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Soccer Ball and Euler’s Law

Recommended Post : 【Mathematics】 Mathematics Index

1. Definition

2. Application of Euler’s Law

3. Using Additional Information


Figure 1. Structure of a Soccer Ball

1. Definition

⑴ A : Number of pentagons

⑵ B : Number of hexagons

2. Application of Euler’s Law

⑴ For the number of vertices V, the number of edges E, and the number of facets F, the following holds true

⑵ Relationship for the number of vertices : Utilizing the fact that three facets meet at each vertex

⑶ Relationship for the number of edges : Utilizing the fact that two facets meet at each edge

⑷ Relationship for the number of facets

⑸ Application of Euler’s Law

3. Using Additional Information

⑴ Additional information

① Each of the three sides of any hexagon is adjacent to a hexagon, while the remaining three sides are adjacent to a pentagon.

② All sides of any pentagon are adjacent to hexagons.

⑵ Calculation strategy

① (Counting from the perspective of hexagons, allowing for duplicates) Number of pentagons counted from the hexagon’s perspective ÷ Overlap count = Number of pentagons = 12

② Overlap count = 5 ( Counted once from each of the five adjacent hexagons from the pentagon’s perspective)

③ Calculation process

Input : 2019.11.05 19:03

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