Chapter 18. Amines and Others
Recommended Article: 【Organic Chemistry】 Organic Chemistry Table of Contents
1. Amines
2. Imines
3. Azides
4. Nitric Acids
1. Amines
⑴ Overview
① Definition: Derivatives of NH3
② Nomenclature
○ Add “amine” after the corresponding alkane carbon number
○ For 2nd and 3rd amines, substitute groups attached to other nitrogen atoms are named with N - prefixed
○ Amine substituents are denoted by “amino-“
③ Boiling Point
○ Hydrogen bonding is possible between primary and secondary amines
○ Boiling and melting points of tertiary amines are lower than those of primary or secondary amines: Tertiary amines cannot form intramolecular hydrogen bonds themselves
○ Boiling points of amines are relatively lower compared to alcohols with similar molecular weight: Due to lower electronegativity of nitrogen
○ Boiling point of trimethylamine > boiling point of triethylamine: Alkyl groups hinder intermolecular forces
○ Boiling point of triethylamine < boiling point of triethylphosphine: Polarizability is more important than electronegativity
④ Acidity
○ Comparison of amine basicity in the gaseous state: Tertiary > Secondary > Primary amines (Due to the electron-donating alkyl groups enhancing amine’s basicity)
○ Comparison of amine basicity in aqueous solutions: Secondary > Tertiary > Primary amines (Considering stabilizing effects from solvents)
○ pKa of alkyl amine conjugate acids is around 10-11
○ pKa of aryl amine conjugate acids is around 4-5
○ Basicity of aryl amines
○ Basicity of heterocyclic amines
⑵ Reaction 1. Acid-Base Reaction: Amines act as bases
⑶ Reaction 2. SN2 Nucleophilic Substitution Reaction
① 2-1. Amine protection and deprotection reactions
○ Protection reaction: -NH2 → -NHBoc
○ Deprotection reaction: -NHBoc → -NH2
Figure 1. Deprotection reaction mechanism
② 2-2. Thiourea bond formation reaction
Figure 2. Thiourea bond formation reaction
③ 2-3. Reactions of secondary and tertiary amines with nitrous acid
⑷ Reaction 3. Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution Reaction (SEAr)
⑸ Reaction 4. Hydrogenation Reduction Reaction
① Reaction 4-1. Acylation reaction: 1. SOCl2, 2. NH3, 3. LiAlH4, ether, 4. H2O
② Reaction 4-2. NaBH3CN: Reduces imines to amines
Figure 3. Reduction reaction of imines using NaBH3CN
③ Reaction 4-3. H2 / Pt: Reduces imines to amines
⑹ Reaction 5. Other Reactions
① Oxidation reactions of amines
② Diazonium salt production reaction with sodium nitrite (NaNO2)
Figure 4. Diazonium salt production reaction with sodium nitrite
③ Nitrosonium (N≡O+) production reaction with sodium nitrite (NaNO2)
Figure 5. nitrosonium production reaction with nitrite
⑥ Hinsberg test: Reaction with sulfonyl chlorides
⑦ Hofmann Elimination Reaction: Converts amines to alkenes
Figure 6. Hofmann elimination reaction of amines
○ (Formula 1) Conversion of amine to a good leaving group, i.e. trimethylamine, using 1. excess CH3I, base, 2. Ag2O, H2O, Δ conditions, followed by elimination reaction.
○ (Formula 2) Formation of alkene with smaller substituents
○ Zaitsev’s rule: Highly substituted alkenes are major products in elimination reactions due to alkene stability
○ Hofmann’s rule: Less substituted alkenes are major products in elimination reactions due to steric effects
○ Hofmann Elimination Reaction: When the substituent is a quaternary ammonium or tertiary sulfonium ion, the Hofmann product is the major product upon elimination
⑦ Cope Elimination Reaction
○ Hofmann Elimination Reaction is based on the E2 elimination reaction. Hofmann Elimination Reaction is based on the E2 elimination reaction. It proceeds through a stereospecific anti-periplanar mechanism.
○ Cope Elimination Reaction involves a pentagonal transition state
○ Treatment of tertiary amines with peroxides results in syn elimination of amine and formation of amine oxide
⑺ Synthesis Methods
① Haber-Bosch Process
○ Industrial production of ammonia
○ Preparing N2: H2 in a 1:3 ratio
○ Reaction 1: Air equilibrium: N2:O2 = 78%:21%
○ Reaction 2: Methane oxidation: 2CH4 + O2 → 2CO + 4H2
○ Reaction 3: Methane oxidation: CH4 + H2O → CO + 3H2
○ Reaction 4: Reaction with vapor: CO + H2O → CO2 + H2
○ By combining these reactions, a N2 to H2 molar ratio of 1:3 can be achieved
○ Haber-Bosch Process
○ Catalyst: Iron powder
○ Accounts for 1-2% of the total CO2 emissions produced by humans
② Direct SN2 reaction of alkyl halides with ammonia for primary amine synthesis: NH3
③ SN2 reaction of alkyl halides with azide ion for primary amine synthesis
○ Alkyl azide intermediates are explosive
④ Gabriel Synthesis
○ (Formula) Potassium phthalimide, base (e.g., OH-), H2O
○ A type of SN2 reaction
Figure 7. Gabriel synthesis
⑤ Reduction of nitrobenzene to aniline using reduction of substituent
⑨ Hofmann Rearrangement: Br2, H2O
⑩ Curtius Rearrangement: Generation of isocyanate and nitrogen gas from acyl azides
⑪ Schmidt Rearrangement: H+, -N2, H2O, -CO2
⑫ Lossen Rearrangement: Et3N, H2O, EtOH, H2O
⑬ Eschweiler-Clarke Reaction: HCOOH, CH2O
2. Imines
⑴ Overview
① Imines refer to -C=NR2
② Imines are also known as Schiff bases
⑵ Reactions
① Reaction 1. Hydration and Dehydration Reactions
○ 1-1. Hydration of imines: Reversible reaction
Figure 8. Nucleophilic substitution reaction of imines
○ 1-2. Dehydration reaction: Reacting HRC=N-OH with an acid anhydride forms R-C≡N
○ 1-3. Deamination of Cytosine
○ 1st. The two nitrogens on the cytosine base are in resonance.
○ 2nd. In CpG islands, a methyl group attaches to the cytosine base (epigenetics).
○ 3rd. Through hyperconjugation, the methyl group donates electrons to the cytosine ring, making the product more favorable than the reactant.
○ 4th. Through the reverse reaction of imine hydration, cytosine undergoes deamination and becomes thymine.
Figure 9. Deamination of Cytosine
② Reaction 2. Reduction Reactions
○ 2-1. Hydrogenation reaction of imines
Figure 10. Hydrogenation reduction reaction of imines
○ 2-2. Reduction of imines by organometallic reagents: Reduction using NaBH4, LiAlH4, etc. Forms a racemic mixture
Figure 11. Organic metal reagent reduction reaction of imines
○ 2-3. Selective reduction of imines: Using reagents like LiBH3CN, NaBH(OCOCH3)3
○ 2-4. Oxime reduction (e.g., cyclohexanone oxime → cyclohexanamine)
③ Reaction 3. Diazirine photoactivation: Upon exposure to hν or Δ, N2 gas is released, forming a carbene.
Figure 12. diazirine photoactivation
④ Reaction 4. Wolff-Kishner Reduction Reaction
○ When -C=N-NH2 (hydrazone) is treated with a base
○ Commonly used as a reaction to remove ketone groups in problems
Figure 13. Amine addition reaction to ketone + Wolff-Kishner reduction reaction
○ 4-1. Arndt-Eistert Reaction: Reaction where a carboxylic acid increases its carbon number by one
⑤ Reaction 5. Beckmann Rearrangement Reaction
○ When -C=N-OH (oxime) is treated with an acid
○ Nitrilium ion is stable due to resonance structures
Figure 14. Beckmann rearrangement reaction mechanism
⑶ Synthesis Methods
3. Azides
⑴ Overview
⑵ Reaction 1. Diazonium Reactions
① 1-1. Sandmeyer Reaction
○ Ph-N2+ + CuBr → Ph-Br + N2 (g)
○ Ph-N2+ + KI → Ph-I + N2 (g)
○ Ph-N2+ + CuC≡N → Ph-C≡N + N2 (g)
○ Ph-N2+ + H3O+ → Ph-OH + HCl + N2 (g) (conditions: Δ)
○ Ph-N2+ + CuCl → Ph-Cl + N2 (g)
○ Ph-N2+ + Cu2O, Cu(NO3)2, H2O → Ph-OH + N2 (g)
○ Ph-N2+ + H3PO2 → benzene + N2 (g)
② 1-2. Schiemann Reaction
○ Ph-N2+ + HBF4 → Ph-F + BF3 + N2 (g) (conditions: Δ)
③ 1-3. Azo coupling of aryl diazonium salts
○ The N=N bond formation is called an azo coupling
○ Azo coupling is used to synthesize extended conjugated compounds as dyes: congo red, para red, etc.
⑶ Reaction 2. Rearrangement Reactions
① Reaction 2-1. Curtius Rearrangement Reaction
Figure 15. Curtius rearrangement reaction
② Reaction 2-2. Wolff Rearrangement Reaction
Figure 16. Wolff rearrangement reaction
⑷ Reaction 3. Azide-Alkyne Cycloaddition
① Also known as click chemistry, initiated by K. Barry Sharpless in 1998
② Reaction 3-1. 1,3-dipolar azide-alkyne cycloaddition
○ Above 100 °C, takes hours to days, a thermally driven conjugation reaction
○ Reaction proceeds quickly when R2 and R3 are electron-withdrawing groups
Figure 17. 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition
○ Application 1. Azide + cyclooctyne
Figure 18. Cycloaddition with azide and cyclooctyne
○ Application 2. Tetrazine + trans-cyclooctene
Figure 19. Cycloaddition with tetrazine and trans-cyclooctene
Figure 20. Cycloaddition with tetrazine and trans-cyclooctene
③ Reaction 3-2. CuAAC (Copper Catalyzed Azide-Alkyne Cycloaddition)
Figure 21. CuAAC reaction
④ Reaction 3-3. RuAAC (Ruthenium Catalyzed Azide-Alkyne Cycloaddition)
Figure 22. RuAAC reaction
⑤ Reaction 3-4. SPAAC (Copper-Free Stain-Promoted Azide-Alkyne Cycloaddition)
○ Recently introduced technique
○ Cycloaddition reaction suitable for soft molecules like biomolecules
⑸ Synthesis Methods
4. Nitric Acids
⑴ Reaction 1. Hydrogenation of Nitrobenzene
Figure 23. Hydrogenation of Nitrobenzene
⑵ Synthesis Methods
Input: 2019.06.11 20:53
Modified: 2023.07.30 23:06