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Confusing English Words (TEPS, TOEFL, GRE)

Recommended Article : 【English】 English Vocabulary Index

※ Arrange in alphabetical order, with the word that comes first in the alphabet at the top and to the left

abase (to lower in rank, esteem, etc.) : abate (to reduce in amount, degree, intensity, etc.)

acquiesce (to assent tacitly; submit or comply silently) : exquisite (extremely beautiful)

acquire (to come into possession or ownership of) : acquisitive (greedy)

acquit (to relieve from a charge of fault or crime) : acquiesce (to assent tacitly)

agonist : antagonist

alter (to change) : altar (a raised structure) : altercation (a heated or angry dispute)

apprehensible (capable of being understood) : apprehensive (anxious or fearful)

artery (a blood vessel) : vein (a blood vessel)

blanket (a large, rectangular piece of soft fabric) : blanket (comprehensive; overall)

capitulate (to surrender unconditionally or on stipulated terms) : recapitulate (to review by a brief summary)

cheer up (encouragement) : cheer on (to comfort)

complement (to complete or enhance by providing something additional) : compliment (an expression of praise) : complimentary (expressing a compliment; free of charge)

congressman (a member of the U.S. House of Representatives) : **representative** (a member of the U.S. House of Representatives) ** :** senator (a member of the U.S. Senate)

consist (to be made up or composed (used with ‘of’); intransitive verb) : constitute (to compose; form; transitive verb)

consonant (a speech sound) : vowel (a speech sound)

contraband (illegal or prohibited trade) : contravene (to come or be in conflict with) : convene (to come together)

dazzle (to overpower or dim the vision of) : drizzle (light rain)

defect (a shortcoming, fault, or imperfection) : defect (to desert a cause, country, etc.)

denominator (the bottom number in a fraction) : numerator (the top number in a fraction)

denounce (to condemn or censure openly or publicly) : renounce (to give up or put aside voluntarily)

dissertation (a written essay, treatise, or thesis) : thesis (a dissertation on a particular subject)

disinterested (unbiased by personal interest or advantage) : uninterested (having no interest)

dispassionate (not influenced by strong emotion) : passionate (having, compelled by, or ruled by intense emotion)

emigrant (a person who emigrates, as from his or her native country) : emigre (an emigrant, especially a political refugee)

empathize : emphasize

exceptionable (liable to objection or debate) : exceptional (forming an exception; unusual)

faint (lacking brightness, vividness, clearness, etc.) : feint (a deceptive or pretended blow, thrust, or other movement)

flick (to strike lightly with a swift, sharp motion) : flinch (to shrink under pain) : frown (to contract the brow in displeasure)

headlong (headfirst; precipitate; rash) : headstrong (determined to have one’s own way)

humility : humidity

impetus (a moving force; impulse; stimulus) : impetuous (acting or done quickly and without thought or care)

imprudent (not prudent; lacking discretion) : impudent (characterized by impertinence or effrontery)

indulge (to yield to, satisfy, or gratify) : indulgent (characterized by or showing indulgence)

inofficial : unofficial

marital (of or relating to marriage) : maritime (connected with the sea)

momentary (lasting for only an instant) : momentous (of great or far-reaching importance or consequence)

motility (the ability to move independently) : mobility (how well something moves under external forces)

official (of or relating to an office or position of duty, trust, or authority) : officious (objectionably aggressive in offering one’s unrequested and unwanted services) : officially (by or in a manner pertaining to an office or position of duty)

ostensible (apparent, evident, or conspicuous) : ostentatious (characterized by or given to pretentious display)

prodigal (wastefully or recklessly extravagant) : prodigy (a person, especially a child or young person, having extraordinary talent or ability)

rage (violent and uncontrolled anger) : raze (to tear down; demolish)

rebuke (to express sharp, stern disapproval of) : recede (to go or move away) : regress (to go backward) : reprove (to criticize or correct) : reproach (to find fault with) : retrocede (to go backward)

recapitulate (to review by a brief summary) : capitulate (to surrender unconditionally or on stipulated terms)

release : leash, unleash

remit (to transmit or send (money, a check, etc.) to a person or place) : unremitting (not slackening or abating)

replace A with B (to substitute B for A) : substitute A for B (to replace B with A)

senator (a member of the U.S. Senate) : sinister (threatening or portending evil, harm, or trouble)

sedate (calm, quiet, or composed) : seditious (pertaining to, of the nature of, or tending to sedition)

umbrella (a light, portable, circular canopy) : umbrella (comprehensive; including many things)

vault (a secure room or a compartment, often made of steel, for storing valuables) : vaunt (to boast of; brag about)

venal (willing to sell one’s influence, especially in return for a bribe) : venial (forgivable; excusable)

wage (a payment usually of money for labor or services) : wager (a bet; gamble; assurance)

Legal Terms

⑴ lawyer : A legal professional. Not only attorneys but all legal practitioners

⑵ attorney : Synonym for lawyer

⑶ defense attorney : lawyer

⑷ counsel : lawyer, legal counsel

⑸ represent : to defend a defendant

⑹ prosecutor : prosecutor

⑺ district attorney : prosecutor

⑻ attorney general : chief legal officer of a state

⑼ judge : judge

⑽ jury : panel of jurors

⑾ litigant : a party involved in a lawsuit

Input : 2021.08.11 10:26

Edit: 2022.10.30 01:43

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