA (grade point average)

① cumulative GPA : The total GPA for all classes taken over the school years

② advanced GPA : From the second year (sophomore) onwards

⑵ GPA Conversion Methods

MegaMD : Described in more detail below in the table

○ (Note) Currently, my GPA is 4.09 / 4.3 (Undergraduate) = 3.89 / 4.3 (Undergraduate) but it seems underrated according to the table below


③ School-specific Conversion Methods : For example, Yonsei University’s GPA conversion is considered the most favorable

GPA Converter provided by NYU

GPA Converter provided by Michigan (i.e., Scholaro self-report. Only free up to two times)

Scholaro’s free calculator

⑦ GPA Converter provided by Sloan Kettering Institute

○ A : 4.00

○ A- : 3.70

○ B+ : 3.30

○ B : 3.00

○ B- : 2.70

○ C+ : 2.30

○ C : 2.00

○ C- : 1.70

○ F : 0.00

⑧ Evaluation Service : There are services like the following. They also convert to the USA 4.0 GPA scale, and some Ph.D. programs require this (ref)

World Education Services (WES) (Example)

○ SpanTran

National Association of Credit Evaluation Services (NACES)

2. Explorer

3. Full Table

Entry : 2022.12.22 16:28

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