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Chapter 4. Random Variable and Distribution

Higher category: 【Statistics】 Statistics Overview

1. Random variable

2. Distribution function

3. Density function

4. Moment generating function

5. Probability generating function

6. Dimension extension

1. Random variable 

⑴ Definition: A function that maps each event in the sample space to a real number, or the real value mapped by the function.

① A random variable is usually denoted by a capital letter X, and each value is denoted by x or xi.

Example 1. Die: {1, ···, 6} → ℝ with Die(i) = i

Example 2. Coin: {head, tail} → ℝ with Coin(head) = 1, Coin(tail) = 0

Example 3. Sum: {(i, j) i, j = 1, ···, 6} with Sum(i, j) = i + j

⑤ X : Ω → ℝ

⑥ F → B(ℝ) = A, B(ℝ): Borel field

⑦ A ⊂ ℝ, X-1(A) = {ω X(ω) ∈ A}

⑧ A ⊂ ℝ, PX(A) = P(X-1(A)); PX is denoted as P for convenience.

Example problems of the concept of random variables

⑵ discrete random variable

definition 1. when the range of the random variable X is a finite set or a countable infinite set

definition 2. when the cumulative distribution function F is discrete

⑶ continuous random variable

definition 1. when the range of the random variable X is an uncountable infinite set 

definition 2. when the cumulative distribution function F is continuous

⑷ probability distribution: a functional relationship PX that represents the probability of a specific event

class 1. distribution function: also referred to as cumulative distribution function(CDF)

class 2. density: categorized by probability mass function and probability density function

class 3. moment generating function

④ probability mass function: probability distribution of discrete random variable

⑤ probability density function: probability distribution of continuous random variable

⑥ differentiating the distribution function results in density ↔ integrating the density becomes a distribution function

2. Distribution function

⑴ Definition

① definition: referred to as F(xi) = P(-∞ < X ≤ xi

② cumulative distribution function of discrete random variable


③ cumulative distribution function of continuous random variable 


⑵ Characteristics 

① F(-∞) = 0, F(∞) = 1

② about x1 < x < x2, F(x1) ≤ F(x2)

③ regardless of whether the density is a discrete random variable or a continuous random variable, the right limit matches the function value

④ P(a < X ≤ b) = F(b) - F(a) 

Various probability distributions

3. Density function 

⑴ indication function

① notation: I{·

② definition: a function that is 1 only when · is satisfied and 0 otherwise

⑵ probability mass function (PMF)

① definition: about X ={x1, x2, ···, xn}, refers to the function p(x) that satisfies p(xi) = P(X = xi)

② Example


⑶ probability density function (PDF)

① definition: for the cumulative distribution function F, refers to the function p(x) with F’(x) = p(x)

② example


⑷ common features

① p(x) ≥ 0

② ∫ p(x) dx = 1

⑸ differences

① point probability: probability mass function may not have a point probability of zero, but probability density function always has a point probability of zero

② note that there is a difference between a point probability of 0 and the definition of a support function.

support function SX ={x | p(x) > 0}

○ if independent, the support function must be constant for any variable

4. Moment generating function 

Expected value


⑵ Moment

① n-th order moment for origin


② 1st order moment for origin: expected value

③ 2nd order moment for origin: moment of inertia

③ 1st order moment for center: 0

④ 2nd order moment for center: variance

⑤ Skewness: degree of tilt



Figure 1. meaning of skewness

○ skew > 0 : When there is a long tail to the right, a lot of data is skewed to the left in response

○ skew < 0 : if there is a long tail to the left

⑥ Kurtosis: sharpness



Figure 2. Meaning of Kurtosis

○ Similar to normal distribution if the kurtois is close to 3

○ Kurtosis ↑: outlayers tend to become crazy values ↑, i.e., tailedness increases

○ Kurtosis ↑: more pointed

Example problems for moment

⑶ Moment generating function

① Definition


② Relationship with the moment


③ Similar to Laplace conversion: the momentum generation function and probability distribution are one-to-one correspondence

Characteristic 1 ψaX+b(t) = ebtψX(at)


Characteristic 2. If X1, ···, Xn are independent, about Y = X1 + ··· + Xn


Example problems for moment generating function

5. Probability generating function

⑴ Definition: It is primarily defined for discrete random variables.

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⑵ Relationship with moment generating function

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⑶ Sum of independent random variables and probability generating functions

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⑷ n-th factorial moment: Denoted as μ(n), it can be expressed as the n-th derivative of the probability generating function.

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⑸ Probability generation: pn = Pr(N = n) can be understood as the coefficient of xn in the Taylor series expansion.

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Example problems for probability generating functions

6. Dimension extension 

⑴ define (X, Y) to have two random variables: Ω → ℝ2

⑵ joint probability distribution (joint probability mass function)

① discrete random variable: about X = {x1, ···, xm}, Y = {y1, ···, yn}, p(x, y) such that p(xi, yj) = P(X = xi, Y = yj)

② continuous random variable: a function p(x, y) such that ∂2F(x, y) / ∂x ∂y = p(x, y)

Characteristic 1. p(x, y) ≥ 0

Characteristic 2. ∑∑ p(x, y) = 1

Example problems for joint probability distribution

Example problems for advanced joint probability distribution

⑶ Marginal probability distribution

① Definition: changing the joint probability distribution to the probability variable X or Y only

② Marginal probability distribution of discrete random variables


③ Marginal probability distribution of continuous random variables


Example problems for marginal probability distribution

Example problems for advanced marginal probability distribution

⑷ Example


Table 1. examples of joint probability distribution and marginal probability distribution

① knowing the joint probability distribution can tell the distribution of marginal probability

② knowing the marginal probability distribution does not always mean that the joint probability distribution is known

Simpson’s paradox: do not calculate intuitively


Table 2. Simpson’s paradox

⑸ Joint moment

Example problems for joint moment

Example problems for advanced joint moment

⑹ Joint moment generating function

① Definition


② Characteristic


Conditional distribution

① conditional distribution of Y: p (y | x) = p(x, y)/pX(x)

② conditional distribution of X: p (x | y) = p(x, y)/pY(y)

Application 1.


Application 2. about Y = g(X), P(X = x) = p(x)


⑤ Conditional probability expression for independence


⑥ Conditional independence


Example problems of conditional distribution

Example problems for joint conditional distribution

Example problems for joint conditional moment

⑻ Mutual independence

① definition


② Completeness of the definition of mutually independece 

○ Independence can be formed, even in part


○ note that the joint probability distribution and the marginal probability distribution are relative concepts

Characteristic 1. mutual independence and joint distribution function 


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