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Chapter 14-4. Wilcoxon Rank Test

Recommended Article : 【Statistics】Lecture 14. Statistical Testing

1. Overview

2. Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test

3. Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test

1. Overview

⑴ Single Sample

① Parametric Test : Single Sample T-Test

② Non-Parametric Test : Sign Test, Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test

⑵ Two Samples (Paired Samples) : Essentially the same as single sample

① Parametric Test : Paired Sample T-Test

② Non-Parametric Test : Sign Test, Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test

⑶ Two Samples (Independent Samples)

① Parametric Test : Independent Sample T-Test

② Non-Parametric Test : Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test

⑷ Analysis of Variance

① Parametric Test : ANOVA

② Non-Parametric Test : Kruskal-Wallis Test

⑸ Randomness

① Non-Parametric Test : Run Test

⑹ Correlation Analysis

① Pearson Correlation Coefficient

② Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient

2. Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test

⑴ Overview

① Also known as Mann-Whitney U statistics or Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test

② A representative non-parametric test method for testing the median of two samples

③ A test method using the sum of ranks in a combined sample from two samples

Assumption 1. Data distribution is continuous and independent

Assumption 2. Symmetry assumption about the data distribution

⑵ 1st. Null Hypothesis and Alternative Hypothesis

① Null Hypothesis H0 : Δ = 0. That is, the medians of the two populations are the same

② Alternative Hypothesis H1 : Δ > 0 or Δ < 0 or Δ ≠ 0

⑶ 2nd. Setting the Significance Level

⑷ 3rd. Calculation of Test Statistic

3-1. Combine the data from both samples and assign ranks

3-2. Sum the ranks of the group with the smaller sample size

○ If the sample sizes are equal, either can be chosen

○ In the case of data with the same values, assign a representative rank to those data collectively

3-3. Calculate the following


○ n1 : The sample size of the smaller group. Should be 10 or more

○ n2 : The sample size of the larger group. Should be 10 or more

○ R : The sum of the ranks of the smaller group

⑸ 4th. Statistical Testing

3. Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test

⑴ Overview

① Used for testing the median of a single sample or the difference in medians of two paired samples

② A test method that considers not only the sign of the difference but also its relative magnitude

Assumption 1. Data distribution is continuous and independent

Assumption 2. Symmetry assumption about the data distribution

⑵ 1st. Assumptions

① N : Sample size

② Since there are N data in each of the two groups, there are a total of 2N data

③ Paired Comparison Assumption : x1,i and x2,i form a pair

④ H0 : μ1 - μ2 = 0

⑤ H1 : μ1 - μ2 ≠ 0, μ1 - μ2 > 0, or μ1 - μ2 < 0

⑶ 2nd. Calculate x1,i - x2,i and sgn(x1,i - x2,i)
⑷ 3rd. Remove pairs where x1,i - x2,i = 0 and define the new sample size as N*

⑸ 4th. Rearrange the absolute differences in increasing order and assign ranks

① In the case of data with the same values, assign a representative rank to those data collectively

⑹ 5th. Calculation of Test Statistic

Method 1.


Method 2.

○ w+ : The sum of ranks of the data with positive differences

○ w- : The sum of ranks of the data with negative differences

○ ws = min(w+, w-)

○ Calculation of the statistic


③ N* should be 10 or more

⑺ 6th. Statistical Testing

Entered : 2021.05.10 09:13

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