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Chapter 33. Evolution

Recommended Post : 【Biology】 Table of Contents for Biology

1. Darwinian Biology

2. Microevolution

3. Macroevolution

4. Neo-Darwinian Evolutionary Theory

5. Phylogenetic Tree of Life and Evolution

1. Darwinian Biology

⑴ Before Darwin

① Linnaeus: Thought that diversity of species is the created form of species

② Cuvier

③ James Hutton (1726-1797): Gradualism

○ It took much more than 6,000 years for the current landscape to form

○ Natural changes are gradual, not abrupt

④ Charles Lyell (1797-1875): Uniformitarianism

○ The speed of past changes is the same as the speed of current changes

⑤ Jean Babtiste de Lamarck (1744-1829): Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics

○ Hypothesized that organs used frequently develop while unused organs degenerate

○ In 1809, in “Philosophie Zoologique,” he claimed that organisms on Earth can change over time

○ Recent emphasis on the heredity of acquired traits

⑥ Thomas Malthus (1766-1834): “An Essay on the Principle of Population”

○ Population growth is geometric, food production is arithmetic

○ Darwin connected Malthus’s ideas to the survival of the fittest in natural selection

⑵ Darwin

① Natural Selection: Traits that enable survival thrive in populations and change over time.

② Mayer’s Logical Inference

Observation 1: If all individuals reproduce successfully, the population size grows exponentially

Observation 2: Most populations remain stable in size

Observation 3: Resources are limited

Inference 1: Only some survive, leading to competition for resources

Observation 4: Population members have diverse traits

Observation 5: A significant portion of variations within a population are hereditary

Inference 2: Traits with higher survival and reproductive probabilities exist

Inference 3: Differential survival and reproduction lead to gradual changes in populations over generations

⑶ Evidence for Evolution

① Ongoing Natural Selection (Microevolution)

○ Example: Finch populations

○ Example: Evolution of drug resistance in HIV

② Homology

○ Anatomical Homology

Example 1: Mammalian forelimbs: Different functions but shared origin (homologous structures)

Example 2: Tail: Humans have vestigial coccyx like primates, but no tail

Example 3: Piloerector muscles (arrector pili): Tiny muscles at the base of hair, contract to make hair stand on end

Example 4: Thorns of roses and tendrils of grapes

○ Ontogenetic Homology (Haeckel’s Recapitulation Theory): Individual development recapitulates ancestral development.

○ Example: All chordates develop pharyngeal pouches like in a single common ancestor, shared developmental path with tails

○ Vestigial Organs: Present in modern plants but no longer serve a function

○ Examples: Human appendix, human tailbone

③ Analogous Organs: Not evidence of evolution, refers to convergent evolution

○ Example: Vines of ivy and vines of grapes

④ Molecular Biology Evidence (Similarity of DNA)

○ Example: Birds of the same genus have more similar DNA sequences

○ Example: Human (100%) - Chimpanzee (99.01%) - Gorilla (98.90%) - African Monkey (96.66%)

⑤ Biogeographical Evidence

○ Examples: Related species found in close geographical proximity (Galápagos and Ecuador finches)

○ Example: Ancestral human fossils found in Africa, where hominids resided

○ Example: Pacific snapping shrimp and Atlantic snapping shrimp were the same species before the formation of the Isthmus of Panama 3 million years ago

⑥ Fossil Record

○ Example: Sequence of evolutionary changes in the horse lineage

⑷ Validity of Alternative Evolutionary Hypotheses

① Static Model: Earth is much older than 6,000 years, and species clearly change over time (rejected)

② Transformism: Evidence of flexible relationships between organisms is abundant (rejected)

③ Individual Type Theory: Universality of DNA, genetic code, and cellular composition provide evidence for a single origin of life (rejected)

④ Without Evolution, it’s difficult to explain the universality of DNA and protein mechanisms

2. Microevolution

⑴ Definition: Change in gene pool (less controversial)

① Natural selection manifests as phenotypic changes, while microevolution manifests as changes in allele frequencies within a population.

⑵ Gene Pool and Allele Frequency

① Population: A group of individuals (same species) capable of producing offspring

② Population Genetics

③ Gene Pool

④ Allele Frequency

○ The sum of frequencies of all alleles is 1

○ For 2 alleles, in Mendelian genetics, with dominant allele frequency A and recessive allele frequency a:

○ Dominant genotype ratio: A2 + 2Aa

○ Recessive genotype ratio: a2

⑶ Hardy-Weinberg Law

① Conservation of Allele Frequencies: Mendelian genetic processes alone cannot alter allele frequencies (Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium)

② (p + q)2 = p2 + 2 · p · q + q2 = 1 (where p and q are frequencies of 2 alleles)

③ Conditions for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

○ Large population size where probability can work

○ Random mating

○ Absence of migration and gene flow

○ No mutations

○ No natural selection

○ If any of these conditions is violated, evolution occurs

⑷ Microevolution: When Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium is Broken

① Genetic Drift: Phenomenon where allele frequency changes in a small population

○ In small populations, alleles can be lost or fixed due to the finite number of mates each generation

○ Types: Bottleneck effect (dramatic and temporary decrease in population size, leading to changes in allele frequency) and founder effect (small group isolates from a larger population, forming a new gene pool)

○ Random events: A carrier of a rare allele might not reproduce

② Non-random Mating: Mating that is not random

○ Homogamy (non-homosexuality)

○ Sexual Selection (intersexual selection): Selection of mates to maximize reproductive ability; e.g., sexual dimorphism

○ Heterogamy (intersexual selection): Tendency for organisms to mate with individuals resembling themselves

○ Artificial selection for quality improvement

③ Mutation

○ Substitution rate in mammalian DNA sequences: 3 ~ 5 × 10-9 substitutions/nucleotide/year

○ Substitution rate in human influenza virus DNA sequences: 2 × 10-3 substitutions/nucleotide/year

④ Gene Flow (Migration)

⑤ Natural Selection: Favorable mutations increase in frequency, unfavorable mutations decrease; no new traits are created

○ Stabilizing Selection: Selects intermediate phenotypes, stabilizes gene pool

○ Directional Selection: Selects one extreme phenotype, gene pool shifts in a specific direction

○ Disruptive Selection: Selects both extreme phenotypes, gene pool splits into two distinct groups

○ Increased effects of natural selection

○ When dominant phenotype is detrimental: Heterozygotes also suffer elimination

○ When environment changes rapidly

○ Examples: Increased UV radiation ⇒ increased vitamin D, decreased folic acid

○ Low UV ⇒ Light skin (optimal vitamin D)

○ High UV ⇒ Dark skin (optimal folic acid)

⑥ Hybridization: Reproduction between different species

⑸ Conservation of Genetic Variation

① Diploidy

② Sexual Recombination

③ Balancing Selection

○ Heterozygote Advantage: When heterozygotes are more fit than homozygotes

○ HbA: Adult hemoglobin, HbS: Sickle cell hemoglobin

○ HbA/HbA: Malaria sensitivity

○ HbA/HbS: Malaria resistance

○ HbS/HbS: Anemia

○ Frequency-Dependent Selection

④ Neutral Mutation

⑹ Consequences of Genetic Variation

① Homologous Genes

② Orthologous Genes (Parallel Homologs): Genes that originated from a common ancestral gene but diverged during speciation

③ Paralogous Genes (Serial Homologs): Genes within a single species that are duplicated, creating 2 alleles

⑺ Evolutionary Fitness

① Fitness: Normalized value between 0 and 1 that represents the ratio of the number of offspring with a specific genotype to the number of parents with that genotype

○ Biological meaning: Relative survival and reproduction ÷ reproductive capability

○ Meaning of normalization: Adjusts the factor to make the most common genotype’s fitness 1

○ Higher fitness means better survival and reproduction

② Adaptive Traits: Traits that enhance an organism’s fitness in a given environment

③ Selection Coefficient: Difference in fitness between two organisms

○ Ranges from 0 to 1

3. Evolutionary Development

⑴ Evolutionary Process = Speciation Subspeciation + … + Subspeciation Common Ancestor (Common Ancestral Theory), (subject to controversy)

Biological Species Concept : Group of organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring in nature

① Prezygotic Barrier : Prevents mating from occurring

○ Geographic Isolation : No contact between different species

○ Temporal Isolation : Different species breed at different times

○ Behavioral Isolation : Differences in mating behaviors

○ Mechanical Isolation : Differences in reproductive structures

Example : Reproductive structures of insects that fit together like locks and keys

○ Gametic Isolation : Proteins on the surface of eggs do not allow sperm from different species to fertilize

○ Reinforcement of Isolation : Prezygotic barriers are stronger in cases where genetically close species coexist in the same area

○ Due to strong selection pressure preventing hybridization among closely related species

② Postzygotic Barrier : Hybridization occurs but hybrids are sterile

○ Hybrid Breakdown (hybrid vigor lost) : Developmental failure due to incomplete genetic information

Example : Cross between goat and sheep produces offspring but they die at an early developmental stage

○ Hybrid Sterility : Hybrids cannot undergo meiosis due to lack of homologous chromosomes

○ Hybrid Disintegration : First-generation hybrids are healthy but subsequent generations experience reduced survival and reproduction

Example 1: Liger

○ Offspring of a tiger and a lion

○ Not a biological species due to lack of fertility

○ Tigers and lions are not the same species

Example 2: Mule

○ Offspring of a female horse and a male donkey

○ Not a biological species due to lack of fertility

○ Female horse and male donkey are not the same species

⑶ Limits of Biological Species Concept

① Cases where Biological Species Concept cannot be applied

○ Asexual reproduction

○ Difficulty in confirming reproductive compatibility between organisms

○ Cases of fossil species

② Alternative species concepts

Morphological Species Concept

○ Conventional species concept based on external characteristics

○ Most commonly used species concept in classification

○ Pros : Applicable to asexual organisms and fossil organisms where biological species cannot be verified

○ Cons : Does not always reflect evolutionary independence.

○ Example : Estimating relationships when reconstructing the emergence and migration of ancestral humans

○ Example : Wolves and dogs are not considered the same species despite being capable of interbreeding

Paleontological Species Concept

Ecological Species Concept

○ Based on ecological similarity

○ Classifies organisms with similar ecological niches as the same species

Phylogenetic and Ontogenetic Species Concept

○ Groups organisms with the same evolutionary history using morphological and DNA sequence data

○ Species with the same genetic characteristics that diverged from a common ancestor

⑷ Mechanisms of Speciation

① Allopatric Speciation : Speciation due to geographical isolation within a single population

② Sympatric Speciation : Speciation occurring within the same geographical area

○ Type 1: Sexual Selection : Occurs when individuals with specific genetic traits are more likely to mate

○ Type 2: Habitat Differentiation : Subpopulations exploit different habitats or resources

○ Type 3: Polyploidy : Occurs due to errors in chromosome addition during cell division

○ Autopolyploidy

○ Allopolyploidy : Forms from hybrids of different species and undergoes various processes to become a polyploid

○ Around 50% of flowering plants are derived from polyploidy

○ Example: Canola : A hybrid of kale and turnip, canola results from an error in chromosome segregation, resulting in a triploid with restored fertility

○ Principle of Trait Substitution : Trait differentiation tends to be higher in sympatric populations than in allopatric ones

③ Adaptation Radiation : Process where life forms evolve into various directions to adapt to their environment

○ Natural selection improves adaptation to current conditions rather than past improvement

○ Natural selection does not drive progress towards a goal

Theory 1: Gradualism or Gradual Evolution Theory

○ Proposed by Darwin

○ Theory that small changes accumulate gradually over millions of years leading to speciation

Theory 2: Punctuated Equilibrium Theory

○ Proposed by Stephen Jay Gould

○ Suggests that after rapid changes in form, there is little change over time due to the absence of intermediate forms in the fossil record

○ Currently combined with the Evo-devo theory, related to homeobox genes

⑥ Rebuttal of Punctuated Equilibrium Theory

○ Genetic changes are fundamentally gradual and lack direction

○ In stable environments, gradual genetic changes lead to minimal species change

○ In changing environments, specific genetic changes in individuals lead to rapid species change

○ Earth’s history shows rapid environmental changes, leading to punctuated equilibrium

⑸ Factors Influencing Speciation Rate

① Species Richness : Higher speciation rate within a lineage with more species

② Range Size

③ Behavior

④ Environmental Change

⑤ Generation Time

4. Evo-devo Evolutionary Theory

⑴ Evo-devo (Evolutionary Developmental Biology) Theory

⑵ HOX Genes and deep relationship

⑶ Supports the Punctuated Equilibrium Theory

5. Tree of Life and Evolutionary Theory

⑴ Common Characteristics of Organisms : Because they originated from a common ancestor

① All organisms have the same basic biochemistry and share the same types of macromolecules

② All organisms are composed of cells and have a bilayer lipid membrane as their outer boundary

③ Eukaryotic cells share almost identical organelles

⑵ Phylogenetic Tree : Represents the path of evolution as a branching tree

⑶ Phylogenetic Methods : Molecular Clock

① Tracking using rRNA : rRNA has the slowest evolutionary rate

○ Hemoglobin, cytochrome c, fibrinogen, histone proteins can also be used

○ Mitochondrial DNA generally mutates about 10 times faster than nuclear DNA

② Principle of Parsimony (Minimum Evolution) : Choose the phylogenetic tree

with the fewest trait changes

○ DNA-DNA hybridization experiment : Closer relationships have higher DNA melting temperatures (Tm)

③ Characteristics

○ Ancestral forms are positioned lower, closer relationships are placed closer

○ Slowly evolving sequences allow tracking of distant evolutionary history

○ Over long periods, substitution rates slow due to synonymous substitutions in nucleotide and amino acid sequences

Note: The error rate of DNA polymerase is constant during replication of genes

④ Clades

○ Monophyletic Clade : Common ancestor and all its descendants

○ Paraphyletic Clade : Includes common ancestor and some of its descendants

Example : Birds evolved from reptiles, but birds are excluded from the paraphyletic reptile group

○ Polyphyletic Clade : Includes groups with different common ancestors

⑤ Derived Traits

○ Primitive Character : Trait shared by all groups derived from a common ancestor

○ Derived Character : Trait present in a group but absent in its ancestors

○ Synapomorphy : Unique trait found only in a specific clade, used as evidence in building phylogenies

○ Paraphyletic Clades

⑤ Traits Based on Clades

Figure 1. Phylogenetic Tree

Input: 2015.07.09 14:56

Updated: 2019.02.05 12:24

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