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Chapter 4-1. ATP Synthase

Higher category : 【Biology】 Chapter 4. Cell and energy metabolism 

1. ATP synthase : F0F1 complex

⑴ F0 complex : Distributed in the inner membrane of mitochondria and slightly extruding into the substrate.

⑵ F1 complex : Involved in chemical osmotic phosphorylation as it is located in the substrate and contains ATP synthase.

⑶ CF0CF1 complex is observed during ATP synthase in photosynthesis, but is almost similar to F0F1 complex.


Figure. 1. The structure of CF0CF1 complex

2. Mechanism for ATP synthase

⑴ 1st. A circular plate divided by 3 parts (loose site, tight site, open site) by 120 degree and there is an asymmetric protein on the center of the circular plate. 

⑵ 2nd. On loose site adhere ADP and Pi.

⑶ 3rd. If one H+ enters through ATP synthase, the asymmetric protein rotates exactly 120°.

① Aspartic acid(negative charge amino acid) in ATP synthase holds proton.

② If ATP is added, ATP synthase rotates counter clockwise; if ATP is synthesized, ATP synthase rotates clockwise.

⑷ 4th. If 2 substrates come into tight site, one is tied to another producing ATP.

⑸ 5th. And if one more H+ enters, the asymmetric protein rotates 120° again.

⑹ 6th. Coming into open site → ATP release

⑺ 7th. In this mechanism, 3 H+ make 1 ATP. 

⑻ 8th. Calculation of potency

① NADH potency = Total number of moving H+ ÷ (4 H+ / 1 ATP) = (4 × 2 + 2) ÷ 4 = 2.5

② FADH2 potency = Total number of moving H+ ÷ (4 H+ / 1 ATP) = (4 × 1 + 2) ÷ 4 = 1.5

Input : 2019.03.14 13:33

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