Resume (curriculum vitae, CV, résumé, resume)
Recommended Article : 【Study Abroad Admissions】 2023-2024 Study Abroad Admissions and Scholarship Summary
1. Overview
2. Content
1. Overview
⑴ Significance
① Purpose : Recommendation letters, lab contacts, application submission
② It’s just to check the research background, so it doesn’t significantly affect.
⑵ Format
① Example 1. CV Format
② Example 2. Digital CV :
③ Example 3. Digital CV :
④ Example 4. LaTeX : It’s convenient to manage CVs by school. CS students are recommended to create CVs with LaTeX.
○ Backend
○ MacTeX : LaTeX available on MacBook
○ LaTeX Editor (Frontend)
○ TeXShop : Installed with MacTeX
○ Overleaf : Online LaTeX editor
○ TeXmaker
○ Sublime Text with LaTeXTools : LaTeX tool compatible with Sublime Text
○ Visual Studio Code with LaTeX Workshop extension : LaTeX tool compatible with VS code
○ LaTeX requires
○ ChatGPT generates LaTeX formats well.
○ Example of a
\title{Curriculum Vitae}
\cventry{Year--Year}{Job Title}{Employer}{City}{}{Description}
% ... add more sections and cventries as needed ...
⑶ Length
① Short length is preferred: Keep it concise within 2 pages, sometimes written in just 1 page.
○ Reason 1. The admission committee will be reviewing numerous applicants’ CVs, so it needs to be easily readable.
○ Reason 2. Keeping the CV short can increase the applicant’s chances of being perceived as interesting, thus increasing the chances of being interviewed.
○ Reason 3. Institutions like Johns Hopkins University explicitly require the CV to be a maximum of 2 pages.
○ Reason 4. It’s important to write concisely and clearly because the admissions documents are often skimmed through quickly during the review process.
② It’s not strictly necessary for the length to be within 2 pages.
③ To reduce the length, methods such as reducing margins and using commas to shorten lines can be used.
④ It’s recommended to mention details not covered in the CV on a separate website.
○ Details not covered in CV : presentation, coursework, skill, supporting documents, etc.
⑤ However, some schools require a more detailed CV (e.g., Caltech)
○ teaching, professional, and vocational experience
○ research experience
○ major academic recognitions, honors, and memberships
○ professional activities
○ significant extracurricular activities
○ conference presentations
○ titles of publications, major papers, or theses authored or co-authored
2. Content
⑴ Overview
① The most important part and the most recent content should come first in English.
⑵ research interests
① Serves the function of a summary in a CV: However, some people choose not to include it.
② Should be written in about 3-4 items, avoiding content that is too broad.
⑶ GPA (grade point average)
① Top schools tend to value GPA less.
② Some professors don’t look at GPA at all.
③ European universities tend to value GPA more than American ones.
⑷ Degree
① If one only has a bachelor’s degree, potential is assessed, and if they have a master’s degree, research achievements are assessed.
② High school history is usually not included in the CV.
⑸ Research Experience
① Differentiate between papers, patents, and book publications.
② In the CS field, due to high competition, at least some contribution to a paper or conference presentation is necessary.
○ In the CS field, achievements presented in conferences like CVPR are more crucial.
③ In life sciences, it’s essential to be involved in research, so having a contribution to a paper is necessary.
④ There’s an increasing trend towards grade inflation.
○ Increase in protectionist trade
○ Increased demand for studying abroad in third world countries
○ Globalization
○ Informatization
○ Advanced technology
⑤ Research proposals can also be attached separately in the CV.
⑹ Scholarship Receipt
① In engineering and social sciences, departmental funding is not guaranteed, so having a scholarship can contribute to an increased acceptance rate.
② In natural sciences, departmental funding is generally well-established, and with many rotations, funding can vary. While scholarship receipt may not directly lead to acceptance, it can be used as evidence of recognized ability.
③ For public universities, funding for foreigners is very limited, so having a scholarship becomes very important.
④ Some professors don’t look at scholarship receipt at all.
⑺ Coursework
① Recommended to be abbreviated as it is on the transcript.
⑻ Volunteer Activities
① Since it’s not related to the research, summarize in 1-2 lines.
⑼ Academic Reference
⑽ Supporting Documents
① There’s no need to attach supporting documents separately with EndNote.
② A statement like “Reference is available upon a request.” is sufficient.
Input : 2022.10.01 23:31