Korean, Edit

Chapter 1. The Coordinates of the brain

Higher category : 【Biology】 Brain Science Index

1. The classification of the brain cross section

2. The standard of the cross section image

3. The positioning of the brain and the setting of the coordinates

1. The classification of the brain cross section

⑴ Horizontal plane(transverse plane): It distinguishes the “rostral”(superior) direction from the “caudal”(inferior) direction.

① It is frequently used in the medical imaging instrument.

② In MRI, the horizontal plane is called “axial plane”.

③ The vertical direction of the horizontal plane is set to z-axis (‘up’ is ‘+’ and ‘down’ is ‘-‘).

⑵ Coronal plane(frontal plane): It distinguishes the ”ventral”(anterior) direction from the ”dorsal”(posterior) direction. 

① It is frequently used in anatomy.

② The vertical direction of the coronal plane is set to y-axis (‘front’ is ‘+’ and ‘back’ is ‘-‘).

⑶ Sagittal plan) : It distinguishes the “medial” direction from the “lateral” direction; also the left from the right. 

① ”Midsagittal plane” is equal to the ”median plane”.

② The vertical direction of the sagittal plane is set to x-axis (‘right’ is ‘+’ and ‘left’ is ‘-‘).


Figure. 1. Horizontal plane, coronal plane, sagittal plane

2. The standard of the cross section image

⑴ RBL(Reid’s base line, frankfurt line) 

① The anatomical base line 

② The weakness is that it can’t be used in CT(computer tomography).

⑵ CML(canthomeatal line) 

① External range mark and canthus-meatal line to make the angle (by which the cross section is cut in CT) constant. 

② ”Lateral canthus” is one end and “external auditory canal” is the other end. 

⑶ CIL(central intercommissural line) : AC(anterior commissure) is one end and PC(posterior commissure) is the other end. CIL is used in MRI with which the inside of the brain can be seen. 

① In average, the American distance between AC and PC is 28 mm. 

⑷  TIL(tangential intercommissural line) 

① It is the base line which had been used as the standard before CIL was adopted as the standard.

② The upper boundary of AC is one end and the lower boundary of PC is the other end. 

③ Schaltenbrandt (1977) and Talairach (1988) developed TIL considerably. 

④ Now, TIL is still in use in Talairach Atlas, one of the brain standards, and MNI(Montreal imaging institute) template that is used in fMRI.


Figure. 2. The base line of the brain cross section
The bottom of the PC is connected to the posterior wall of the cerebral aqueduct.


Figure. 3. The setting of the CIL(central intercommissural line)
See "habenular commissure", "pineal body", "pineal recess", "mesocoelic recess", "tectal plate".


Figure. 4. AC, PC, CIL in a sagittal image of MRI

3. The positioning of the brain and the setting of the coordinates

⑴ Stereotaxy: It is the method by which the location of a certain structure in the brain can be determined.

⑵ Zero point: The midpoint of AC and PC 

⑶ RAU(reference adjusted unit) (mm): The conversed size unit of the sample brain based on the reference brain. RAU is used in MR image. 

① Conversion factor: The size of the sample brain / the size of the reference brain

⑷ Example: The location of “red nucleus” are C(coronal)-8, S(sagittal)-8, A(axial)-6.

Input: 2018.09.24 09:05

  1. Source: https://www.anatomynote.com/human-anatomy/head/the-different-view-of-the-brain/ [본문으로]
  2. Source : Seoul Nat’l University Medical College Prof. Jeong Cheon Gi, from Curriculum Handout [본문으로]
  3. Source : Seoul Nat’l University Medical College Prof. Jeong Cheon Gi, from Curriculum Handout [본문으로]
  4. Source : Seoul Nat’l University Medical College Prof. Jeong Cheon Gi, from Curriculum Handout [본문으로]

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