Korean, Edit

Chapter 10. Theorems of Statistics II

Higher category: 【Statistics】 Statistics Overview

1. Calculation of sample standard deviation with-replacement

2. Calculation of sample standard deviation without-replacement

1. Calculation of sample standard deviation with-replacement

⑴ theorem

for samples X1, X2, ···, Xn extracted from population, the definition of sample standard deviation is not 




then why? when the sample group and the population are different, it is common not to know the value of the population standard deviation σ when estimating the population mean m, so the population standard deviation can be replaced by the sample standard deviation. when trying to replace σ, which is more appropriate between Sn and S?

⑵ proof

the following is the expected value of Sn2, i.e. E(Sn2


because E(Sn2) = (n -1) / n × σ2, Sn2 tends to get smaller than the variance of population, σ2. as the expected value of Sn2 multiplied by n/n/(n - 1) is the same with S2, the following holds


in conclusion, S2 is more appropriate than Sn2 when replacing population variance

2. calculation of sample standard deviation without-replacement  

⑴ theorem

when we take a sample of size n without-replacement from a population with size N, population mean m, and population standard deviation σ, the variance of sample group is as follows: 


⑵ proof

variables in population can be expressed as a1, a2, ···, aN. let’s say bi = ai - m, then



when extraction n samples x1, x2, ···, xn without-replacement from the population, for all possible sample means, each ai appears N-1Cn-1 times  


the variance of sample mean is the mean of the squared deviation



at the above, b12, b22, ···, bN2 appear N-1Cn-1 times respectively, and b1b2, ···, bN-1bN appear N-2Cn-2 times respectively. there the conclusion is as follows:


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