Tips for Easily Memorizing English Words
Recommended Posts: 【English】 English Word Index, 【English】 Common Etymology Word Pairs
Abashful: Feeling like you want to hide in the bushes
Aberrant: Think of “abet” (incite)
Abbey: Think of “obey”
Accoutrements: Think of “coat”
Addle: Think of “kids”
Adulterate: The behavior of adults is not pure
Adroit: Think of “Android”
Adulate: Feels like saying “adios” (goodbye)
Affable: Feels like you can easily show your face
Afoul: Think of “fold”
Aliment: Think of “alive”
Amulet: Think of “omelet”
Ancillary: Think of “cilia”
A noint (anoint with oil): Think of “An Oil”
Anthology: Feels like Antonio is the protagonist
Appease : Think of ‘peace’
Argot: Feels like you both know and don’t know something
Arraign: Think of “arrange”
Assertive: Think of ‘What’s on TV’
A sylum: Think of “salon”
Bacchanal: Think of “Bacchus”
Badinage: When you’re really close, you say bad things
Baffle: Feels like someone suddenly challenges you to a battle
Buffoon: Think of ‘baboon’ and ‘baloon’.
Bagatelle: Think of a bag
Bail: Think of “bill”
Bale: Think of “veil”
Balkanize: Think of the Balkan Peninsula
Balk at: Feels like you’re parked and stopped, similar to “parking”
Banish: Think of “ban”
Banter: Teasing with cheap jokes involving “panties”
Barley: Similar pronunciation
Bastion: Think of a basket
Bauble: Think of “bubble”
Bedizen: Think of “bed”
Beseach: Feels like seeking a solution urgently (seek)
Bilk: Feels like spending a lot of money on things like milk injections
Blatant: Feels like asking, “Do you want to see this turn?”
Bludgeon: Resembling a blue bruise, i.e., reminiscent of a blue zone.
Boggle: To memorize as if hesitating when seeing unfamiliar droplets.
Bolster: Think of it as “when you get more.”
Boor : Think of ‘bull’.
Boorish: Think of ‘bull’.
Botchy: A boy’s clumsiness compared to a girl’s.
Brisk: Think of the image of bricks.
Broach : Think of ‘brooch’
Bromide: Feels as bland and yellowed as bromide compounds.
Brouhaha : Can think of ‘haha’ in relation to the meaning of the ‘Brouhaha’.
Brusque : Think of the pronunciation of it.
Buccaneer: Reminiscent of bacchanal.
Bulwark: Think of bulk (a large quantity) and work together.
Burlesque: Gives a feeling of mocking by likening something to “bugs.”
Butcher: Think of the image of a slaughterhouse.
Butt: Reminiscent of a bull’s charge.
Buttress: Think of it as “it held up.”
Cadaver: Originally, the Amazon company was named cadabra, but it sounded too similar to “cadaver.”
Calumniate: Think of a sense of callousness.
Canard: Sounds like “can” (a can-like sound).
Cantankerous: Feels like saying “can’t” constantly.
Careen: Similar to a career in running.
Castigate: Like throwing and closing a gate.
Chagrin: Reminiscent of shyness.
Chancellor: Think of the idea of a chance.
Charter: Resembles “chapter.”
Chaste: Gives the feeling of following religious beliefs.
Cheeky: Feels cheeky while saying “cheeky-cheeky.”
Cherub : Reminiscent of “cheer up.”
Chicanery: Reminiscent of “cheat.”
Chide: As if scolding a child.
Chortle : Think of ‘choir’.
Chuckle: Resembles “chucky.”
Clergy: Think of the idea of being clever.
Clirch: Think of it as “clutch” bending the end of a nail.
Clout: Resembles “clap.”
Coax: Think of the idea of chopping wood together.
Compendious: Feels all-encompassing like a “pendemic.”
Comradeship: Think of the image of raiding together in a game.
Congruent: Think of “con” (together) and “grow.”
Connive: Resembles “con” (together) and “naive.”
Constipate: Gives the feeling of stimulating together.
Conundrum: Reminds of the detective Conan.
Coquet: Resembles the sound of a cat.
Corrugated: Think of the image of a wrinkled rug.
Cosset: Reminds of being cozy.
Cottage: Gives the feeling of knitting with cotton in a small house.
Crave: To deeply desire something, akin to the crane in the story of the crane and the fox, who longs to eat.
Cripple: Think of the idea of crawling.
Croon: Resembles “groove.”
Curb: Think of the idea of a curved road.
Curmudgeon: Think of the word of ‘curse’.
Daft: Contrasts with “deft.”
Dally: Think of the idea of being dull.
Daunt: Reminiscent of “down.”
Dawdle: Resembles “toddle.”
Debauchery: Think of the idea of the devil.
Decant: Think of it as “de” (away) + “can” pouring.
Demure: Gives the feeling of being modest from behind.
Depravity: Think of it as “de” (not) + “pray.”
Descry: Resembles “describe.”
Diatribe: An excessive statement splitting a tribe in two directions.
Dingy: Reminds of the Australian dingo.
Dip: Because it’s not deep.
Doughty: Reminds of the YouTuber ‘Dotty.’
Douse: Using many doses of a digestive medicine.
Dovish: Think of Harry Potter’s Dobby.
Dour: Resembles “dull.”
Dribble: Resembles “drop.”
Drivel: Sounds like dribble in words.
Droll: Resembles “troll.”
Drool: Resembles “drop.”
Droop (meaning to sag downwards) : It might remind one of the similarly pronounced word “druid.”
Drudgery: Think of the image of dry laundry.
Duke: Resembles “Death Note” Ryuk.
Dupe: Resembles the pronunciation of a “cover.”
Eavesdrop: Imagines words dropping into the ear.
Ecumenic: Acumen (perception) going outwards and unifying.
Eerie: Sounds like “eerie.”
Effulgent: Think of the idea of fire.
Emaciate: Memorize it as if turning into a non-human state.
Ember: Resembles the color amber.
Embroil: Resembles “embrace.”
Enfeeble: Gives the feeling of blood coming out.
Etiolate: Think of the idea of becoming white.
Execrable: Feels like handwriting that’s crab-like and awkward.
Exhilarate: Resembles “heal.”
Fabricate: Though its origin is from the word ‘fabric’ (a type of material), it’s easier to remember by associating it with ‘fable’ (a fictional tale).
Falter: Think of ‘fluttering.’
Fastidious: Fast but well-tied.
Feign: Conjures up something fake.
Festering: Think of a long-lasting pest.
Fetid: Smells like feet.
Fickle: Pickles change easily.
Finicky: Seeks only fine things.
Flagrant: Someone with a flag on their face is infamous.
Flaunt: Conjures up flamboyance or boasting.
Flay: Think of play.
Flounder: Conjures up faltering.
Fluster: Lustre falls away, causing confusion.
Fodder: Think of a forage.
Foment: Think of a foe.
Forage: Think of for + age (generation).
Fornicate: Similar to the word “porn.”
Frisk: Conjures up the under-tail frisk.
Fritter away: Turn money into fried food.
Frolicsome: Feels like frolicking, like a frog.
Fulmination: Fully exploding.
Fumble: Conjures up false + humble.
Fundus: Think of ‘fundamental’.
Fuzzy: Feels like fuzzy fluffiness.
Gaffe: Making a mistake by calling it “caffe.”
Gallop: Think of Gallup poll.
Gangling: Think of ganglioside.
Garner: Gathering sheaves in a garden.
Garnish: Conjures up a garden.
Gasp: Think of gas or grasp.
Gaudy: Resembles “goudy” and “gorgeous.”
Gaunt: Gives a gaunt feeling.
Gawky: Gives a gaunt feeling.
Gibberish: Conjures up gibberish.
Gird: Think of a grid.
Glaze: Glassy.
Glean: Conjures up a park.
Glee: Think of the TV show ‘Glee.’
Gloat: Gloating makes a sound like a goat.
Gloss: Conjures up glass.
Glossary : Think of ‘gross’.
Goad: Think of “go.”
Gouge: Violently inserting a flag into a gouge.
Grill: Interrogating as if threatening with a grill.
Grisly: Conjures up a grizzly bear.
Gritty: Conjures up a grid.
Groveling: Grooving to a groove.
Grueling: Growling like a beast.
Gruesome: Think of ‘grueling’
Guffaw: Laughs with a “Look at that!” sound.
Guzzle: Drinking until you make a “gulp” sound.
Hackneyed: Think of a hacker’s life.
Hail: Conjures up people’s wave.
Halcyon: Think of a halo while greeting.
Hale: Feels like inhaling and exhaling well.
Hangdog: Think of hung + dog.
Harangue: Think of arranging something.
Harass: Think of the Greek goddess Hera.
Harrow: Think of harvest.
Harry: Harry meets Sally.
Haul: The feeling of pulling a moving castle.
Hearth: Conjures up a heart.
Heckle: Harassing through hacking.
Hectic: Feeling like “hectic” breathing.
Hermetic: Her method is ambiguous.
Hiatus: Think of hide (pronunciation is similar).
Hive: Think of the webtoon “Hive.”
Hoard: Gathering stacks for a horse.
Hoax: Conjures up a fox.
Hoist: Feels like Doraemon’s “Hoi” sound.
Hone: Sharpening with a hone.
Hubris: Treating others like debris, akin to haughtiness.
Huddle: Hurdles piled up in a warehouse.
Hurly-burly: Turmoil.
Hushed: Shh.
Idyllic: Ideal idle feeling.
Imminent: “Already” coming to mind.
Imposter: Conjures up an imposter.
Impudent: Think of a concept with few manners.
Inaugurate: Think of arguing a point.
Incarcerate: Thinkg of Caesar
Inchoate: Think of an inch.
Inkling: Think of “in” + cling.
Insouciant: Not seeking, like “in” + “sought.”
Inured: Think of getting used to something bad.
Inveigle: Conjures up a bagel.
Irk: Think of an orc.
Island: Think of Iceland.
Itinerant: Think of an itinerary.
Jaded: “J did it again.”
Jangle: Sounds like jangling.
Jaundice: Juice color.
Jaunt: Think of journey + aunt.
Jaunty: Conjures up a jaunt.
Jaywalk: Walking in a J shape.
Jeer: Feeling of shouting.
Jejune: Old Jeju was a barren land.
Jettison: Originates from discarding cargo with a jet.
Jibe: Mocking someone as “jiji-bae” or “jibe” with women.
Jitter: Conjures up house raids. Or a feeling of the heart racing like a cheetah.
Juggernaut: Taste of death.
Jumble: Jumping and mixing everything.
Jinx: Conjures up judging.
Jut: Like a jutting neck.
Karma: Conjugation of “카르마” in a reverse trial.
Kismet: Kiss and meet.
Kitschy: Conjures up kitty.
Kleptomaniac: Conjures up clapping wrists.
Knavery: Some people do knavery when left alone.
Kudos: Conjures up Kudo Shinichi.
Lament: Eating ramen sadly.
Larceny: Conjures up “날치기” (stealing).
Leeway: Leave away and have freedom.
Lesion: Think of ‘region’.
Levy: Collecting taxes in mid-air.
Lewd: Conjures up rudeness.
Liaison: Think of ‘liability’.
Limber: Conjures up limbs or limbo.
Limpid: Think of lymph fluid.
Listless: Feeling listless due to low ranking.
Litany: Conjures up a rite.
Livid: Think of the liver.
Loiter: Think of Reuters.
Loathe: Think of loss
Lout : Think of riot.
Lugubrious: Tears falling like luggage.
Lump: Can plump up and drop.
Lurch: Stumbling due to skipping lunch.
Lurk: Luckily hiding and waiting.
Macerate: Softening with effort.
Malinger: Malingering poorly.
Malleable: Can be “mailed.”
Manqué: Becoming “manqué.”
Marsh: Related to marshmallow.
Martyr: Someone who died at the end of a martial war.
Maven: Marvelous expertise.
Maverick: Maverick or Top Gun’s Maverick comes to mind.
Mawkish: Choking to the point of feeling choked.
Mayhem: Mayhem can cause harm.
Mellifluous: Related to marshmallow.
Mildew: Think of dew.
Mirth: Conjures up mercy.
Mollify: Think of “soft and squishy.”
Moot: Asking strange questions repeatedly.
Mountebank: Feels like a bank on a mountain.
Muck: Think of mud.
Mull: Feels like whatever you do doesn’t turn out well.
Murky: Feels murky.
Mutter: Think of mumbling.
Obscene: Think of obliteration + scene.
Obtuse: Reminds of obesity.
Odium: The feeling of oddness.
Ovation: Feeling of overdoing.
Overhaul: Feeling of checking the moving castle.
Outstrip: Think of out + string.
Paean: Think of fire.
Pagoda: Reminds of Pagoda Language School.
Palate: Think of food (plate).
Paltry: Reminds of poultry.
Pan: Think of 패이다 (criticize).
Panache: Feels as confident as the most effective panacea in the middle of a cure.
Pandemic: Think of fandom of famous celebrities.
Panning: Think of ‘pain’.
Pariah: Think of party.
Parch: Reminds of where a pariah has been banished.
Peevish: Attitude of saying, “I will show you.”
Pejorative: Feels like “I’ll pay you.”
Pep: Think of vitality received through a pipe.
Peregrination: Home of Peregrin and strange children.
Perplex: Thought it was perfect, but…
Pilfer: Feeling of stealing small things like pills.
Pillage: Feeling of pillaging pills.
Pine: Pine tree leaning, feeling sad.
Pinion: Think of a pin.
Pique: Something specific keeps poking.
Plebeian: Think of the public.
Plucky: Knows how to wield a sword.
Poke: Fork.
Ponderous: Feeling too big just thinking about it.
Prate: Similar to praying.
Predicament: Feeling of being confused about how to predict what to do next.
Preen: Dressing up like a prince.
Prevaricate: Beating around with various reasons.
Prod: Think of poking with a rod.
Proselytize: Selling one’s ideas.
Prostrate: Reminds of the shape of the prostate.
Puckish: Think of the character “Puck.”
Pudge: Think of phage.
Puerile: Think of intellectual deficiency.
Puissant: Think of push.
Pulchritude: Think of perl.
Pulverize: Feeling of pulverizing with a pulse.
Pummel : Think of punch.
Puny: Think of few.
Pushover: Easily pushed because it’s a pushover.
Putrid: Smells when detached.
Quack: Makes a quack sound to quacks.
Qualm: A feeling of being blocked.
Raffish: Think of a rabbit.
Rag: Dirty rug.
Rake: Think of a lake.
Ransack: Run and seek.
Raspy: Comes off raspy like a ras guest.
Rebut: The feeling of continuously shouting “but.”
Recalcitrant: Opposite + calm.
Recoil: Feeling of being compressed like a coil.
Recondite: Feeling of conditions continuously changing.
Recluse: Feeling of closing the door and not coming out.
Refulgent: Think of fire.
Remiss: Continuously missing.
Repartee: Feeling of making witty remarks at a party.
Requite: Feeling of generously compensating later.
Resort to: Remind yourself of a ‘resort’.
Resurrect: Remind ‘resurvive’
Retaliate: Think of the Taliban.
Ribald: Feels like exposing the skin like a bald head.
Rickety: Think of being leaky.
Rile: Feeling annoyed and causing a riot.
Rive: Think of getting rid of something.
Roil: Think of rolling.
Roue: Thinks of someone named “Rou” as a ruffian.
Rowdy: Think of loudy.
Rubbish: Imagines flies rubbing their hands together.
Rubble: Think of rocks and bubbles.
Ruckus: Feeling of rocks flying around.
Rue: Feeling of losing.
Ruffle: Think of the Python library RUR-PLE.
Ruse: Feeling of strategizing to make the opponent lose.
Salacious: Think of being salacious.
Sally: Reminds of Harry meeting Sally.
Sap: Think of sipping.
Sardonic: Sometimes sarcasm can be even worse.
Sartorial: Outfits are special when dancing salsa.
Scoundrel: Villains are often involved in scandals.
Scrimp: Feeling of saving shrimp-shaped sleep.
Scrupulous: Carefully working with a screw puller.
Seamy: Think of seeming.
Seep: Think of sap.
Seethe: Feeling of a big storm or boiling.
Seraglio: Think of seraphic.
Seraphic: Thinks of the angel Seraph.
Shackle: Imagines shaking handcuffs.
Sham: Feeling of throwing a fake while saying “It’s genuine.”
Shibboleth: Thinks of “Shibbelom.”
Shirk: Thinks of Shrek avoiding everything.
Shoddy: Think of something shabby.
Shrewd: Senses are sharp like a sword.
Shriek: Shouts when seeing Shrek.
Shudder: Imagines shoulders shivering.
Sift: Thinks of the sieve of Eratosthenes.
Simmer: Think of summer.
Skirmish : Think of ‘skull’.
Skittish: Think of a scared kitty.
Skulduggery: Feels like using a skull mask to deceive.
Slick: Feels too smooth and slippery.
Slink: Slowly connects like a link.
Sloppy: Reminds of sloth or slippery.
Slouch: Slope with a couch to lean on.
Slovenly: Think of a slave.
Smug: Feels like hiding behind smog and being self-satisfied.
Snarl: Feels like Arsenal.
Sneak: Reminds of Sony or sneakers.
Snub: Unsure, possibly “snub + B.”
Sober: Servers always need to stay alert.
Sobriquet: Reminds of abridge.
Sojourn: Reminds of a special outfit worn during salsa dancing.
Sordid: Involves various ways to sort.
Spate : Think of ‘span’.
Splinter: Feels like cutting sections from a sprint in short-distance running.
Spurious: Appears genuine only on the surface.
Spurn: Think of spurring.
Squeal: Mimics the sound “squeal.”
Squeak: Mimics the sound “squeak.”
Squeamish: Think of ‘squeeze’
Stalwart: Think of strong
Stammer: Think of stagger
Stark: Think of Tony Stark from the movie ‘Iron Man’
Staunch: Think of a sense of staying
Stentorian: stands tall and shouts loudly
Stern: feels like it stuns
Stint: Think of thin
Stout: Think of strong
Straddle : Think of the word of ‘stride’
Strident: Think of the word of ‘stride’
Stumble: Think of stumbling over a stump
Stupendous: ridiculously huge like stupidity
Suave: sweet
Sulky: Think of sulking
Sultry: Think of thirst
Sunder: feels like tearing with the force of thunder
Sundry: drying “various” objects under the sun
Surreptitious: like a sneaky drawer
Swath: Think of swaying
Swindle: Think of gaining a bundle of money by swinging power
Sybarite: cyber people pursue pleasure
Tack: Think of Tick-Tack-Toe
Tacky: emphasizes “tacky” instead of tasty
Talon: Think of the character LOL Talon
Tart: tastes like tart
Tatty: too worn teddy bear or clothes teetering like a homeless person
Tatter : too worn teddy bear or clothes teetering like a homeless person
Taunt: feels like teasing with a tent
Taxing: feels like taxing heavily
Tawdry: dry at the toes
Tepid: when water is tepid, it dries
Terse: when speech is terse, people seem straightforward
Testy: feels like taking a test
Tetchy: a feeling of getting irritated at ‘when’
Thug: walking with your chin up
Ticklish: like having a lot of dust
Tiff: a situation where the body stiffens
Tipsy: not completely drunk but a bit tipsy
Tirade: feels like getting tired
Titillate: stimulating with a provocative title
Toil: the moment right before going to the toilet, or slowly pulling out toilet paper
Topple: what babies do when they toddle
Torpid: “Again?” in Korean…
Tout: Think of ‘tutor’.
Tranquil: Think of “quiet”
Trite: something treated routinely
Trounce: Think of triumph
Truculent: like a truck called Tarantula
Turgod: Think of turbulent
Tussle: fuss
Ululate: the feeling of saying “ululate”
Umbrage: memorize it as “unable to bear”
Uncouth: associated with uncle
Unctuous: associated with uncle
Ungainly: not gaining fame
Unleash: similar to “release”
Vanish: associated with banish
Varnish: associated with vanish
Vast: sounds similar to “best”
Vaunt: I bend this much
Veer: looks like swaying after drinking beer
Venial: venom + menial
Verve: feels like gaining vitality through a valve
Vestige: Think of visiting
Vicarious: associated with vicinity
Vie: feels like fighting with tragedy
Vigilant: think of ‘vision’
Waffle: just like waffles, verbose and mixed
Waft: Think of ‘wave’.
Wag: makes you chatter
Wale: feels like hitting a whale with a whip
Wanton: continuous want
Warble: creates wonder with words
Warp: Think of warp
Wax: standing hair with wax
Welter: Think of waltzing
Wheedle: Think of whistling
Wheeze: Think of whistling
Whelp: Think of whales
Whet: brain + wet
Whim: feeling fickle
Whine: whining like a wine while drinking with a needle
Wile: associated with will
Willowy: bending like a willow
Winnow: to classify, you need to ‘know’
Winsome: wind, or attracted to the winner
Wishy-washy: wishy and washy look similar in appearance
Wraith: Think of MapleStory Wraith
Wrest: Think of wrist
Wrought: Think of brought
Zealot: Think of jealousy
Zeigeist: the spirit of the times feels giant
Input: 2021.03.21 23:03