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Dokdo Travel Guide

Recommendation : 【Travel】 Travel Index

1. Ship Reservation

2. Accommodation Related

3. Miscellaneous

1. Ship Reservation

⑴ General Reservation

① Ships to Ulleungdo depart from Gangneung, Pohang, and Donghae

② Ship tickets can be booked through Island you want to visit

③ Only SeaStar ships sail to Dokdo, but Sunrise ships are also available on other websites

④ Round trip to Ulleungdo involves double payment : 88000 KRW each by the Korea Shipping Association

⑤ For Dokdo, one-time payment of 60000 KRW by the Korea Shipping Association

⑵ Precautions

① Mobile boarding pass must be converted to a physical boarding pass 30 minutes before departure at the latest : must arrive at least 20 minutes prior

② There are only direct trips to Dokdo, typically allocated 4 hours

③ You should return immediately after exploring for about 30-40 minutes upon arrival

④ Ship tickets may be suddenly cancelled even a week in advance

⑤ Full ticket refund if the ship cannot depart due to weather or other conditions

⑴ There are quite a number of hotels within Ulleungdo

⑵ Realistically, as there are afternoon ferries from the mainland to Ulleungdo and it’s already evening by the time you reach Ulleungdo from Dokdo, an overnight stay in Ulleungdo is necessary

3. Miscellaneous

⑴ It’s not always possible to sail to Dokdo

① Jokingly said that three generations must accumulate good karma to go?

② High failure rate for Dokdo trips, with acquaintances who have failed twice

⑵ Make sure to secure tickets for Dokdo from Ulleungdo

⑶ Surprisingly, ferries on public holidays are fully booked

⑷ Seasickness can be severe, so it’s necessary to prepare seasickness medicine (about 1000 KRW)

⑸ The Dokdo resident is determined by a draw, and if the resident cannot continue living there, a new draw is held

⑹ The ownership of Dokdo as ChatGPT 4.0 refers to




Submission: 2024.05.29 18:16

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