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Chapter 8. Earth’s Energy

Recommended article : 【Earth Science】 Earth Science Table of Contents

1. Solar Radiation Energy

2. Solar and Terrestrial Radiation

3. Earth’s Heat Budget

4. Internal Energy of the Earth

1. Solar Radiation Energy

⑴ Light and Energy

① Electromagnetic Waves

○ Waves propagated by the vibration of electric and magnetic fields in space

○ Includes gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet rays, visible light, infrared rays, and radio waves

○ Speed of 3 × 10^8 m/s in a vacuum

② Radiant Energy

○ Energy propagated by electromagnetic waves

○ Absorbed by matter and converted into thermal energy

⑵ Insolation (Incoming Solar Radiation)

① Solar Constant : Energy incident on 1 cm^2 of a surface perpendicular to solar rays at the upper boundary of Earth’s atmosphere for 1 minute, usually 2 cal / cm^2·min

② Solar Radiation Energy Received by Earth : If the total solar radiation energy of πR^2I is incident on Earth, then if it is evenly distributed over the entire Earth’s surface, the amount of solar radiation energy incident on a unit area of the Earth’s surface is

○ Where I is the solar constant, 2.0 cal / cm^2·min

2. Solar and Terrestrial Radiation

⑴ (Reference) Blackbody Radiation

① Definition : Phenomenon where all objects with energy emit light

② Blackbody : Object that absorbs all incident energy and emits all absorbed energy completely

Number of States for Waves (number of modes)

○ Based on Normal Modes

○ 1D Normal Modes : For a wave with length L, various normal modes of vibration exist depending on the state number n (where n is a natural number)

○ 3D Normal Modes : Various waves (in this case, light) exist based on the state vector (l, m, n) of the wave, where l, m, n are integers

○ State vectors can correspond to orthogonal coordinates : Considering the octant due to l, m, n being positive integers

○ Number of states for waves : If the number of grid points in the 1/8 sphere with a radius of p centered at the origin is N*(p),

○ Relationship between state count (N*) and frequency (ν)

○ The equation does not consider that two waves with opposite phases can exist for the same state count

○ Conclusion : Volume V = L^3, Number of states per unit volume N = N* / V,

Rayleigh-Jeans Law

○ Overview : In analyzing blackbody radiation in terms of waves, UV catastrophe must be observed

○ Average vibrational energy of the system in Thermodynamics

○ Average radiant energy per unit volume at frequency ν

UV Catastrophe : The phenomenon where blackbody radiation emits light very close to wavelengths of 0

○ In reality, light with wavelengths close to 0 converges to zero intensity

Planck’s Law

○ Max Planck introduced the concept of quanta and assumed E = hν, successfully explained in 1900

○ Energy of a single photon

○ Probability of having n photons with frequency ν : Inspired by the exponential distribution in Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution

○ Average energy of the system

○ Average radiant energy per unit volume at frequency ν

○ Planck’s Curve : Distribution of radiant energy emitted by a blackbody based on wavelength. Blackbody’s radiant energy distribution depends only on temperature

Figure. 1. Planck’s Curve

○ Total energy per unit volume of the system

○ Flux of photons

Stefan-Boltzmann Law : The energy radiated per unit area per unit time from a blackbody is proportional to the fourth power of the blackbody’s absolute temperature T(K)

○ Often modified for real objects by introducing the emissivity ε in the equation

○ Where σ : Stefan-Boltzmann constant, 8.22 × 10^-11

Wien’s Displacement Law : The wavelength λmax (μm) at which the maximum radiant energy is emitted is inversely proportional to the absolute temperature T(K) of a blackbody

○ Where α : Wien’s constant, 2.89 × 10^3

Pauli Exclusion Principle

○ Definition : No two or more identical electrons can exist in the same quantum state on a single orbit

○ Reason for the continuous graph of the Planck’s Curve

○ Many atoms gather, and energy levels overlap slightly, leading to a continuous appearance of energy levels as they

slightly shift

Figure. 2. Splitting of Energy Levels Due to Orbital Overlap

Figure. 3. Formation of Energy Bands Due to Orbital Overlap

⑵ Solar Radiation

① Solar radiation curve is similar to the radiation curve of a 5,800 K blackbody

② Solar maximum radiation wavelength : 0.47 μm - visible light (shortwave radiation)

③ 95% of the total solar radiation energy is distributed in the wavelength range of 0.25 ~ 2.5 μm

○ Visible light : Wavelength 0.4 ~ 0.7 μm, about 45% of solar radiation energy

○ Ultraviolet light : Wavelength 0.15 ~ 0.4 μm, about 9% of solar radiation energy

○ Infrared light : Wavelength 0.7 ~ 4.0 μm, about 46% of solar radiation energy

④ Scattering of Solar Radiation

Classification 1. Elastic Scattering : No change in energy during scattering, incident and scattered wavelengths are the same

○ Rayleigh Scattering

○ When the wavelength is much larger than the size of particles

○ Scattering becomes stronger as the wavelength gets shorter

○ Reason why the sky appears blue

○ Mie Scattering : When the wavelength is similar to the size of particles

Classification 2. Inelastic Scattering : Energy change occurs during scattering, incident and scattered wavelengths are different

○ Also known as Raman Scattering

○ If a substance gains energy, it is called Stokes Scattering

○ If a substance loses energy, it is called anti-Stokes Scattering

⑶ Terrestrial Radiation

① Terrestrial radiation = Surface radiation + Atmospheric radiation

② Average temperature of the Earth’s surface is 288 K (15 ℃)

③ Maximum terrestrial radiation wavelength : 10 μm - infrared region (longwave radiation)

④ 95% of total terrestrial radiation energy is distributed in the wavelength range of 2.5 ~ 25 μm

3. Earth’s Heat Budget

⑴ Absorption by the Atmosphere

① X-rays, gamma rays → Absorbed by atoms in the upper atmosphere

○ Wavelengths below 0.2 μm : Oxygen, nitrogen molecules absorb

○ Wavelengths of 0.24 ~ 0.30 μm : Ozone absorbs

○ Wavelengths of 5 ~ 10 μm : Water vapor absorbs

○ Wavelengths of 10 ~ 20 μm : Carbon dioxide absorbs

○ Wavelengths longer than 20 cm → Absorbed in the ionosphere

② Electromagnetic Waves that pass through the atmosphere

○ Solar radiation energy

○ Visible light (0.3 ~ 1.2 μm) : Optical window

○ Radio waves (1 mm ~ 20 m) : Radio window

○ Terrestrial radiation energy

○ Infrared radiation (8 ~ 13 μm) : Infrared window (atmospheric window)

③ Greenhouse Effect

○ Greenhouse gases : Water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, freon gases, etc.

○ Greenhouse effect : Effect of warming the atmosphere near the Earth’s surface

Principle 1. Greenhouse gases do not absorb much of the Sun’s shortwave radiation

Principle 2. Greenhouse gases absorb most of Earth’s longwave radiation

Figure. 4. Earth’s Energy Balance

⑵ Earth’s Thermal Equilibrium

① Earth’s Radiative Equilibrium

○ Definition : State where Earth’s temperature is maintained at a constant level

○ Reason : Over long periods, the amount of incoming solar radiation and outgoing terrestrial radiation achieve a nearly equal balance

○ Also known as heat balance or radiative equilibrium

② Albedo

○ Definition : Energy reflected or scattered back to space by the Earth’s surface, clouds, dust, or air particles from the Sun’s radiation

○ Reflectivity : Depends on the angle of incidence when light strikes the object

○ If the angle of incidence is less than 60 degrees, 96% of the incident light passes through the object

○ Earth has an average albedo of 31%, while the Moon has 12%

○ Desert > Forest > Ocean in terms of albedo

③ Heat Energy Budget

○ Solar Insolation (100%) = Surface Absorption (50%) + Atmospheric Absorption (20%) + Earth’s Reflection (30%)

○ Solar insolation : 0.5 cal / cm^2 · min

○ Surface absorption : 0.25 cal / cm^2 · min, re-emitted into space

○ Atmospheric absorption : 0.1 cal / cm^2 · min, re-emitted into space

○ Earth’s reflection : 0.15 cal / cm^2 · min

⑶ Thermal Budget and Heat Transport by Latitude

① Thermal Budget by Latitude

○ Low Latitude : Incoming energy > Outgoing energy → Energy surplus

○ Mid Latitude : Incoming energy ≒ Outgoing energy → Energy equilibrium

○ High Latitude : Incoming energy < Outgoing energy → Energy deficit

② Heat Transport

○ Equatorial ocean circulation to Mid Latitude

○ Mid-latitude atmospheric circulation to High Latitude

○ Results in maintaining radiative equilibrium by latitude

4. Internal Energy of the Earth

⑴ Geothermal Gradient : 3 ℃ / 100 m, geothermal gradient decreases as depth increases

⑵ Radioactive Decay Heat

① Granite (constitutes continental crust) > Basalt (constitutes oceanic crust) > Gabbro (constitutes mantle)

⑶ Geothermal Flux

① The amount of heat energy emitted from the Earth’s interior to the surface per unit area and per unit time.

○ Influenced by radioactive decay and volcanic activity

○ Global average value : 1.5 HFU = 1.5 × 10^-6 cal / cm^2 · s

② Continental Geothermal Flux : Mainly due to the decay heat of radioactive isotopes in granite

③ Oceanic Geothermal Flux : Heat transferred from the Earth’s interior and released

○ Ridge crest > Oceanic trench > Seamounts

○ Submarine ridges, seamounts, island arcs, and volcanic arcs show high geothermal flux

○ Submarine trenches, abyssal plains, and stable continental regions show low geothermal flux

Input : 2016.06.22 20:54

Modified : 2022.09.12 19:34

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