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Chapter 15. Aldehydes and Ketones

Recommended Article: 【Organic Chemistry】 Organic Chemistry Table of Contents

1. Overview

2. Nucleophilic Addition Reactions

3. Other Reactions

4. Aldehyde Synthesis Methods

5. Ketone Synthesis Methods

1. Overview

⑴ Nomenclature

① Aldehyde Nomenclature

○ Longest chain containing CHO is the parent

○ Aldehyde carbon in CHO is numbered 1

○ Aldehyde attached to a ring is parent: Named with suffix -cycloalkanecarbaldehyde

○ Aldehyde in a chain structure is treated as a substituent: Named with oxo

○ Aldehyde in a ring structure is treated as a substituent: Named with formyl

○ Comparison of systematic nomenclature (left) and common nomenclature (right)

○ methanal / formaldehyde

○ ethanal / acetaldehyde

○ 2-bromopropanal / α-bromopropionaldehyde

○ 3-chlorobutanal / β-chlorobutyraldehyde

○ 3-methylbutanal / isovaleraldehyde

○ hexandial /

② Ketone Nomenclature

○ Longest chain containing C=O is the parent

○ End of the chain closest to C=O is numbered 1

○ Ketone attached to a ring is parent: Named with suffix -cycloalkanone

○ Ketone in a chain or ring structure is treated as a substituent: Named with oxo

○ Comparison of systematic nomenclature (left) and common nomenclature (right)

○ propanone / acetone, dimethyl ketone

○ 3-hexanone / ethyl propyl ketone

○ 6-methyl-2-heptanone / isohexyl methyl ketone

○ 2,4-pentanedione / acetylacetone

○ cyclohexanone /

○ butanedione /

Common Reaction Principles

① Nucleophilic attack, Electrophilic attack

② Proton transfer: Occurs intermolecularly, not intramolecularly

③ Tautomeric equilibrium: Enol ↔ Ketone

④ Work-up: Useful keyword for purification without specifying exact acid or base

⑶ Reactivity Comparison

① Carbonyl compound reactivity comparison

acyl halide > acid anhydride > aldehyde > ketone > ester ~ carboxylic acid > amide > carboxylate ion

② Ketone reactivity comparison based on functional groups


Figure 1. Ketone reactivity comparison based on functional groups

○ Aldehydes are more reactive, electrophilic, and have higher combustion heat than ketones

Reason 1: Steric hindrance: More substituents hinder nucleophilic attack, reducing nucleophilicity

Reason 2: Inductive effect: Substituents provide electron density to ketone carbon via hyperconjugation

③ Other Comparisons

○ Reactions involving aldehydes and ketones are quite similar

○ Ketones are more polar than aldehydes

○ Reason: Ketones stabilize carbocations in resonance contributors by methyl groups

○ Aliphatic ketones are more reactive than aromatic ketones

○ Differences in reactivity between aldehydes and ketones are observed in oxidation-reduction reactions

○ Reason: Aldehydes can undergo further oxidation, whereas ketones cannot be further oxidized

○ Example: Silver mirror reaction, Fehling’s reaction, Benedict’s reaction only occur with aldehydes

2. Nucleophilic Addition Reactions

⑴ Overview

① Bürgi–Dunitz angle: Angle at which nucleophile’s HOMO approaches the antibonding orbital (LUMO) of the carbonyl group

② Acidic conditions: Increase carbonyl’s electrophilicity

③ Basic conditions: Increase nucleophilicity of the nucleophile

④ Halide ions do not act as nucleophiles toward carbonyl compounds

Type 1. When the Basicity of Y- is Greater than that of X-

① Overview

Type 1 is frequently observed in acyl chlorides

○ Carboxylic acids also often show behavior similar to Type 1

○ Cases of aldehydes and ketones reacting as Type 1 are rare


Figure 2. Carbonyl compound reaction Type 1

Example 1. Acyl chloride: Basicity of Cl- is very low


Figure 3. Reaction of acyl chloride

Type 2. When the Basicity of Y- is Less than that of X-

① Overview

○ Aldehydes and ketones mostly follow Type 2

○ Other reactions often involve applications of Type 2


Figure 4. Carbonyl compound reaction Type 2

Example 1. Acid-catalyzed carbonyl addition reaction


Figure 5. Acid-catalyzed carbonyl addition reaction

Example 2. Base-catalyzed carbonyl addition reaction


Figure 6. Base-catalyzed carbonyl addition reaction

Example 3. Acetal Formation Reaction: Carbonyl Carbon Protection Reaction

○ Acetal and hemiacetal


Figure 7. Structures of hemiacetal, acetal, hemiketal, and ketal

○ Reaction Mechanism : (Formula) Remove ketone oxygen and attach two -OR groups


Figure 8. Example of acetal formation reaction

○ Acetal formation reaction has reverse reaction under the same conditions

○ Dean-stark trap removes H2O, increasing yield since H2O is a product of the reaction

○ Solvent: Azeotropic solvents like toluene, xylene with high boiling points and constant boiling points are used ( Dean-stark trap necessary condition)

○ Excess alcohol as a reactant increases yield → usually added in excess instead of 2 equivalents

○ Esters, carboxylic acids, and amides do not form acetals under typical acidic conditions

Example 3-1.


Figure 9. Acetal formation reaction

Example 3-2.


Figure 10. Acetal formation reaction

Example 3-3. Corey-Seebach reaction: Thiol addition reaction


Figure 11. Thiol addition reaction

○ Reduction reaction: thioacetal + H2 / Raney-Ni (desulfurization)

Example 4. Amine addition reaction

○ Mechanism: (Formula) Remove carbonyl (=O) and attach imine (=NR) instead

○ Since the reverse reaction is also possible, equilibrium is reached at a certain point.

○ Imines form best at pH 4-5

Example 4-1. General amine addition reaction


Figure 12. Aldehyde and ketone amine addition reaction

Example 4-2. p-toluenesulfonyl hydrazide (CH3-Ph-SO2NHNH2)

Example 4-3. Enamine formation reaction


Figure 13. Enamine formation reaction

○ Secondary amines lack a proton to remove from the iminium ion, unlike primary amines, so the hydrogen attached to the alpha carbon is removed.

○ Since C=N bond strength is greater than C=C bond strength, imine formation occurs during primary amine addition

Stork-enamine reaction: Enamines react as nucleophiles with alkyl halides, acyl halides, carbonyl compounds, etc.

Example 4-4. Reduction reaction of NaBH3CN: Imines are reduced to amines


Figure 14. Reduction reaction of NaBH3CN

Example 4-5. Wolff-Kishner reduction reaction

○ NH2NH2, strong base (e.g., KOH, NaOH), heating conditions induce additional reduction

○ When treating -C=N-NH2 (hydrazone) with base

Example 4-6. Beckmann rearrangement

○ When treating -C=N-OH (oxime) with an acid

Example 4-7. Pomeranz-Fritsch reaction


Figure 15. Pomeranz-Fritsch reaction

○ benzaldehyde + 2,2-dialkoxyethylamine for amine addition reaction and electrophilic aromatic substitution (EAS)

Example 4-8. Pictet-Spengler reaction


Figure 16. Pictet-Spengler reaction

○ Amine addition reaction and Friedel-Crafts alkylation

Example 5. HCN Addition Reaction of Aldehydes and Ketones


Figure 17. Mechanism of HCN addition reaction of aldehydes and ketones

Example 5-1. Benzoin condensation reaction

Example 5-2. Stetter Reaction

Type 3. Enone and 1,2-addition reaction

① Applies when the nucleophile is a strong nucleophile (e.g.: Grignard reagent)

② Mechanism


Figure 18. Mechanism of enone and 1,2-addition reaction

Type 4. Enone and 1,4-addition reaction (Michael addition)

① Applies when the nucleophile is a weak nucleophile (e.g.: MeSH)

② Mechanism


Figure 19. Mechanism of enone and 1,4-addition reaction

③ Exception: In the case of acyl chlorides, 1,2-addition reaction occurs even with a weak nucleophile


Figure 20. Enone and acyl chloride

3. Other Reactions

⑴ Hydrogenation reaction

Example 1. Hydrogenation with metal reagents


Figure 21. Hydrogenation of aldehydes and ketones by addition of metal reagents

Example 2. Pd/C hydrogenation reaction: Alkene is more reactive than ketone


Figure 22. Pd/C hydrogenation under H2 (1 eq.) conditions


Figure 23. Pd/C hydrogenation under H2 (excess) conditions

⑵ Oxidation-reduction reaction

Example 1. Organic metal reagent reaction with aldehydes and ketones

○ When there is an alkene and a ketone, the organic metal reagent reacts with the alkene first


Figure 24. Reaction of aldehydes and ketones with organic metal reagents

Example 2. Wittig reaction: Addition reaction of ylide to aldehydes and ketones

○ Ylide reagent

○ Ylide refers to a molecule with adjacent atoms having opposite polarity

○ When the P=C bond forms, the inner d orbital electrons of the P atom are involved in bonding, resulting in high energy, and the zwitterion ylide, which is a separated charge, becomes the actual structure


Figure 25. Ylide reagent

○ Preparation of ylide reagents: 1. Ph3P, CH3Br, 2. BuLi


Figure 26. Preparation of ylide reagents

Example 2-1. (General) O of the ketone is replaced with C


Figure 27. Wittig reaction example

Example 2-2.


Figure 28. Wittig reaction example

○ Advantages: Alkene with fewer substituents becomes the sole product

○ Disadvantages: Wittig reaction generates alkenes without (E)/(Z) selectivity, while Figure 27. does show selectivity, making it worth noting

○ Solution

○ If the ylide nucleophile’s carbon is attached to an electron-withdrawing group (EWG), the reactivity is low, so thermodynamically stable alkene is predominantly formed.

○ If the ylide nucleophile’s carbon is attached to a phenyl group, the kinetically favored (less sterically hindered) alkene is predominantly formed.

Example 3. Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons reaction

○ Selective reaction to obtain (E)-alkenes


Figure 29. Mechanism of Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons reaction

Example 4. Reformatsky reaction

○ Addition reaction with organic zinc reagents

○ Organic zinc reagents are less reactive and do not react with ester groups: Unlike Grignard reagents and esters

○ After formation of the Reformatsky reagent, aldehydes and ketones undergo addition reaction


Figure 30. Reformatsky reaction

Example 5. Cannizzaro reaction

○ Intermolecular oxidation-reduction reaction of aldehydes without α-hydrogens using strong base

○ benzaldehyde + KOH + H2O → potassium benzoate (oxidized) + benzyl alcohol (reduced)


Figure 31. Mechanism of Cannizzaro reaction

Example 6. Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley reduction (Oppenauer oxidation)

○ Reduction of carbonyl group and oxidation of alcohol catalyzed by Al(OC(CH3)3)3

○ Opposite reaction is called Oppenauer oxidation


Figure 32. Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley reduction (Oppenauer oxidation)

⑶ Precipitation reaction: Aldehydes can be further oxidized while ketones cannot, resulting in a difference in precipitation reaction

① Silver mirror reaction (Tollens test)


Figure 33. Silver mirror reaction

○ Tollens reagent: Colorless solution

Step 1. Dissolve AgNO3 in water

Step 2. Add NaOH or KOH to precipitate Ag as Ag2O

Step 3. Add ammonia solution to form silver-ammonia complex ion Ag(NH3)2+NO3-

○ Experimental process

Step 1. Add reducing substance to silver nitrate ammonia solution (Tollens reagent) and heat

Step 2. Reduction of silver ion, which was in ion form, leads to the precipitation of Ag(s)

○ Reducing sugar: Formation of metallic silver

○ Aldehyde: Formation of metallic silver

○ Ag2O acts as an Ag+ donor: oxygen in water moves to an aldehyde, resulting in the creation of a carboxylic acid.

○ Ketone: No reaction

○ Exception: Reacts with α-hydroxy ketones

○ Acetal: No reaction

○ Hemiacetal: Reaction

○ Reason: Hemiacetals can be cleaved into carbonyl and alcohol groups

② Fehling reaction

○ Fehling’s reagent: Copper sulfate pentahydrate (CuSO4·5H2O), NaOH, Rochelle salt (sodium potassium tartrate)

○ Experimental process

Step 1. Add reducing substance to Fehling’s solution and heat

Step 2. Reduction of copper ion, which was in ion form with tartaric acid, leads to the precipitation of copper(I) oxide (Cu2O)

○ Reducing sugar: Formation of copper precipitate (red-brown)

○ Aliphatic aldehyde: Formation of copper precipitate (red-brown)

○ Aromatic aldehyde: No reaction

○ Ketone: No reaction

③ Benedict’s reaction

○ Benedict’s solution: CuSO4, Na2CO3, sodium citrate

○ Aldehyde: Formation of copper precipitate (red-brown)

○ Ketone: No reaction

○ Does not oxidize creatine and uric acid

○ Oxidizes glucose, fructose, and maltose, etc.: Convenient for detection reactions

⑷ Rearrangement reactions

Example 1. Baeyer-Villiger oxidation: Mechanism of seven-membered ring structure

○ Overview

○ Under peroxy acid, excess oxygen is transferred to an aldehyde (or ketone) to produce a carboxylic acid (or ester).

○ Retention of configuration during rearrangement.

○ Migratory aptitude

○ H >phenyl > tertiary alkyl > cyclohexyl > secondary alkyl > primary alkyl > methyl

○ Oxygen insertion occurs towards electron-rich carbon (ref)

1-1. acetophenone: Benzene ring enhances reactivity

○ Acetophenone reacts with peroxidic acid (RO3H), e.g. CF3CO3H, to form phenyl acetate


Figure 34. Mechanism of Baeyer-Villiger oxidation

Considering the hydrogen of -OH, it can be seen that a heptagon is formed

1-2. _m_CPBA

○ _m_CPBA in the form of RCO3H oxidizes ketones

○ Oxygen insertion occurs towards electron-rich carbon

○ Competes with epoxidation of alkenes, but Baeyer-Villiger reaction is dominant


Figure 35. _m_CPBA catalyzed Baeyer-Villiger oxidation

Example 2. Tiffeneau-Demjanov rearrangement

○ Formation of alkyl diazonium salt leads to instability and formation of carbocation


Figure 36. Mechanism of Tiffeneau-Demjanov rearrangement

Example 3. Johnson-Corey-Chaykovsky reaction

Can compete with Tiffeneau-Demjanov rearrangement

Example 3-1. Johnson-Corey-Chaykovsky reaction using sulfur ylide

○ Various types of sulfur ylides are as follows:

○ H2C-S(CH3)2: sulfur ylide (sulfonium)

○ H2C-SO-(CH3)2: Corey’s ylide (sulfoxonium)


Figure 37. Johnson-Corey-Chaykovsky reaction mechanism

○ Example 3-2. Johnson-Corey-Chaykovsky reaction of ketone under AlCl3, CH2N2 conditions


Figure 38. Johnson-Corey-Chaykovsky reaction of ketone under AlCl3, CH2N2 conditions

○ Example 3-3. Due to the strong nucleophilicity of sulfonium ylide, 1,2-addition is dominant


Figure 39. 1,2-addition of sulfonium ylide

○ Example 3-4. Since sulfoxonium ylide is a weak nucleophile (∵ ketone group), 1,4-addition is dominant


Figure 40. 1,4-addition of sulfoxonium ylide

> ④ Example 4. Benzilic acid rearrangement


Figure 41. Mechanism of benzilic acid rearrangement

> ⑤ Example 5. Favorskii rearrangement reaction

○ (Formula) Strong base, ketone, increase in unsaturation by one, removal of two leaving groups


Figure 42. Favorskii rearrangement reaction

4. Aldehyde Synthesis Methods

Ozonolysis of alkenes: 1. O3, 2. Zn, H2O or CH3SCH3

Hydration of terminal alkynes: 1. BH3, 2. H2O2, OH-

Synthesis of benzaldehyde via Gattermann-Koch reaction: It is a kind of Friedel-Crafts acylation for formyl group.

⑷ Reaction between benzyl chloride and nitromethane anion: benzyl chloride + nitromethane anion → benzaldehyde

Weak oxidation of primary alcohols: Oxidized to aldehydes.

HIO4 oxidative cleavage of diols: HIO4, H2SO4

Reduction of acyl chlorides, esters, and nitriles

Reimer-Tiemann reaction: CHCl3, KOH

Corey-Seebach reaction: thioacetal + HgCl2, MeOH, H2O → aldehyde

① Role of sulfur atom: Reduction of negative charge through backbonding effect. Sulfur atom is easily polarized and stabilizes negative ions.

② Role of Hg2+: Lewis acid, solvent with hexagonal copper structure

③ Without Hg2+, the reverse reaction becomes dominant

5. Ketone Synthesis Methods

Ozonolysis of alkenes

Hydration of alkynes

Overview: An alkyne with an -OH group undergoes hydration to form an enol, which then undergoes tautomerization to produce a ketone.

② Acid-catalyzed hydration reaction: H2O, H2SO4 / H2O, H2SO4, HgSO4

③ Hydroboration-oxidation reaction: 1. BH3, 2. H2O2, OH- / 1. BH3, 2. H2O2, OH-

⑶ Friedel-Crafts acylation


Figure 43. Friedel-Crafts acylation of benzene

Oxidation of secondary alcohols

HIO4 oxidative cleavage of diols: 1. HIO4, 2. H2SO4

Corey-Seebach reaction: thioketal + HgCl2, MeOH, H2O → aldehyde

① Role of sulfur atom: Reduction of negative charge through backbonding effect. Sulfur atom is easily polarized and stabilizes negative ions.

② Role of Hg2+: Lewis acid, Solvation of hexagonal copper structure

③ Without Hg2+, the reverse reaction becomes dominant

Reaction of carboxylic acids with organolithium reagents

① Grignard and Gilman reagents do not react with carboxylic acids

Reaction of acyl chlorides with organometallic reagents

Reaction of nitriles with organometallic reagents

Imines’ acid-catalyzed hydration reaction

Input: 2019.03.29 13:54

Modification: 2023.01.30 23:12

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