Korean, Edit

Chapter 13. Statistical Estimation

Higher category : 【Statistics】 Statistics Overview

1. overview

2. point estimation

3. interval estimation

1. overview 

⑴ statistical estimation: estimating the characteristics of a population through samples

⑵ state space: ℝn. a set of all the observed samples 

2. point estimation (parametric approach, location type)

⑴ definition: estimating parameters from samples (x1, ···, xn)


① parameter : values showing the characteristics of the population. μ, σ, θ, λ, etc

② μ : mean of population

③ σ : standard deviation of population

④ θ : θ: probability of success in Bernoulli distribution or binomial distribution

⑤ λ : λ of Poisson distribution or exponential distribution

⑵ sampling distribution (empirical distribution)

⑶ point estimator: for parameter θ, 

definition 1. point estimator is not a single number but a function

definition 2. point estimator is a function for X1, ···, Xn 


definition 3. the probability of a point estimator is a function of θ


⑷ criteria for a good point estimator 

① expected error or mean squared error (MSE) : also called model risk

○ bias-variance decomposition 


○ as the covariance of bias and chance error is 0 intuitively, we can remove the intermediate term 

○ the strategy to reduce the bias increases the model variance

○ the strategy to reduce the model variance increases the bias

criterion 1. bias: also called systemic error, non-random error, and model bias


○ small bias required

○ cause: underfitting, lack of domain knowledge

○ solutions: use of more complex models, use of models suitable for domain

○ unbiased estimator: B = 0 ⇔ sample mean = population mean. if there’s unbiasedness, it’s a good estimator

example 1. sample mean: unbiased estimator of population mean 


example 2. sample variance : unbiased estimator of population variance 


example 3. sample covariance


example 4. when Xi ~ u[0, θ], either unbiased estimator or not 


criterion 2. efficiency: related to random chance error


○ small variance is required based on the premise of unbiased estimator  

2-1. noise variance: also called 1st chance error and observation variance. marked as σ2

○ example : error of the instrument itself, noise of the target itself

○ there are attempts to measure these information, but there are many difficulties

2-2. model variance: also called 2nd chance error


○ chance error due to the fact that the sample group is a randomly extracted set from the population

○ cause : overfitting

○ solution : using a simpler model

○ bias-variance tradeoff : as model complexity increases, the bias decrease, but model variance increases, resulting in trade-off relationship and optimal complexity


Figure. 1. bias-variance tradeoff


Figure. 2. differences between simple and complex models

○ BLUE (best linear unbiased estimator) : the estimator of the smallest variance among linear unbiased estimators


○ uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator (UMVU)

○ definition: the estimator of the smallest variance among unbiased estimators including non-linear unbiased estimators 

○ the direct calculation of Fisher information I


○ the indirect calculation of Fisher information In  

○ Cramér–Rao lower bound = 1 / In

○ if an estimator is equal to the Cramér–Rao lower bound, it is UMVU 

criterion 3. consistency and consistent estimator 

○ asymptotic property: characteristic of sample, of which size is approaching ∞

○ asymptotic unbiasedness: the case in which the unbiasedness is established when n → ∞. it is related to the law of large numbers


○ asymptotic efficiency 


○ consistency : the property of the estimator converging into a parameter


○ X is a random variable, but generally considered as a specific constant

○ example: the following is a poor random variable because it is inconsistent


criterion 4. least squared estimator


method 1. discrete probability distribution and maximum probability

① it uses the definition of binomial coefficients


② example

○ situation: number of members of a population are estimated through marking-and-recapture method

○ given the number of members N, the number of firstly captured members m, the number of lastly captured members n, the number of lastly marked memebers x

○ probability distribution: hypergeometric distribution


○ question: the most reasonable value of N 


method 2. method of moment estimator (MOM): also called sample analog estimation

① definition: the method of calculating the estimator of θ in a way of θˆ =g-1((1/n) × ∑Xik) based on the fact that E(Xk) = g(θ) ⇔ θ = g-1(E(Xk)) 

○ E(Xk) : moment or population moment

○ (1/n) × ∑Xik : sample moment

○ the moment is a constant, and the sample moment is a random variable with a constant distribution

○ consistency : by the law of large numbers, the sample moment converges into the moment 

② sample moment

○ k-th order sample moment for origin


○ k-th order sample moment for sample mean


③ example


method 3. maximum likelihood method (ML) 

① definition

○ θ : parameter

○ θ* : the estimator of the parameter θ

○ θML : the maximum likelihood estimator of the parameter θ

② likelihood: the possibility of something happening

③ likelihood function

○ the probability that a given sample will come out when θ* is given.

○ also known as product of likelihoods

that is, p(X | θ*)

○ marked as ℒ

④ log likelihood function: taking a log into the likelihood function

○ marked as ℓ = ln ℒ

maximum likelihood estimation: examining θML that maximizes the likelihood function p(X | θ)


assumption : the closer the θ* is to parameter θ, the greater the likelihood function will be

○ 1st. differentiation of log likelihood function: acquire θ* that makes the local maximum on a valid interval 

○ 2nd. if the local maximum exists: it is assumed that the θ* that makes the local maximum is θML 

○ 3rd. if the local maximum doesn’t exist: it is assumed that θ* with higher likelihood of both ends of a valid interval is θML 

○ maximum likelihood estimation and Hessian matrix: a useful method for obtaining estimators of all differentiable functions

step 1. get the second order approximation by obtaining the Taylor series for θk , and calculate the solution θk+1 = θk + dk that maximize the approximated equation 


Figure. 3. relationship between maximum likelihood estimation and Taylor expansion


step 2. Newton-Raphson method : updating θk will eventually reach the global maximum

○ example : logistic regression 

⑥ maximum likelihood estimator : when sample X is given, the function G corresponding to θML that maximizes the likelihood 

○ θML = G (ℓ) = G(ℒ)

○ limitation of the estimator: there are limits on the assumption of maximum likelihood estimation

○ the estimator favored by statisticians.

example 1.


example 2.


example 3. 


example 4. the maximum likelihood estimation might not be determined solely


characteristic 1. consistency


characteristic 2. asymptotic normal distribution


characteristic 3. invariance : if θML is the maximum likelihood estimator of θ, g(θML) is the maximum likelihood estimator of g(θ)

characteristic 4. the maximum likelihood estimation is a special example of Bayes rule 


3. interval estimation (scaling type) 

⑴ definition: estimating which interval the parameter is in through the samples 

① purpose of introduction: the probability that the point estimator exactly matches the actual parameter is zero

② confidence level (confidence coefficient)

○ P(θleft < θ < θright) = 1 - α, 0 < α < 1

○ threshold: values that constitute the boundary of the confidence interval. θleft, , θright, etc 

○ 1 - α : confidence level (confidence coefficient)

○ α : rejection probability or significance level

○ confidence interval: the interval [θleft, θright] , the probability of θ being on which is (1 - α) × 100%


○ P(Z > 1.65) = 5% ⇔ P( Z > 1.65) = 10%

○ P(Z > 1.96) = 2.5% ⇔ P( Z > 1.96) = 5%

○ P(Z > 2.58) = 0.5% ⇔ P( Z > 2.58) = 1%

④ 68 - 95 - 99.7 rule 

○ μ ± 1 × σ : 68.27 %

○ μ ± 2 × σ : 95.45 %

○ μ ± 3 × σ : 99.73 %

case 1. when Xi ~ N(μ, σ2) and the population variance σ2 is known 

① overview: a normal distribution is used

② method

○ introduction: when μ is known, the probability of Xavg (confidence level : α) is as follows


○ change of ideas: XavgI (μ) ⇔ μ ∈I (Xavg) (confidence level: α)

○ meaning : it means the probability distribution of μ when Xavg is known 

○ it is noted that the probability distribution of μ follows the same conceptual framework of the probability distribution of Xavg when μ is known 

○ draw your own picture to confirm


Figure. 4. a figure showing the correspondence between the probability distribution of Xavg when μ is known and the confidence interval of μ conjectured through Xavg 


pivotal estimation : for the shortest confidence interval, it should be established that |a| = |b|, i.e. a = -zα/2, b = zα/2. here, the proof is omitted


③ if you know the distribution function

○ example 1. F(x) = √x / θ, 0 ≤ x ≤ θ2 : the 90% confidence interval is as follows


○ example 2. F(x) = (x / θ)n : the 90% confidence interval is as follows


case 2. when Xi ~ N(μ, σ2) and the population variance σ2 is unknown 

① overview 

○ normal distribution needs to know the variance of the population 

○ in reality, the sample variance is used because the population variance is unknown 

○ the distribution of sample mean when using sample variance instead of population variance is exactly t-distribution 

example 1. sample mean


○ introduction: when μ is known, the probability of Xavg (confidence level : α)


○ change of ideas : XavgI* (μ) ⇔ μ ∈ I* (Xavg) (confidence level : α)


pivotal estimation: for the shortest confidence interval, it should be established that |a| = |b|, i.e. a = - tα/2, b = tα/2. here, the proof is omitted


example 2. (case 1) when XiX, σ2) (i = 1, ···, n) and YjY, σ2) (i = 1, ···, n) are paired 

○ also called paired estimation (matched sample estimation)

○ in fact, there is only one variable: after defining Wi = Xi - Yi, manipulate example 1 


○ an example of a paired sample 


Table. 1. an example of a paired sample

○ an example of an independent sample 


Table. 2. an example of an independent sample

example 3. (case 2) difference of two sample means : when XiX, σ2) (i = 1, ···, n) and YjY, σ2) (j = 1, ···, m) are independent 

○ when the variances of two sample means are same in unpaired sample estimation (pooled sample estimation) 

○ formula 


○ confidence interval for confidence level α


example 4. (case 3) difference of sample means: when XiX, σX2) (i = 1, ···, n) and YjY, σY2) (j = 1, ···, m) are independent (assuming σX ≠ σY)

○ when the variances of two sample means are different in unpaired sample estimation (pooled sample estimation) 

○ Welch approach is used


○ degree of freedom in (case 3) is lower than (case 2) → power of test decreases

○ the formula of ν is very complex


example 5. confidence interval of population variance 

○ note that there is no obvious solution in minimizing the size of the confidence interval: numerical analysis should be used

○ the given model


○ confidence interval for confidence level α


example 6. ratio of population variance


○ confidence interval for confidence level α


case 3. when samples do not follow normal distribution, but there are many samples

central limit theorem : if n is large enough, the distribution of sample mean converges into normal distribution

○ formula


○ t distribution eventually converges into normal distribution

② number of samples

○ normality is typically achieved with only 25 ~ 30 samples

○ for a symmetric unimodal distribution (having one extreme value), n = 5 is sufficient

example 1. population ratio

○ given model


○ confidence interval for confidence level α 


example 2. correlation coefficient 

○ null hypothesis H0 : correlation coefficient = 0

○ alternative hypothesis H1 : correlation ceofficient ≠ 0

○ calculation of t statistics: for the correlation coefficient r obtained from the sample,


○ the above statistic follows the student t distribution with a degree of freedom of n - 2 (assuming the number of samples is n)

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