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14-2 Lecture. Simple Testing

Recommended Article : 【Statistics】 Lecture 14. Statistical Testing

1. Sign Test

2. ROC Analysis

1. Sign Test

⑴ Overview

① A test method that uses only the sign of the difference, ignoring the magnitude of the difference, to test the position of the median

② Convert the data into signs of + and - based on the median, and then test based on the number of these signs

③ Assumes that the data distribution is continuous and independent

⑵ Procedure

Step 1. Sample extraction

○ Extract a continuous sample from the population

○ Define the remaining samples as X1, X2, …, Xn when the number of samples remaining after excluding samples equal to the assumed median θ0 is n

Step 2. Test statistic


Step 3. Rejection region for significance level α

○ Null hypothesis : θ = θ0

○ If the alternative hypothesis is θ > θ0, then the rejection region is B ≥ b(α, n, 1/2)

○ If the alternative hypothesis is θ < θ0, then the rejection region is B ≤ b(α, n, 1/2)

○ If the alternative hypothesis is θ ≠ θ0, then the rejection region is B ≥ b(α/2, n, 1/2) or B < b(1 - α/2, b, 1/2)

2. ROC Analysis (receiver operator characteristic)

⑴ Parameter Definition

① TP (true positive) : The case where the actual value is true and the measured value is true. (Note) Means real positive

② FN (false negative) : The case where the actual value is true and the measured value is false. (Note) Means fake negative

③ FP (false positive) : The case where the actual value is false and the measured value is true. (Note) Means fake positive

④ TN (true negative) : The case where the actual value is false and the measured value is false. (Note) Means real negative

Sensitivity (true positive rate, TPR) or Recall : TP / (TP + FN)

Specificity : TN / (TN + FP)

⑦ Accuracy : (TP + TN) / (TP + FN + FP + TN)

⑧ Error rate : 1 - Accuracy

Precision or Positive Predictive Value (PPV) : TP / (TP + FP)

⑨ Negative Predictive Value (NPV) : TN / (TN + FN)

False Discovery Rate (FDR, false positive rate) : FP / (TN + FP)

⑪ F1 Score : 2 × precision × recall / (precision + recall)

○ A performance evaluation indicator that combines precision and sensitivity

○ Ranges from 0 to 1

○ The higher the precision and sensitivity, the higher the F1 Score

⑫ Kappa Statistic

○ K = (Pr(a) - Pr(e)) / (1 - Pr(e))

○ K : Kappa coefficient

○ Pr(a) : Probability of prediction being accurate

○ Pr(e) : Probability of prediction being coincidentally accurate

○ A method to measure the agreement of categorical values measured by two observers

○ Ranges from 0 to 1, with closer to 1 indicating better agreement between model predictions and actual values, and closer to 0 indicating disagreement

○ In addition to accuracy, the kappa statistic is used to demonstrate that the evaluation results of the model are not coincidental

⑵ Concordance Index

① Generally, adjusting the threshold causes sensitivity and specificity to show opposite trends


Figure. 1. Trend of sensitivity and specificity with respect to the threshold

② ROC curve : A graph visualized with 1 - specificity (= FDR) on the x-axis and sensitivity on the y-axis


Figure. 2. AOC curve

○ The ideal case is when both sensitivity and specificity are 1

③ Concordance Index : Refers to the area under the AOC curve

④ If the ROC is random, the concordance index = 0.5

⑤ The concordance cannot exceed 1

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