Chapter 6. Signal Transduction
Recommended Article: 【Biology】 Biology Table of Contents
1. Overview
2. Transduction
3. Receptor 1. G Protein-Coupled Receptors
4. Receptor 2. Tyrosine Kinase Receptors
5. Receptor 3. Serine/Threonine Kinase Receptors
6. Receptor 4. Intracellular Receptors
7. Receptor 5. Ion Channel Receptors
8. Receptor 6. Adhesion Receptors
9. Receptor 7. Other Receptors
10. Signal Transduction Enhancers
11. Signal Transduction Inhibitors
a. Apoptosis
1. Overview
⑴ Life activities are composed of around 200-300 core biological pathways.
⑵ Process
① Step 1. Reception
② Step 2. Transduction: Signal amplification through phosphorylation cascade is a representative process.
③ Step 3. Response: Reactions in the nucleus are related to genes, while reactions in the cytoplasm are related to proteins.
⑶ Characteristics
① Specificity: Ligand specificity
② Integration
③ Amplification: Reaction amplification
④ Sensitivity attenuation and adaptation
⑤ Communication
⑷ Epistasis
① Epistasis in signal transduction: The signal that acts last is considered to have higher epistasis.
② Epistasis in genetics: The gene that acts first is considered to have higher epistasis.
2. Transduction
⑴ Overview
① Case 1. When the signal attaches to Ser or Thr of a signaling protein: Possible due to the presence of -OH group.
○ Src
② Case 2. When the signal attaches to Tyr of a signaling protein: Possible due to the presence of -OH group.
○ Case 1 and Case 2 do not occur simultaneously.
③ Case 3. CheA
○ Histidine kinase
○ Not involved in serine/threonine pathways.
⑵ Type 1. MAPK (Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases)
① Overview
○ Common principle: MAPKKK → MAPKK → MAPK
○ Located near the nucleus.
② 1-1. ERK1/2 (Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase) Module: Mammalian MAPK cascade
○ 1st. Growth factors, mitogens
○ 2nd. MAPKKK stage: A-Raf, B-Raf, C-Raf
○ 3rd. MAPKK stage: MKK1/2
○ 4th. MAPK stage: ERK1 (MAPK3), ERK2 (MAPK1)
○ 5th. Proliferation, differentiation, division
③ 1-2. JNK (c-Jun N-terminal kinase) / p38 Module: Mammalian MAPK cascade
○ 1st. Stress stimuli
○ 2nd. MAPKKK stage: MEKK1/4, ASK1/2, MLK1/2/3
○ 3rd. MAPKK stage: MKK3/6, MKK4, MKK7
○ 4th. MAPK stage: p38α/β/γ/δ, JNK1/2/3
○ 5th. Cellular apoptosis, inflammatory response, cell differentiation, cell cycle arrest
④ 1-3. ERK5 Module: Mammalian MAPK cascade
○ 1st. Morphological stimuli
○ 2nd. MAPKKK stage: MEKK2/3
○ 3rd. MAPKK stage: MKK5
○ 4th. MAPK stage: ERK5
○ 5th. Formation of endothelial cell lumen
⑤ 1-4. Yeast MAPK cascade
○ α-factor pheromone → Ste11 → Ste7 → Fus3 → Cell cycle arrest, mating
○ Starvation → Ste11 → Ste7 → Kss1 → Filament elongation
○ Hyperosmotic stress → Ssk2/22 → Pbs2 → Hog1 → Glycerol synthesis
○ Hypoosmotic stress → Bck1 → MKK1/2 → Mpk1 → Cell wall remodeling
○ Nutrient deprivation → Cak1 → Smk1 → Meiosis, Spore formation
⑶ Type 2. CDK (Cyclin-Dependent Kinase)
① Function: Regulation of cell cycle
② Types and related regulators
○ Cyclin A, B, D, E
○ CDK 1, 2, 4, 6
○ Myc
○ p53, p21, mdm
○ Bax, cytochrome C, Caspase
○ Rb, E2F
○ WEE1, CDC25
⑷ Type 3. NF-κB pathway
① 1st. NF-κB forms a complex with Iκ-B protein in the cytoplasm under normal conditions.
○ Iκ-B inhibits the movement of NF-κB to the nucleus.
② 2nd. Signal molecules like TNF-α trimer bind to receptors.
③ 3rd. IKK (inhibitor kappa kinase) is activated.
④ 4th. Serine-threonine kinase RIP is activated.
⑤ 5th. Iκ-B is activated and degraded in the cytoplasm.
⑥ 6th. NF-κB is dissociated from Iκ-B and moves to the nucleus.
⑦ 7th. NF-κB produces proteins related to macrophage inflammation.
○ Macrophages have pro-inflammatory M1 and anti-inflammatory M2 types.
○ NF-κB helps macrophages transition to the M1 type.
⑸ Type 4. mTOR (Mammalian Target of Rapamycin)
① Serine/threonine kinases evolutionarily conserved from yeast.
② Inhibited by rapamycin.
③ PI3K → Akt → mTOR → Cell division, cell proliferation, cell survival, angiogenesis, nutrient uptake, energy production
⑹ Type 5. GSK3
⑺ Type 6. CLK
3. G Protein-Coupled Receptors (GPCR)
⑴ Overview
① GPCRs are the target of approximately 40% of prescription drugs.
② Overall structure diagram
Figure 1. Structure of G Protein-Coupled Receptors
⑵ Component 1. Membrane Receptors (GPCR)
① The most diverse type of cell membrane receptor.
② Structure: Penetrates the cell membrane 7 times (7TM, 7 trans-membrane). In other words, there are 7 α-helices.
③ The G-protein is attached between the 5th and 6th transmembrane domains.
⑶ Component 2. G Protein
① Location: Attached between the 5th and 6th transmembrane domains of the GPCR, exposed to the cytoplasm.
② Function: Converts GTP to GDP.
○ Activates enzymes that generate 2nd messengers after being activated by GPCRs, contributing to signal transduction.
○ Binds with GTP for activation, and with GDP for inactivation.
○ Activates 2nd messengers like PKA, PKC, PKG.
○ Opens (e.g., olfaction) or closes ion channels.
○ There’s a connection between directly opening ion channels and sensitivity to olfaction.
③ Structure: Composed of three subunits of Gα, Gβ, Gγ.
○ Gβ and Gγ subunits are always together.
○ When triggered by GPCR, the GDP bound to the αβγ complex is released, leading to the separation of the α subunit and the βγ complex, thereby activating the G-protein.
○ The βγ complex activates adenylyl cyclase (AC) and phospholipase C (PLC).
④ Various types of α subunits exist as follows.
⑤ Type 1. Gαs (stimulatory)
○ Activation of adenylyl cyclase (AC): The second messenger is cAMP.
○ 1st. G protein moves to GPCR and gets activated.
○ 2nd. αs subunit of G protein activates adenylyl cyclase (AC).
○ 3rd. AC converts ATP to cAMP.
○ 4th. cAMP activates PKA, initiating phosphorylation cascade.
○ Examples: β-adrenergic (epinephrine) receptor, glucagon receptor, serotonin receptor, vasopressin receptor
⑥ Type 2. Gαi (inhibitory)
○ Inhibition of adenylyl cyclase (AC): The second messenger is cAMP.
K+ Channel: Activated by Gβγ. The second messenger is the change in membrane potential.
○ 1st. The βγ complex is separated from the α subunit by GPCR.
○ 2nd. αi subunit inhibits adenylyl cyclase (AC).
○ 3rd. Down-signaling occurs.
○ Examples: α2-adrenergic receptor, muscarinic acetylcholine receptor
⑦ Type 3. Gαq
○ Activation of PLC (phospholipase C): The second messengers are IP3 and DAG.
○ 1st. When a signaling molecule binds to a G-protein-coupled receptor, it activates phospholipase C (PLC).
○ 2nd. The inositol phospholipid PIP2 is hydrolyzed by PLC into DAG (diacylglycerol) and inositol IP3.
○ 3rd. Both DAG and IP3 act as secondary messengers, activating different pathways.
○ 4th. IP3 rapidly diffuses into the cytoplasm and acts as a ligand for the IP3-gated channels on the smooth endoplasmic reticulum membrane, facilitating the release of Ca2+ from the smooth endoplasmic reticulum into the cytoplasm.
○ 5th. The released calcium binds to calmodulin or acts as a second messenger to activate PKC (phosphokinase C) and other proteins. DAG also participates in activating protein kinases.
○ 6th. The α subunit of the G-protein possesses GTPase activity, hydrolyzing GTP to GDP and Pi, which allows it to terminate signal transduction spontaneously.
○ Example: α1-adrenergic receptor
⑧ Type 4. Gαt
○ Activation of cGMP phosphodiesterase: The second messenger is cGMP.
○ Example: Rhodopsin in rod cells.
⑨ Type 5. GαO
○ Inhibition of adenylyl cyclase (AC): The second messengers are IP3 and DAG.
○ Example: Acetylcholine receptor in endothelial cells.
⑩ Type 6. Gαolf
○ Activation of adenylyl cyclase (AC): The second messenger is cAMP.
○ Example: Olfactory receptor.
⑪ Type 7. Gg
⑫ Type 8. G11
○ Activation of phospholipase C (PLC).
⑬ Type 9. G12,13
⑷ Component 3. Small GTPase
① Similar function as G proteins but smaller in size: About 1/10 the size of G proteins.
② Example 1. Rho: Attaches cell membrane receptors to the cytoskeleton, regulating cell shape and movement.
③ Example 2. Ras (rat sarooma)
○ A GPCR activated by tyrosine kinase, involved in the signal transduction pathway.
○ Plays an important role in activating MAPK.
○ Normal functions: Cell proliferation, cell differentiation, cell survival.
○ Ras is furtherdivided into H-Ras, K-Ras, N-Ras, etc.
○ Ras genes are one of oncogenes.
④ Example 3. ARF1, ARF6: Involved in the early formation of the autophagosome.
⑸ Component 4. Related regulators
① PKA (Phosphokinase A)
○ Serine/threonine kinase activated by cAMP.
○ PKA acts on ligase to oxidize fatty acids.
② PKC (Phosphokinase C)
○ Kinase activated by DAG.
○ Phosphorylates glycogen synthase, etc.
③ PKG (Phosphokinase G)
○ PKG opens K+ channels and closes Ca2+ channels.
④ cAMP: A secondary messenger
○ There are also G proteins that regulate cAMP.
○ Serotonin can increase cAMP by more than 100 times.
○ Adenylyl cyclase: Converts ATP to cAMP.
○ PDE (phosphodiesterase): Breaks down cAMP.
⑤ Adenylyl Cyclase (AC)
○ AC converts ATP to cAMP.
○ cAMP directly activates PKA, a type of Ser/Thr kinase: Mainly in skeletal muscles.
○ When the signal from AC disappears, cAMP is converted to AMP by a phosphodiesterase.
○ Gαs: Activates adenyl cyclase.
○ Gαi: Inhibits adenyl cyclase.
⑥ Phospholipase C (PLC)
⑦ Calmodulin (CaM): Ca2+-binding protein
○ Extracellular Ca2+ / Intracellular Ca2+ = 10,000.
○ Found in the cytoplasm of all eukaryotic cells, including plants, fungi, and protists.
○ Binding with Ca2+ changes its structure, enabling its binding with various intracellular proteins.
○ Particularly, Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinases (CaM-kinase) activated by calmodulin phosphorylate specific proteins, influencing various cellular responses.
○ Example: NO (Nitric oxide).
⑧ PIP2: Phosphatidyl inositol 4,5-bisphosphate.
⑨ DAG: Diacylglycerol.
⑩ IP3: Inositol triphosphate.
⑪ GAP (GTPase accelerating protein)
○ Assists Gα in GTPase function via Ras.
○ Inactivates G proteins.
⑫ GEF (Guanine-nucleotide exchange factor)
○ Catalyzes the binding of Ras and GTP.
○ Assists in the reactivation of G proteins.
○ GDP → GTP (i.e., brings in new GTP).
⑹ Example 1. Glycogen breakdown regulation: cAMP.
Figure 2. Schematic of the adrenaline signaling pathway
① 1st. Epinephrine (adrenaline) binds to the epinephrine receptor, a type of GPCR.
② 2nd. G protein moves to the GPCR and gets activated.
③ 3rd. αs subunit of the G protein activates adenylyl cyclase (AC).
④ 4th. AC converts ATP to cAMP.
⑤ 5th. cAMP activates PKA, initiating a phosphorylation cascade.
⑥ 6th. Phosphorylation cascade eventually activates glycogen phosphorylase, leading to glycogen breakdown.
⑦ 7th. Glucose production.
⑺ Example 2. Metabotropic acetylcholine receptor (muscarinic receptor)
① Overview
○ Found at the terminal synapses of all postsynaptic nerve fibers in the parasympathetic nervous system.
○ Also found in the brain, heart, and smooth muscles.
○ Present in GPCR and the sinoatrial node but not in cardiac muscle fibers.
○ Responds to muscarine.
○ Type 1. M1, M2, M5: Excitatory receptors
○ Type 2. M3, M4: Inhibitory receptors
② Mechanism
○ 1st. Gαi is activated.
○ 2nd. When acetylcholine (Ach) binds to muscarinic receptors, the βγ subunit separates from the α subunit.
○ 3rd. The αi subunit inactivates adenylyl cyclase, acting antagonistically to the Gαs protein.
○ 4th. The β-γ complex of the G-protein binds to K+ ion channels, causing K+ to diffuse out of the cell, leading to a decrease in heart rate.
③ Examples
○ Example 1. Acetylcholine receptors found in the parasympathetic nervous system.
○ Example 2. Primarily found at the junctions between cardiac cells and parasympathetic nerves.
○ Example 3. Nitric oxide (NO) and vascular relaxation model.
④ Inhibitors
○ Atropine: Antidote for muscarinic toxins. Stimulates sympathetic nerve activity.
○ Sarin, DIFP, Tabun: Covalent inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase.
⑻ Example 3. Adrenergic receptor (adrenoceptor)
① Binds to catecholamine hormones, norepinephrine, epinephrine, beta-blockers, β2 agonists, and α2 agonists.
② Adrenergic receptors mainly located in arterioles, with different functions and types based on location.
○ Liver cells: Epinephrine beta receptors → Increase blood glucose.
○ Skeletal muscle blood vessels: Epinephrine beta receptors → Vasodilation.
○ Intestinal blood vessels: Epinephrine alpha receptors → Vasoconstriction.
○ Cardiac muscles and other smooth muscle arterioles: Epinephrine beta receptors → Arteriolar dilation → Increased blood flow → Contraction of cardiac muscles and other smooth muscles.
○ Visceral organ arterioles: Epinephrine alpha receptors → Arteriolar constriction → Decreased blood flow to visceral organs → Visceral muscle relaxation.
③ Total of 9 subtypes: α1A, α1B, α1D, α2A, α2B, α2C, β1, β2, β3.
○ α1 couples with Gαq protein. Found in arterioles supplying blood to visceral organs.
○ α2 couples with Gαi protein.
○ All β receptors couple with Gαs protein.
○ β1: Found exclusively in the heart, distributed in the sinoatrial node and ventricular muscle.
○ β2: Supplies blood to the musculoskeletal system and is distributed in arterioles.
○ Both β2 and β3 also couple with Gαi protein.
⑼ Example 4. Inhibition of G protein function
① Cholera toxin: AB toxin
○ 1st. B subunit of AB toxin reacts with GPCR, and A enters the cell.
○ 2nd. GPCR activates Gαs.
○ 3rd. Gαs reacts with ADP-ribose, reducing GTPase activity.
○ 4th. Reduced GTPase activity increases adenylyl cyclase activity.
○ 5th. Adenylyl cyclase generates cAMP from ATP.
○ 6th. Increased cAMP activates PKA.
○ 7th. ATP binds to the R domain of CFTR channel via PKA, opening the channel.
○ 8th. Increased Cl- secretion leads to water release through osmosis, causing diarrhea and dehydration.
② Pertussis toxin
○ 1st. ADP-ribose reacts with Gi/o, decreasing Gi/o activity.
○ 2nd. Adenylyl cyclase activity increases.
○ 3rd. Increased cAMP reduces the secretion of chemotactic substances in infected cells.
○ 4th. Diminished immune cell recruitment increases infection and triggers respiratory diseases.
⑽ Example 5. Other examples of GPCRs.
④ Somatostatin receptors: SSTR1 ~ SSTR5
⑥ Slow block mechanisms for polyspermy during sea urchin development
4. Tyrosine Kinase Receptors (receptor tyrosine kinase, RTK)
⑴ Component 1. RTK
① TKD: Tyrosine kinase domain
⑵ Component 2. Related regulators
① rho: Attaches cell membrane receptors to the cytoskeleton to regulate cell shape and movement.
② Ras (rat sarcoma)
○ A GPCR activated by tyrosine kinase, involved in the signal transduction pathway.
○ Plays an important role in activating MAPK.
○ Normal functions: Cell proliferation, cell differentiation, cell survival.
○ Ras is furtherdivided into H-Ras, K-Ras, N-Ras, etc.
○ Ras genes are one of oncogenes.
③ PI3K(PI3-kinase): Converts PI(4,5)-P2 to PI(3,4,5)P3, allowing PDK1 and Akt to bind.
④ JAK-STAT: STAT1,2, SH2 are involved.
⑥ Src family
⑧ Myc
⑶ Mechanism
① 1st. Ligand binding: Growth factors bind to receptors.
② 2nd. Autophosphorylation: Each receptor can phosphorylate itself while transferring phosphate to the opposite tyrosine.
○ Has an ATP binding site, so phosphorylation uses ATP.
③ 3rd. Mediating proteins like GRB2 bind, facilitating the recruitment of the Sos factor.
○ Sos factor: Acts as a GEF, separating GDP from Ras and binding GTP to activate it.
○ GEF (guanine-nucleotide exchange factor): Aids in G-protein reactivation. GDP → GTP (i.e., brings in new GTP).
④ 4th. Sos factor activates Ras, and activated Ras activates Raf.
○ Nearly all receptor tyrosine kinases that bind growth factors activate Ras protein.
⑤ 5th. Raf catalyzes MEK phosphorylation.
○ Raf is a serine/threonine kinase.
⑥ 6th. MAPK is activated during MEK phosphorylation and then moves into the nucleus.
○ MAPK: Reacts sequentially and is also known as ERK.
○ ERK1/2: Feedback inhibition of GRB2 / SOS.
⑦ 7th. The previously inactive transcription factor Myc is now activated, leading to the production of Cyclin D.
⑧ 8th. The above signaling is halted by removing phosphate from phosphorylated sites through tyrosine dephosphorylase.
⑶ Tyrosine kinase inhibitors
① Imatinib (Glivec)
② Dasatinib (Sprycel)
③ Sunitinib (Sutent)
④ Nilotinib (Tasigna)
⑤ Sorafenib (Nexavar)
⑥ Temsirolimus (Torisel)
⑦ Nintedanib: Treatment medication for pulmonary fibrosis.
⑧ Pirfenidone: Treatment medication for pulmonary fibrosis.
⑷ Example 1. EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor)
① Component 1. EGFR
○ Also known as ErbB1 or HER-1.
○ Structure: 170 kDa glycoprotein
○ Protein composition: Consists of a single polypeptide made up of 1,186 amino acids.
○ Initial precursor: Consists of a single polypeptide made up of 1,210 amino acids.
○ 60-80% of colorectal cancers overexpress EGFR.
② Component 2. EGF
○ Structure: 6 kDa. Human EGF consists of 53 amino acids.
③ EGFR Signaling Pathway
○ 1st. When EGF and EGFR bind, it causes a change in structure, activating TKD.
○ 2nd. The following types of signaling proteins bind to phosphorylated EGFR.
○ Type 1. SH2 (Src homology-2): The N-terminus of SH2 recognizes the sequence of tyrosine.
○ Type 2. PTB (phosphotyrosine binding) domain of Shc: The C-terminus of the PTB domain binds.
○ 3rd. Major downstream signaling
○ Ras → Raf → ERK
○ PI3K → Akt → mTOR
Figure 3. EGFR signaling pathway
④ Positive feedback regulators
○ ERBB ligands, such as TGFα and HB-EGF, show increased expression following the above signaling pathways.
⑤ Negative feedback regulators
○ DEP (density-enhanced phosphatase-1)
○ SOCS5 (cytokine signaling-5)
⑥ Inhibitors
○ Gefitinib (Iressa): An anticancer drug that inhibits EGFR-TKI (EGFR-tyrosine kinase inhibitor). FDA-approved.
○ Erlotinib (Tarceva)
○ Cetuximab (Erbitux): FDA-approved.
○ IgG1 isotype
○ Binding site: Q384, Q408, H409, K443, K465, I467, S468, F352, D355, P387
○ Has immunogenic activity.
○ Panitumumab (Vectibix): FDA-approved.
○ IgG2 isotype
○ Binding site: P349, P362, D355, F412, I438
○ No immunogenic activity.
○ Lapatinib (Tyverb): Directly inhibits downstream signaling by inhibiting TKD. FDA-approved.
○ Afatinib: Directly inhibits downstream signaling by inhibiting the tyrosine-kinase domain. FDA-approved.
○ Sapitinib
⑸ Example 2. HER2 (erbB-2): Also known as CD340, Neu, Erbb2 (rodent), ERBB2 (human).
① Structure: (Extracellular) I - II - III - IV - Transmembrane domain - TKD (Intracellular)
○ II: Dimerization domain
② Function
○ Overexpression of HER2 leads to excessive cell proliferation through autophosphorylation: Associated with poor prognosis, tumor formation, etc.
○ Overexpressed in 15-40% of ovarian cancer cases.
③ Mechanism: Utilizes PI3-kinase signaling
④ Positive feedback regulators
○ ERBB2: Once activated, subsequent activation is facilitated.
○ Heterodimer containing ERBB2.
○ ERBB ligands, such as TGFα and HB-EGF, show increased expression following the above signaling pathways.
⑤ Inhibitors
○ Pertuzumab: Inhibits II, inhibiting receptor dimerization. FDA-approved.
○ Trastuzumab, margetuximab: Inhibits IV. Associated with ADCC. FDA-approved.
○ Trastuzumab emtansine (T-DM1): Conjugates anticancer drug with trastuzumab. FDA-approved.
○ Trastuzumab deruxtecan: Conjugates anticancer drug with trastuzumab. FDA-approved.
○ Lapatinib: Directly inhibits downstream signaling by inhibiting TKD. FDA-approved.
○ Afatinib: Directly inhibits downstream signaling by inhibiting TKD. FDA-approved.
○ Neratinib: Directly inhibits downstream signaling by inhibiting TKD. FDA-approved.
○ Sapitinib
○ CI-1033
⑹ Example 3. HER3 (erbB-3)
① Inhibitors: Sapitinib
⑺ Example 4. IGF-1R (insulin-like growth factor receptor)
① Structure
○ Extracellular ligand-binding domain: Contains two α subunits.
○ Transmembrane domain
○ Cytoplasmic domain: Contains two β subunits.
○ Total of 3 disulfide bonds: α-α, α-β, α-β
○ β subunits function as tyrosine kinases.
② IGF-1R can bind to ligands IGF-1 and IGF-2.
③ When IGF-1R is activated, the following three signaling pathways are activated.
○ PI3K → AKT (inhibited by PTE) → mTOR → S6K
○ GRB2 → Ras / Raf → MEK → MAPK
④ IGF-1R promotes malignant tumors.
⑤ Inhibitors: AXL1717, linsitinib (currently in phase 3 trials)
⑻ Example 5. IR (insulin receptor)
① Structure
○ Extracellular ligand-binding domain: Contains two α subunits.
○ Transmembrane domain
○ Cytoplasmic domain: Contains two β subunits.
○ Total of 3 disulfide bonds: α-α, α-β, α-β
○ β subunits function as tyrosine kinases.
② Experiment: In cancer cells like HepG2, both IGF-1R and IR are overexpressed, forming IGF-1R/IR heterodimers.
○ IGF-1R homodimer: Can bind to ligands IGF-1 and IGF-2.
○ IR homodimer: Can bind to ligands IGF-2 and insulin.
○ IGF-1R/IR heterodimer: Can bind to ligands IGF-1, IGF-2, and insulin,
○ IGF-1R/IR heterodimer has a broad ligand-binding site, making it sensitive to anticancer agents.
○ Anti-IGF1R antibody can inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells dependent on IGF-1R/IR heterodimers.
⑼ Example 6. Bruton’s tyrosine kinase: The drug ibrutinib targets this.
5. Serine/Threonine Kinase Receptors
⑴ Type 1. TGF-β receptors
① 1st. The TGF-β1 ligand binds to the TGF-βRⅡ receptor, forming the TGF-βRⅠ complex.
② 2nd. The TGF-βRⅠ complex activates Smad2 and Smad3: This process is Inhibited by Smad7.
③ 3rd. Activated Smad2 and Smad3 act as transcription factors by binding Smad4.
④ Function: Involved in wound healing, angiogenesis, immune regulation, cancer development
6. Intracellular Receptors
⑴ Overview
① Binding: Lipophilic ligands (e.g., steroid hormones)
② Location: Inside the cytoplasm.
③ Mechanism: Direct entry into the nucleus → Transcription factors
⑵ Example 1. PPAR (Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor)
① Structure: A/B domain (N-terminus) + C domain (an evolutionarily conserved DNA-binding domain) + E domain (hormone-binding C-terminus)
② Type 1. PPARα: Abundant in liver, skeletal muscle, kidney, heart, and blood vessels; low in fat and cartilage.
③ Type 2. PPARβ/δ: Expressed throughout the body, relatively high expression in brain, stomach, and colon.
④ Type 3. PPARγ: Expressed in mammalian adipose tissue, vascular smooth muscle, heart muscle. Important transcription factor regulating cell division.
⑶ Example 2. Prostaglandin Receptor (PtgR)
① Prostaglandin: Causes inflammation (fever), mucous secretion, headaches, blood clotting, smooth muscle contraction (uterine contraction in females).
② Prostaglandin is produced in almost all cells and acts as a local regulator due to its unstable molecular structure.
③ Immune cells such as macrophages facilitate the transfer of prostaglandins into the cytoplasm of neighboring cells to induce an inflammatory response.
⑷ Example 3. Estrogen Receptor(ER, estrogen receptor)
○ Pathway: Binds to plasma transport proteins and moves to tissues → Intracellular receptor → Gene expression
○ Synthesized and secreted as needed.
○ Steroid hormones, thyroxine, nitric oxide (NO), adrenal cortex hormones
② Genetic Pathway: Estrogen binds to ERα or ERβ and acts on ERE or AP-1 within target DNA to activate transcription.
③ Non-genetic Pathway: Estrogen + ERα/ERβ or Estrogen + GPR30 activates signaling pathways involving MAPK and cAMP.
⑸ Example 4. Granzyme
① A type of protease that enters infected cells through intracellular uptake.
② Induces apoptosis in target cells, cleaving nuclei and cytoplasm.
⑹ Example 5. cGAS-STING pathway
① 1st. dsDNA (double-stranded DNA) binds with the cGAS (cyclic GMP-AMP synthase) enzyme.
② 2nd. dsDNA-cGAS complex binds to cGMP.
○ Binding is inhibited by ENPP1.
③ 3rd. dsDNA-cGAS-cGMP complex activates STING (stimulator of interferon gene).
○ STING: Also known as TMEM173, MPYS/MITA/ERIS. Encoded by the STING1 gene.
④ 4th. Activated STING moves to the Golgi apparatus.
⑤ 5th. TBK1/IRF3, IKK-IκB signaling pathways are activated.
⑥ 6th. Ultimately IFN-β and IL-6 cytokines are released.
⑦ Function
○ Innate immune response: Through this pathway, type I interferon is produced when a cell is infected by an intracellular pathogen.
○ Prevents the spread of the infection source from the infected cell to neighboring cells.
7. Ion Channels
⑴ Ligand-Gated Ion Channels
① Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor (nAhR): Also known as ionotropic acetylcholine receptor.
○ Overview
○ Found in autonomic ganglia, neuromuscular junctions, central nervous system, etc.
○ Not present in sinoatrial node, cardiac muscle fibers,
○ Enables rapid neural transmission as an excitatory receptor.
○ Upon acetylcholine binding, both Na+ and K+ can pass through, with Na+ permeability being greater, causing depolarization.
○ Named “nicotinic” due to its response to nicotine.
○ Structure: Pentamer
○ Muscle-type: (α1)2β1δε or (α1)2β1δγ
○ Ganglion-type: (α3)2(β4)3
○ Heteromeric CNS-type: (α4)2(β2)3
○ Further CNS-type: (α3)2(β4)3
○ Homomeric CNS-type: (α7)5
○ Types
○ N1 receptor: Located in neuromuscular junctions.
○ N2 receptor: Found in brain, dendrites, sympathetic nerves.
○ Examples
○ Sodium channels involved in generating action potentials.
○ Acetylcholine receptors in skeletal muscles.
○ Inhibitors
○ Sarin, DIFP, and Tabun: Covalent inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase.
○ Curare: Blocks nicotinic receptors, acting as a skeletal muscle relaxant.
② Na+ Channel
○ Plant-derived tubocurarine: Acts as a substrate-dependent sodium channel inhibitor.
⑵ Voltage-Gated Ion Channels (e.g., Axons)
① Tetrodotoxin: Irreversible inhibitor of voltage-gated Na+ channels.
② Tetraethylammonium: Blocks voltage-gated K+ channels.
③ Botulinum toxin: Blocks voltage-gated Ca2+ channels at neuromuscular junctions → Inhibits acetylcholine release → Causes muscle paralysis.
⑶ Mechanosensitive Ion Channels
8. Adhesion Receptors
⑴ Type 1. Integrin
① 1st. Src, PYK2, FAK, SOS, GRB2, RACK1
② 2nd. Rac + GTP
③ 3rd. PAK
④ 4th. Raf1, MEK1
⑤ 5th. Erk1/2, MSK1/2
⑥ 6th. Fos, Ets, Elk, HIF1, STAT3, CREB, c-Jun
9. Other Receptors
⑴ TNF receptors
○ TNFR1: Associated with inflammation, apoptosis. 55 kDa
○ TNFR2: Associated with anti-inflammatory response. 75 kDa
○ In addition, receptors with similar structures that mediate inflammatory responses form the TNFR superfamily (e.g., Fas receptor).
② TNF (tumor necrosis factor)
○ TNF-α: Exists in membrane-bound form (mTNF-α) and soluble form (sTNF-α) that dissolves in water.
○ TNF-β
③ Cell death signaling pathway
○ TNFR → TRADD → FADD → Caspase 8 → Caspase 3 → Apoptosis
○ TNFR → TRADD → TRAF2 → clAPS → Apoptosis
○ TNFR → TRADD → TRAF2 → MEKK1/4 → MEKK4/7 → JNK → Apoptosis
○ 1st. Fas or TNF binds to receptors.
○ 2nd. CASP8 (caspase 8) binds with an adaptor, forming DISC.
○ 3rd. DISC activates caspase 3.
○ 4th. CASP3 (caspase 3) causes cell death.
④ Cell survival and inflammatory response signaling pathway
○ TNFR → TRAF2 → MEKK1/4 → MEKK4/7 → JNK → AP-1 → Inflammation and survival
○ TNFR → TRAF2 → ASK1 → MEKK4/7 → JNK → AP-1 → Inflammation and survival
○ TNFR → TRAF2 → RIP → MEKK3/6 → MAPK → Inflammation and survival
○ TNFR → TRAF2 → NIK → IKK → NF-κB → Inflammation and survival
○ TNFR → TRAF2 → RIP → IKK → NF-κB → Inflammation and survival
⑵ Toll-like receptor(TLR)
① Types of TLRs
○ TLR-1: Recognizes multiple triacyl lipopeptide.
○ TLR-2: Recognizes lipoteichoic acid. Activates innate immunity.
○ TLR-3: Recognizes dsRNA present in viruses.
○ TLR-4: Recognizes LPS (lipopolysaccharide) present in Gram-negative bacteria
○ TLR-5: Recognizes flagellin, the structural subunit of prokaryotic flagella.
○ TLR-6: Recognizes multiple diacyl lipopeptide.
○ TLR-7: Recognizes single-stranded RNA.
○ TLR-8: Recognizes small synthetic compounds and single-stranded RNA.
○ TLR-9: Recognizes unmethylated CpG DNA sequences and oligodeoxynucleotide DNA.
② Pathway 1. MyD88-dependent pathway
○ Overview: Mechanism pathway via signal transduction. Activates NF-κB. Increases TNF-α and IL-1β.
○ TLR → MyD88 → TRAF6 → NF-κB → NF-κB translocates into the nucleus.
○ TLR → MyD88 → TRAF6 → MAPK → AP-1
③ Pathway 2. TRIF-dependent pathway
○ Overview: Mechanism pathway via endosome.
○ TLR → TAM, TRIF → IRF3 → IRF3 translocates into the nucleus → Type I IFN
○ TLR → TAM, TRIF → TRAF6 → NF-κB → NF-κB translocates into the nucleus.
⑶ Notch signaling
① Function: Determines cell fate, and involved in cell division, cell differentiation, cell death, etc.
② Mammals have four types of Notch receptors: NOTCH1, NOTCH2, NOTCH3, NOTCH4.
⑷ Wnt signaling: Associated with Frizzled receptor.
⑸ Hedgehog signaling
⑹ Enzyme-coupled receptor
① Case 1. When the receptor itself has a catalytic domain.
② Case 2. When a coenzyme assists.
③ In both cases, dimerization of the ECR is induced, triggering signal transduction.
⑻ Rap1
⑼ NOD-like receptor
⑽ YAP/TAZ signaling
① TAZ signaling activates fibrosis and necroptosis.
⑾ Hippo signaling
⑿ FGFR pathway
⒀ E-cadherin-integrin pathway
10. Signal Transduction Enhancers
⑴ AMPK: A769662
11. Signal Transduction Inhibitors
⑴ mTORC1 inhibitor: Rapamycin (Sirolimus)
⑵ MEK1/2 inhibitor: Trametinib (Mekinist), Cobimetinib, Refametinib
⑶ ERK1/2 inhibitor: MK-8353, SCH772984
⑷ AKT1/2 inhibitor: MK-2206
⑸ MAPK9 inhibitor: AS602801
⑹ PI3K inhibitor: LY294002, Taselisib, Alpelisib, MK-2206, Idelalisib (CAL-101), Dactolisib (BEZ-235), Everolimus, Pictilisib (GDC-0941), Apitolisib (GDC-0980)
⑺ IκB inhibitor: Bortezomib
⑻ sPLA2-IIa inhibitor: cFLSYR, c(2NapA)LS(2NapA)R
⑼ AMPK inhibitor: Dorsomorphin
⑽ Phosphorylation signal transduction inhibitors: Lapatinib
⑾ PARP1/2 inhibitor: Olaparib
⑿ PLK4 inhibitor: CFI400945
⒀ p38 inhibitor: VX-745
⒁ CHEK1/2 inhibitor: AZD-7762
① CHEK1-selective inhibitor: SAR-020106, Rabusertib
② CHEK2-selective inhibitor: CCT-241533
⒂ BRAF inhibitor: Dabrafenib, Vemurafenib (Zelboraf), PLX4720
⒃ JNK inhibitor: JNK-IN-8
⒄ WEE1, PLK1 inhibitor: MK-1775
⒅ BCL2, BCL-XL, BCL-W inhibitor: Navitoclax
⒆ TGF-βR inhibitor: RepSox
⒇ Tyrosine phosphorylase inhibitors: Imatinib (Glivec), Dasatinib (Sprycel), Sunitinib (Sutent), Nilotinib (Tasigna), Sorafenib (Nexavr), Temsirolimus (Torisel)
Input: 2021.01.24 23:48
Modified: 2022.06.13 14:05