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Chapter 29: Organic Chemistry Experiment

Recommended Post: 【Organic Chemistry】 Organic Chemistry Table of Contents

1. Reaction Vessels

2. Experimental Reagents

3. Experimental Reagents

4. Experimental Techniques

1. Reaction Vessels

⑴ Distillation Apparatus (aspirator)

① Vacuum Filtration Apparatus

⑵ Büchner Funnel (Büchner funnel)

① Equipped with a pump in the funnel itself for vacuum filtration.

⑶ Claisen Adapter

Dean-Stark Trap

① Efficiently removes water or low-boiling components formed during reactions

Condition 1: Uses an azeotropic mixture: solvent and co-solvent are mixed to maintain a constant boiling point.

Condition 2: Boiling point of azeotropic mixture should be higher than that of the low-boiling solvent

④ Examples of solvents used in Dean-Stark Trap: Benzene (80.1 ℃), Toluene (110.6 ℃), Xylene (139.3 ℃)

⑸ Dropping Funnel

① Used to constantly and slowly add liquid reactants in a controlled manner.

⑹ Fractional Distillation

① Separates compounds with different boiling points

② Fractional Distillation Column: Column with many indentations.

③ The grooves in the fractional distillation column increase the surface area, allowing vapor-phase compounds to lose heat more easily, thereby enhancing the fractional sensitivity.

⑺ Reflux Condenser

① Prevents solvent evaporation

② It is designed to ensure that vapor-phase compounds lose as much heat as possible from the cooling water. In other words, the column is coiled.

⑻ Rotary Evaporator

① Vacuum + gentle heating + rotation (to increase evaporating surface area)

⑼ Separatory Funnel

① Used for separating polar and non-polar liquids

⑽ Simple Distillation Apparatus

① Used to separate liquids with significant boiling point differences

⑾ Suction Filtration

① Used for vacuum-assisted separation of solid filtrates

2. Experimental Equipment

3. Experimental Reagents

⑴ Extraction Solvents

① Polar Inorganic Solvent: Water

② Polar Organic Solvents: CH2Cl2, Acetone

③ Non-polar Organic Solvents: Benzene, Hexane, Dichloromethane, Diethyl Ether

⑵ Organic Solvents with Higher Density than Water: CS2, CCl4, CHCl3, CH2Cl2, CH3Cl, DMSO

Purpose 1: Used in combination with separatory funnel

⑶ Organic Solvents with Lower Density than Water: Ethyl Acetate, Diethyl Ether, Benzene, …

⑷ Drying Agents: CaCl2, MgSO4, Na2SO4, CaSO4, K2CO3, Molecular Sieves, Zeolite

① Anhydrous salts that readily generate hydrated forms

Purpose 1: Drying tube

Purpose 2: Used with Dean-Stark trap

Purpose 3: Used with separatory funnel

Purpose 4: Used for storing solvents after anhydrous solvent purification

4. Experimental Techniques

⑴ Recrystallization: Utilizes solubility differences

Step 1: Heat the solution until it melts, then slowly cool

○ Slow cooling prevents supercooling

Step 2: Wait for crystals to form

○ Providing seed crystals: If no crystals form, scrape the walls of the beaker with a glass rod

Step 3: Filtration using vacuum filtration apparatus (e.g., Büchner funnel)

Case 1: Precipitate is washed with EtOH, dried, and weighed: If interested in the precipitate

○ Why sprinkle a small amount of solvent onto the crystals?: To remove impurities on the crystal surface

Case 2: Solvent extraction using a vacuum rotary evaporator: If interested in the solution

⑥ Good solvents exhibit significant changes in solubility with temperature

⑵ Liquid-Liquid Extraction: Utilizes polarity differences

① Generally employs a separatory funnel

② Addition of NaCl increases the ionic strength of the aqueous layer, facilitating separation between the organic and aqueous layers

⑶ Fractional Distillation: Utilizes boiling point differences

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Figure 1. Fractional Distillation Apparatus

⑷ Chromatography: Utilizes polarity differences


Figure 2. TLC Chromatography (left) and Column Chromatography (right)

Type 1: Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC): Used to monitor the progress of reactions

○ Principle: Interaction difference between the sample and silica gel

○ Purpose: Confirm reaction progress, determine reaction completion

○ Normal Phase Silica Gel: Strongly polar. Higher affinity between sample and gel with increasing sample polarity

○ Stationary Phase is silica gel (most polar), Mobile Phase is developing solvent (non-polar)

○ Definition of Rf: Distance moved by sample ÷ Distance moved by solvent

○ Comparison of Rf for different compounds

○ Acid, Base, Metal salt < Carboxylic acid, Amine, Amide < Alcohol < Aldehyde, Ketone < Alkyl halide < Ester < Alkene < Alkyne < Alkane

Trend 1: Higher sample polarity leads to stronger interaction with silica gel, resulting in smaller Rf

Trend 2: Amino and hydroxy groups are less polar than nitro, but due to hydrogen bonding, their Rf is smaller

Trend 3: trans Alkenes have smaller Rf than cis Alkenes (because of stronger interaction)

○ Example: Rf in Paper Chromatography and Chlorophyll Separation Experiment: Carotinoids > Xanthophyll > Chlorophyll a > Chlorophyll b

○ Comparison of Rf with organic solvents

○ Water < Acetic acid < Alcohol < Ethyl Acetate < CH2Cl2 < Toluene < CCl4 < n-Hexane

Trend 1: Higher polarity of the developing solvent leads to increased Rf

○ Ethyl Acetate: Representative polar solvent

n-Hexane: Representative non-polar solvent

Type 2: Column Chromatography: Used for separation of mixtures

○ TLC can be thought of as a simplified chromatography

Factor 1: Faster migration with weaker interactions in the column: Columns are generally polar

Factor 2: Faster migration with stronger interactions with the developing solvent: Developing solvent is non-polar

○ Non-polar substances migrate faster. Gravity has little relevance

⑸ Qualitative Analysis: Uses visible characteristics for identification of specific functional groups in organic compounds

① Br2: Reddish-brown solution

○ Bleaching Reaction: Halogenation reaction results in colorless product

② FeCl3(aq): Yellow solution

○ Reacts with phenol to form Fe(OPh)3, producing color change (burgundy)

○ Fe(OH)2: Green rust

○ Fe(OH)3: Dark orange

③ AgNO3(aq): Colorless solution

○ Forms white precipitate AgCl if leaving group is Cl-

○ Forms yellow precipitate AgI if leaving group is I-

④ KMnO4(aq): Purple solution

○ Forms brown precipitate MnO2

⑤ AgNO3, KOH, NH4OH or Ag2O, NH4OH: Colorless solution

○ Silver mirror reaction or Tollens test: It does not react with ketones but reacts with aldehydes to precipitate metallic silver.

○ Ag2O acts as an Ag+ donor: Oxygen in water migrates to aldehydes, forming carboxylic acids.


Figure 3. Silver mirror reaction or Tollens test

⑥ Concentrated HCl, ZnCl2: Colorless solution

○ Reacts with alcohols to form alkyl chlorides, resulting in a cloudy solution or layer separation

○ In alcohol’s SN1 addition reactions, Cl- is less reactive than other nucleophiles like OH-, hence a catalyst like ZnCl2 is needed

⑦ Silver (Ag)

○ Reacts with hydrogen sulfide (H2S) to form black silver sulfide (Ag2S) precipitate

⑧ Chromium (Cr)

○ K2Cr2O7 is orange, Cr2(SO4)3 is bluish-green

○ K2Cr2O7 is used as an oxidizing agent, often used to measure COD

⑨ Ammonium Chloride (NH4Cl)

○ Reaction of gaseous HCl and NH3 results in a white ring

⑹ Optical Resolution

① The process of reacting a racemic mixture with a specific absolute configuration optical isomer to produce a diastereoisomer.

② Different physical properties allow for separation

Application 1: Acid-Base Reaction: Add a strong acid or strong base to separate the ionic bonds between the reactant and the additive.

Application 2: Mirror Image Chromatography


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