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Chapter 4-1. Space Industry

Recommended Reading : 【Earth Science】 Chapter 4. Space

1. Space Industry

2. Overview of Space Technology

3. Boeing

4. SpaceX

5. Blue Origin

1. Space Industry

⑴ Market Size

① Trend of Investment Scale


Figure. 1. Trend of Investment in the Space Industry

○ SpaceX : $1.8 billion (launch vehicles, space internet)

○ OneWeb : $1.5 billion (space internet)

○ Sierra Space : $1.4 billion (reusable space shuttle, inflatable habitat)

○ Relativity Space : $650 million (3D printed small launch vehicles)

○ ABL Space System : $370 million (small launch vehicles)

② Statistics

○ fiscal year 2020 : 0.36% of U.S. budget committed to space

○ In 2019, the space industry generated a revenue of 366 billion USD : primarily satellites and defense industry

⑵ Flight Schedule

① startup

② liftoff

③ max-Q : the point when the rocket experiences maximum dynamic pressure

④ parking orbit

⑤ booster engine cutoff

⑥ main engine cutoff

⑦ fairing deploy

⑧ boosters land

⑨ stage 2 shutdown

⑩ core lands

2. Overview of Space Technology

⑴ Sputnik1 : The first spacecraft to orbit launched by the Soviet Union

⑵ Yuri Gagarin

① The first crewed mission to space happened in 1961

② From the Soviet Union was sent to circle Earth.

③ The plan involved his ejecting and parachuting to the ground before the capsule violently crash-landed.

⑶ Apollo Project : Humanity’s moon landing project

① Currently, the United States is the only country to have sent humans to the Moon

② The Saturn V was used in the Apollo Project

③ Apollo 9 **: **The first manned spacecraft to operate with a lunar module

④ Apollo 11 : The first time humans landed on the Moon, on July 20, 1969

⑤ Including Apollo 11, Apollo 12, 14, 15, 16, and 17 (1972) a total of 6 successful missions : Apollo 13 failed

⑷ Salyut 1 : The first space station launched by the Soviet Union on April 19, 1971

⑸ International Space Station (ISS)

① The only fully operational space station since 2000

② Operating until 2030

③ Recently announced by Russia to withdraw in 2024

⑹ Voyager

① Voyager 1

○ Launch Date : September 5, 1977

○ The first human-made object to exit the solar system on August 25, 2012

○ Passed through the heliopause 121 AU from the sun

② Voyager 2

○ Launch Date : August 20, 1977

⑺ Parker Solar Probe

① A robotic spacecraft made by NASA and launched in 2018

② Measuring the solar corona

⑻ Mars Rovers

① Famous for NASA’s robotic Mars rovers

Type 1. robotic spacecraft

Type 2. orbiter

Type 3. lander

Type 4. rover : Spirit, Opportunity which have far exceeded their initial 90-day mission

⑼ Chan’e-4 : The first to land on the far side of the Moon


Figure. 2. Human Moon Landing Sites

Rocket Size Comparison

○ Black Arrow : 13 m

○ Electron : 17 m

○ Minotaur 1 : 19.2 m

○ Atlas SM-65 : 26 m

○ Atlas LV-3B : 28.7 m

○ Sputnik (8K71PS) : 30 m

○ Vega : 30 m

○ Vostok 8K72K : 30.85 m

○ Titan 2 : 31.4 m

○ Delta 2 : 39 m

○ GSLV MK-3 : 43.4 m

○ Soyuz MS-05 : 45.6 m

○ Nuri : 47 m, thrust 300 tons

○ Ariane 5 : 50.5 m

○ H-2A : 53 m, Japan

○ Long March 3B : 54.8 m

○ Space Shuttle : 56.1 m

○ H-2B : 56.6 m, Japan

○ Energia + Buran SpaceCraft : 58.7 m

○ Angara A5 : 64 m

○ Falcon 9 : 70 m, SpaceX

○ Falcon 9 Heavy : 70 m, SpaceX

○ Delta 4 Heavy : 72 m

○ Ares 1 : 94 m

○ N1/L3 : 105.3 m

○ Saturn 5 : 110.6 m

○ Height : 363’

○ payload weight : over 40 tons

○ Thrust : 7.5M lbs (3400 tons)

○ Engine : 10 (5, 4, 1)

○ stage : 3

○ Fuel type : kerosene LH2 / LOX

○ SLS block 1B : 110.9 m

○ Height : 364’

○ payload weight : over 40 tons

○ Thrust : 8.8M lbs

○ Engine : 10 (2, 4, 4)

○ stage : 2 + SRBs

○ Fuel type : solid fuel LH2 / LOX

○ Ares 5 : 116 m

○ Starship : 118 m, diameter 9 m, SpaceX


Figure. 3. Trend of Rocket Launch Costs

3. Boeing

⑴ Owned Technology

① Boeing 737

○ Price : $90M

○ Passenger capacity : 180

○ Cost per passenger if single-use : $500,000

○ Cost per passenger if reused : $43 (LA ~ Las Vegas)

○ Fuel cost : $10

4. SpaceX : Founded in 2002

⑴ Founder : Elon Musk

① physics

② economics

③ Currently competing for the first and second richest person in the world

⑵ Owned Technology

① Falcon 1 : 2006-2009

○ orbit earth

○ 21 m

○ 2 stage

○ 28000 kg mass

○ 180 kg payload to LEO

○ 450 kN first stage thrust

○ 31 kN second stage thrust

○ Launched a total of 4 times, with the last one being a success

② Falcon 9 : Used for satellite launches, etc.

○ Payload to LEO : 22.6 tons (expendable)

○ Payload to LEO : 15.6 tons (reusable)

○ Payload to GTO : 8.3 tons (expended)

○ Payload to GTO : 5.5 tons (partially reused)

○ Payload to MARS : 4 tons

○ expendable second stage

○ separate fairing system

○ only surface refueling

○ turnaround time > 24 hours

③ Falcon 9 version 1.0 : 2010-2013

○ 48 m

○ 2 stage

○ 333400 kg mass

○ 10450 kg payload to LEO

○ 4910 kN first stage thrust

○ 445 kN second stage thrust

○ dragon capsule

○ 6.1 m

○ 4200 kg mass

○ 6000 kg payload to ISS

④ Falcon 9 version 1.1 : 2013-2016

○ 68 m

○ 2 stage

○ 505846 kg

○ 5885 kN first stage thrust

○ 716 kN second stage thrust

⑤ Falcon 9 full thrust : 2015-2022

reusable rocket

⑥ Falcon 9 block 5 : 2017-2022

○ 71 m

○ 7607 kN first stage thrust

○ 934 kN second stage thrust

○ 549000 kg mass

○ 22800 kg payload to LEO

⑦ Falcon heavy : 2018-2019

○ 70 m

○ 2.5 stage

○ 1420000 kg

○ 63800 kg payload to LEO

○ 22800 kN first stage thrust

○ 934 kN second stage thrust

⑧ Starship : 2022

○ 120 m (total) = 70 m (super heavy) + starship (50 m)

○ 2 stage

○ 5000 ton mass

○ Payload to LEO : +100 tons

○ Payload to GTO : 21 tons (without refueling)

○ Payload to GTO : + 100 tons (with refueling)

○ Payload to MARS : +100 tons (with refueling)

○ 72000 kN first stage thrust

○ 12000 kN second stage thrust

○ fully reusable second stage

○ integrated fairing system

○ surface and orbital refueling

○ rapid turnaround time

○ Used for cargo transportation, etc.

⑨ Raptor engine

○ Currently, SpaceX can produce one RAPTOR engine in about 12 hours thanks to the introduction of the VELO3D 3D printer SapphireXC

⑶ Propulsion Projects

① Starlink

○ Provides internet through satellites, twice as fast as existing undersea cables. Can distribute internet even in remote and war-torn areas

○ A major factor in SpaceX’s profitability

② DARPA project : Capable of vertical takeoff and landing, therefore can perform military missions between points on Earth without runways

③ Artemis Project (2022 ~)

○ Artemis, the twin sister of Apollo, thus has the nature of a return of the Apollo Project

○ Part of NASA’s project to send humans to the Moon again, SpaceX was the final selection among three competitors

○ Fundamentally, it has the nature of a premise for Mars exploration

stage 1. space launch system (SLS)

stage 2. the provisional cryogenic propulsion stage (ICPS)

stage 3. orion crew module (CM)

○ Artemis I : A test flight from Kennedy Space Center in the USA with a manned capsule ‘Orion’ launched. (22.09.02)

○ Artemis II : A manned project without a moon landing. Four astronauts will board. 2024

○ Artemis III : A manned project including a moon landing. For the first time, includes a woman and a person of color


Figure. 4. Moon Landing Process

④ Space Station Missions

⑤ Space Travel Business

⑥ Ultra-fast Passenger Business on Earth

⑦ Satellite Transport

⑧ Space Telescope Transport : Related to the James Webb Space Telescope

⑷ Internal Policy

① SpaceX only hires Americans as employees are exposed to a lot of confidential information

② However, it is thought that SpaceX only hires Americans also to prevent technology leakage

5. Blue Origin (blue origin) : Founded in 2000

⑴ Founder : Jeff Bezos

Entered: 2022.03.05 12:36

Modified: 2024.02.12 12:14

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