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Epigenetics Library

Recommended Post: 【Bioinformatics】 Bioinformatics Analysis Index

1. Histone Modification

2. CNV

a. Epigenome Sequencing

1.Histone Modification

○ Overview

○ Among histones, H3 is most frequently modified: H2A and H2B are much less frequently modified

○ Histone modification occurs on histone tails


Figure 1. Locations of Histone Modifications

Epigenetics Map (feat. abcam): File

○ H2AK119Ub

○ Related to DDR (DNA damage response)

○ H2BK5me1

○ Activates gene transcription

○ H2BK5me3

○ Represses gene transcription

○ H3K4me1

○ Enhancer and promoter: Activates gene transcription

○ H3K4me3

○ A modification where three methyl groups (me3) are attached to the 4th lysine (K) residue of the histone protein

○ Active promoter: Activates gene transcription

○ Particularly in the brain, positively correlated with H3K27ac and negatively correlated with H3K27me3

Example 1. Gpr88 shows high H3K4me3 modification in the striatum → Increased expression

○ H3K9ac

○ Active promoter: Activates gene transcription

○ H3K9me1

○ Activates gene transcription

○ H3K9me2

○ Represses gene transcription

○ H3K9me3

○ Heterochromatin silencing: Represses gene transcription

○ H3K14ac

○ Activates gene transcription

○ H3K27ac

○ A modification where an acetyl group (ac) is attached to the 27th lysine (K) residue of histone H3

○ Enhancer and promoter: Activates gene transcription

○ Particularly in the brain, positively correlated with H3K4me3 and negatively correlated with H3K27me3

Example 1. Gpr88 shows high H3K27ac modification in the striatum → Increased expression

○ H3K27me1

○ Activates gene transcription

○ H3K27me2

○ Represses gene transcription

○ H3K27me3

○ A modification where three methyl groups (me3) are attached to the 27th lysine (K) residue of histone H3

○ Polycomb repression: Represses gene transcription

○ Particularly in the brain, negatively correlated with H3K4me3 and H3K27ac

Example 1. Genes involved in GABAergic regulation during synaptic signaling show high H3K27me3 modification

Example 2. Genes involved in glutamatergic regulation during synaptic signaling show low H3K27me3 modification

Example 3. The Car2 gene shows high H3K27me3 modification in the cerebral cortex compared to the corpus callosum and striatum

Example 4. Related to DDR (DNA damage response)

○ H3K27me1

○ Activates gene transcription

○ H3K27me3

○ Polycomb silenced promoter: Represses gene transcription

○ H3K36me3

○ Transcribed gene body, transcription elongation: Activates gene transcription

○ H3K79me1

○ Activates gene transcription

○ H3K79me2

○ Promoter activity: Activates gene transcription

○ H3K79me3

○ Activates or represses gene transcription

○ H4K20me1

○ Activates gene transcription

○ Mecp2

○ Exclusive reader of non-CpG methylation

2. CNV (Copy Number Variation)

○ 12q13 deletion: Chromosomal deletion anomaly of the tumor suppressor gene TP53

Input: 2024.01.07 01:24

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