Korean, Edit

Chapter 15. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 

Higher category : 【Statistics】 Statistics Overview


2. one-way ANOVA

3. two-way ANOVA

a. ANOVA with R Studio

1. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 

⑴ definitio n: a statistical analysis comparing n groups (assuming n > 2)

⑵ type Ⅰ error inflation: problems occur when performing t test in n numbers of groups (assuming n > 2)

① probability of 1 group having no type Ⅰ error (significance level 5%) : 0.95

② probability of n numbers of groups having no type Ⅰ error for all (significance level 5%) : 0.95n

③ probability of n numbers of groups having type Ⅰ error at least once (significance level 5%) : 1 - 0.95n ≫ 0.05

④ due to type Ⅰ error inflation, ANOVA is introduced 

⑶ assumptions: these are required for one-way ANOVA and two-way ANOVA 

① normality

○ definition: all data is extracted from populations that follow a normal distribution

○ types of Normality Tests: Q-Q plot, Shapiro-Wilk test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test

○ if populations are difficult to see as a normal distribution, use log transformation to make them analogue normal distributions

○ here, a few populations are considered because the means of the populations may vary


Figure. 1. example of making an analogue normal distribution through log transformation

② independency: also known as i.i.d.

○ definition : every data is extracted independently from the populations

○ related to experimental design

○ here, a few populations are considered because the means of the populations may vary

③ homoscedasticity

○ definition : all data are derived from the populations with the same variance, even though the means of the populations are different

○ if the ratio of the largest and smallest variance does not exceed 4:1, analysis of variance can be used

○ if it is difficult to use ANOVA, use square root transformation to minimize the difference of variances 

○ equal variances in regression analysis mean that the variances of Yi are constant for each Xi: slightly different in meaning of homoscedasticity between analysis of variance and regression analysis 

○ Welch ANOVA should be applied if the homoscedasticity is not satisfied 

⑷ robustness

① definition : a characteristic that statistical conclusions do not change even in heteroscedasticity and non-normality when a large number of samples, the same number of repetitions within a category, etc. are satisfied

② robustness of ANOVA : ANOVA applies comparatively better than others even if its homoscedasticity and normality are not strictly satisfied 

③ robustness of regression analysis: a characteristic that adding or changing a regression variable does not significantly change the value of a particular coefficient

⑸ (comparison) regression analysis and cross-analysis

① analysis of variance: independent variables are categorical (classified) variables. dependent variables are measurable variables

② cross analysis: independent variables are categorical (classified) variables. dependent variables are categorical (classified) variables

③ regression analysis: independent variables are measurable variables. dependent variables are measurable variables

2. one-way ANOVA 

⑴ definition: a case of ANOVA in which there are only 1 independent variable and 1 dependent variable 

① an independent variable is called a treatment effect or Factor

② examples of appropriate dependent variables :{height}, {weight}(O)

③ an example inappropriate dependent variables :{height, weight} (X)

⑵ one-Way ANOVA model

model 1. fixed effect modeling

○ definition: comparing the effects of certain objects. in other words, levels of Factors are fixed

○ method: trials of extraction from a population are not required. post hoc analysis is important 

○ example: control, treatment A, treatment B 

model 2. random effect modeling 

○ definition : looking at the general trend of the population. in other words, levels of Factors are random

○ method : samples are randomly extracted from the population and subjected to ANOVA analysis. post hoc analysis is not required 

○ example : when the owner of the Factory wants to ensure that the weights of all the Factory products are the same

③ in one-way ANOVA, the fixed effect modeling and the random effect modeling follow the same calculation procedure 

⑶ problem situation

Factor Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
Sample 11 8 5
10 7 4  
8 5 2  
7 4 1  
Average 9 6 3

Table. 1. example of one-way ANOVA

① X̄1 = 9, X̄2 = 6, X̄3 = 3, X̄ = 6

② sample sizes for Group 1, Group 2, and Group 3 are allowed to be different

⑷ setting hypotheses

① H0 : μGroup 1 = μGroup 2 = ··· = μGroup m = μ (assuming m = 3 in the above situation) 

② H1 : at least a pair of population mean is not equal

⑸ derivation of F statistic

idea: if the variance within the group is clearly smaller than the variance between groups, it can be said that there is a difference between sample groups

② definition


③ sum of squares (SS)


④ calculation of variance ratio 

○ variance ratio: also called F ratio

○ among-group variance: related to error and treatment effect 

○ within-group variance: related to error 


⑤ table of results 

Factor Sum of Squared Degree of Freedom Mean of Square F ratio p value
Effect 72 2 36 10.8 0.0040583
Error(Residual) 30 9 3.33    
Sum 102 11      

Table. 2. table of results

○ sum of squares of error = among-group variance + within-group variance = 72 + 30 = 102 

○ total degree of freedom = degree of freedom of among-group variance + degree of freedom of within-group variance = (k - 1) + (n - k) = n - 1 

○ group variable is not a number, so calculating the coefficient of determination is meaningless

○ report example: ”A single-Factor ANOVA showed a significant difference among the three treatments (Group 1, Group 2, and Group 3): F2.9 = 10.8, p < 0.01”

Tip. when calculating 72 and 30, 12 terms are used ( symmetry)

⑹ proof of F statistic 

sample group and sample distribution

② distribution of among-group variance 


③ distribution of within-group variance 


④ distribution of variance ratio


⑺ characteristics 

① if the number of samples in each group is similar, the power is high

② if the number of samples in a specific group is small, reliability is suspected

③ rejecting the alternative hypothesis does not always conclude that a pair of means are different in pairwise t testing

④ unlike pairwise t testing, post-hoc analysis (poster analysis) indicates which pair of groups are different

⑻ Levene test: test for heteroscedasticity 



Figure. 2. an example of Levene test

① 1st. examine the absolute value of each deviation calculated as the difference from the mean of each related sample group 

○ control: (8, 7, 7, 8)

○ Tumostat: (2, 1, 1, 2)

○ Inhibin 4: (2, 1, 1, 2)

② 2nd. perform one-way ANOVA on three new groups 

③ 3rd. control group clearly shows a large deviation compared to the other two groups: homoscedasticity is rejected 

⑼ post hoc analysis: basically, it is derived from multiple comparison

① LSD, Bonferroni, Sidak, Tukey, Duncan, Dunnett, Scheffe, Student-Newman-Keuls, BH procedure, etc 

○ Scheffe, Tukey, Duncan, and Student-Newman-Keuls are most popular 

○ of the three, Scheffe is the most conservative and Duncan is the most loose

in nature science: generlly, Tukey is tested at first and Duncan is used if Tukey test is not significant 

in social science: generally, Scheffe is used frequently 

example : Tukey HSD (honestly significant difference)

○ statistics


○ test



Figure. 3. multiple comparison test after ANOVA

situation 1. A > B > C > D > E in sample mean 

situation 2. as a result of one-way ANOVA, all means are not equal 

○ 1st. test with Tukey statistics in an order of A-E, A-D, A-C, and A-B: the A-C is not significant, so the A-B test is omitted 

○ 2nd. test with Tukey statistics in an order of B-E, B-D, and B-C : the A-C is not significant, so the B-C test is omitted 

○ 3rd. test with Tukey statistics in an order of C-E and C-D

○ 4th. test D-E with Tukey statistic

○ if not sorted by size, a total of 10 tests will make 10 times of type Ⅰ error, i.e. type Ⅰ error inflammation 

○ in the above case, the situation is a slightly better because there appears only 8 times of the type Ⅰ error 

③ cautions in post hoc analysis 

○ example

Control Neurohib Mitostep
7 4 1
8 5 2
10 7 4
11 8 5

Table. 3. example of post hoc analysis

○ result


Figure. 4. cautions in post hoc analysis

○ the reason why Control = Neurohib and Neurohib = Mitostop, but Control ≠ Mitostop is type Ⅰ error 

○ example : if the probability of A = B is 10% and B = C is 10% then the probability of A = B = C is 1%, which is significantly different

3. two-way ANOVA 

⑴ overview 

① definition : attempting to an analysis of variance for two independent variables, one dependent variable

② not only the main effect of each Factor but also their interaction is of interest 

③ assumptions

○ normality : populations follow the normal distribution

○ independency : samples are randomly extracted from populations 

○ homoscedasticity : populations have the same variance

orthogonality : two Factors are not correlated with each other

○ satisFAction with orthogonality has nothing to do with no interaction: understanding the differences in concepts is neceSSAry

⑵ classification of situation 


Figure. 5. classification of experiment results for Two Factors
⒜ no temperature effect; no humidity effect
⒝ no temperature effect; existent humidity effect
⒞ existent temperature effect; no humidity effect
⒟ existent temperature effect; existent humidity effect
⒠ existent temperature effect; existent humidity effect; existent interaction

⑶ two-way ANOVA Model

① reasons why random effects should be calculated differently in a two-way analysis of variance


Figure. 6. the reasons why random effects should be calculated differently in a two-way analysis of variance

○ situation : B2 and B4 are randomly extracted levels from Factor B

○ expectation : the main effect of A should be ambiguous

○ reality: the main effect of A seems to be existent due to the random sampling effect

model 1. fixed effect modeling: the levels of the two Factors are fixed

Factor Sum of Squared Degree of Freedom Mean of Square F ratio
A SSA dfA = I-1 MSA = SSA ÷ dfA FA = MSA ÷ MSE
B SSB dfB = J-1 MSB = SSB ÷ dfB FB = MSB ÷ MSE
A × B SSA×B dfA×B = (I-1)(J-1) MSA×B = SSA×B ÷ dfA×B FA×B = MSA×B ÷ MSE
Error(Residual) SSE dfE = n-IJ MSE = SSE ÷ dfE  
Sum SST n-1    

Table. 4. table of results of fixed effect modeling

model 2. random effect modeling: the levels of two Factors are random 

Factor Sum of Squared Degree of Freedom Mean of Square F ratio
A SSA dfA = I-1 MSA = SSA ÷ dfA FA = MSA ÷ MSA×B
B SSB dfB = J-1 MSB = SSB ÷ dfB FB = MSB ÷ MSA×B
A × B SSA×B dfA×B = (I-1)(J-1) MSA×B = SSA×B ÷ dfA×B FA×B = MSA×B ÷ MSE
Error(Residual) SSE dfE = n-IJ MSE = SSE ÷ dfE  
Sum SST n-1    

Table. 5. table of results of random effect modeling

model 3. mixed effect modeling: one Factor has a fixed level and the other Factor has a random level

Factor Sum of Square Degree of Freedom Mean of Square F 비
A SSA dfA = I-1 MSA = SSA ÷ dfA FA = MSA ÷ MSA×B
B SSB dfB = J-1 MSB = SSB ÷ dfB FB = MSB ÷ MSE
A × B SSA×B dfA×B = (I-1)(J-1) MSA×B = SSA×B ÷ dfA×B FA×B = MSA×B ÷ MSE
Error(Residual) SSE dfE = n-IJ MSE = SSE ÷ dfE  
Sum SST n-1    

Table. 6. table of results of mixed effect modeling

○ A is a fixed effect and B is a random effect 

tip. understand by comparing it with the below nested analysis of variance 

⑷ example : fixed effect modeling 

Humidity (%) Temperature (℃)    
20 30 40  
33 1 5 9
2 6 10  
3 7 11  
66 9 13 17
10 14 18  
11 15 19  
99 17 21 25
18 22 26  
19 23 27  

Table. 7. example of two-way ANOVA


① definition


② sum of squares 


③ calculation of variance ratio 


④ table of results 

Factor Sum of Square Degree of Freedom Mean of Square F ratio p value
Temperature 288 2 144 144 8.43e-12
Humidity 1152 2 576 576 < 2e-16
Temperature × Humidity 0 4 0 0 1
Error(Residual) 18 18 1    
Sum 1464 26      

Table. 8. table of results

null hypothesis 1. μ20℃ = μ30℃ = μ40℃ = μ : this null hypothesis is rejected because p value = 8.43e-12 < 0.05 

null hypothesis 2. μ33% = μ66% = μ99% = μ : this null hypothesis is rejected because p value < 2e-16 < 0.05

null hypothesis 3. interaction of temperature and humidity = 0: this null hypothesis is not rejected because p value = 1 

coefficient of determination = 1 - 18 ÷ 1464 = 0.987704918 

○ correlation coefficient = ± √ 0.987704918 = 0.993833445

○ the sign of the correlation coefficient is determined in accordance with the sign of the estimator for the slope 

⑤ the interaction obscures the main effect, so you should not believe the F value when there is a significant interaction

○ for example, if substance A promotes gene expression and substance B inhibits gene expression,  

○ when substance A and substance B are treated at the same time, there is no significant change in gene expression

○ though, both A and B are not ineffective.

application 1. test without replication

① overview

○ not possible in one-way ANOVA

○ used when the number of experimental populations is insufficient or expensive

② example 

Radiation Level Drug     Average
Proshib Testosblock Control    
Low 81 76 79 78.67
Medium 45 46 45 45.33
High 28 27 27 27.33
Average 51.33 49.67 50.33 50.44

Table. 9. example of test without replication

③ table of results 

Factor Sum of Square Degree of Freedom Mean of Square F ratio p value
Drug 4070.222 2 2035.111 832.546 5.74e-06
Radiation 4.222 2 2.111 0.864 0.488
Error(Residual) 9.778 4 2.444    
Sum 4084.222 8      

Table. 10. table of ANOVA results of test without replication

○ ANOVA of test without replication should never include an interaction term

○ if you include an interaction term, the degree of freedom of residuals of the term = (RC - 1) - (R - 1 + C - 1 + (R - 1)(C - 1) = 0, so the F ratio cannot be calculated

application 2. randomized block experimental design: an example of non-repeating analysis of variance

① definition : after dividing the region into several blocks, each block is subdivided again to experiment with different Factors


Figure. 7. randomized block experimental design

○ two-way ANOVA is possible: there are two Factors; regional specific Factor of a block and treatment Factor 

○ objective: to increase the reliability of the statistical conclusion of the treatment by separating regional specific Factor

② process

○ 1st. divide the entire region into several regions

○ 2nd. randomly assign block numbers to each region

○ 3rd. each block is divided into sub-blocks as many as the number of levels of the treatment

○ 4th. randomly assigns the location of the level of the treatment on each sub-block

○ 5th. repeat measurements for each treatment in each block

○ 6th. a statistically significant block Factor indicates that a region-specific Factor is clearly present

○ region-specific Factor: presence of groundwater, difference in daylight, presence of underground lode, etc

③ result


Table. 11. a result of randomized block experimental design

application 3. nested analysis of variance 

analogue two-way analysis : in reality, it is classified as one-way ANOVA

② example

○ problem situation

Prawn Food + Vitamin A   Prawn Food  
Pond 1 Pond 2 Pond 3 Pond 4
30 60 80 110
35 65 85 115
45 75 95 125
50 80 100 130

Table. 12. a situation of nested analysis of variance


Figure. 8. a situation of nested analysis of variance

○ calculation of F statistic

Factor Sum of Square Degree of Freedom Mean of Square F ratio p value
Diet 10000.0 1 10000.0 5.556 0.143
Pond(Diet) 3600.0 2 1800.0 21.600 0.000
Error(Residual) 1000.0 12 83.3    
Sum 14600.0 14      

Table. 13. calculation of F statistic in nested analysis of variance

○ actual calculation: when calculating 10000, 3600, and 1000, the number of terms on the right side is 16 ( symmetry)


③ similar to a randomized block experimental design, but clear differences exist

difference 1. Pond 1, Pond 2, Pond 3, and Pond 4 cannot be classified into any block

difference 2. not satisfied with orthogonality, which is basically the assumption of two-way ANOVA: Diet and Pond(Diet) are not orthogonal

difference 3. difference in the calculation of the degree of freedom calculation: the degree of freedom of Pond (Diet) is 2 in total, with Pond 1 ↔ Pond 2 and Pond 3 ↔ Pond 4

○ in the example above, if you are designing a randomized block experimental design, the degree of freedom for the block is 1

○ the randomized block experimental design increases the degree of freedom of error, thus increasing the F ratio (increasing the power of the test)


○ the reason why we aim to design a randomized block experimental design rather than nested analysis of variance 

difference 4. calculate like Pond × Diet without seeing Pond as an independent Factor

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