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MacBook Usage Guide

Recommended Post : 【Operating System】 Operating System Table of Contents

1. Screen Recording

2. Shortcuts

3. Useful Programs

1. Screen Recording

⑴ Download BlackHole 16ch (Resolves sound issues) : https://underclub.tistory.com/m/5376

⑵ Configure Audio MIDI Setup → Create Multi-Output Device → Name the Multi-Output Device in English

⑶ Sound in the menu bar → Output : Multi-Output Device → Input : BlackHole 16ch

⑷ Record screen with QuickTime Player : Use BlackHole 16ch for microphone

⑸ Setting up Google Meeting

⑹ Zoom settings

⑺ Uninstall BlackHole: https://github.com/ExistentialAudio/BlackHole

2. Shortcuts

○ Fn + delete : Delete

○ Fn + f : View browser in full screen

○ caps lock : Toggle between Korean and English input

○ control + command + F : Full screen

○ command + q : Quit all foreground applications

○ command + w : Close the active foreground application

○ command + r : Refresh

○ command + z / c / v : Undo / Copy / Paste

○ command + tab : Switch between different types of program windows

○ command + ~ : Switch between windows of the same program

○ command + control + space : Special characters (Character Viewer)

○ command + shift + 5 : Screen capture

○ command + shift + return : Play slideshow from the first slide in PowerPoint

○ command + return : Play slideshow from the current slide in PowerPoint

○ command + F3 : Show desktop by minimizing all windows

○ command + 1 (or 2, 3, …) : Switch to tab 1 (or 2, 3, …) in web browser

○ Drag with two fingers on the touchpad : Scroll

○ Click with two fingers on the touchpad : Show context menu

○ Page Up = fn + ↑

○ Page Down = fn + ↓

○ Home = fn + ←

○ End = fn + →

○ option + return : Enter Chinese characters. Note: Korean jamo + Chinese characters cannot be used to input special characters

3. Useful Programs

MacTex : LaTex available for MacBook

Pretendard : Korean and English font available for MacBook

FileZilla : Enables FTP file transfer and download

Input : 2022.05.06 15:34

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