Recommended Article: 【Operating System】 Operating System Table of Contents
1. Overview
2. Installation
3. Commands
a. Linux Server
b. Linux Trouble-shooting (01-20)
1. Overview
⑴ macOS, Ubuntu are part of the Linux family.
⑵ If you are not familiar with the Linux environment, use the Terminus program: it is provided for free to students.
2. Installation
⑴ Method 1. Ubuntu
① Since Ubuntu, etc., originally operate with Linux as the operating system, you can manipulate Linux by turning on the terminal.
⑵ Method 2. MacOS
① 2-1. You can remotely access a Linux server using the ssh command in the terminal.
○ M1 MacBooks use the 64-bit ARM desktop image instead of the AMD64 desktop image.
○ Ryzen 7 does not support AMD-V enabling: you may need to use the ARM desktop image.
③ 2-3. xquartz
⑶ Method 3. Windows
① 3-1. The methods to access a Linux server are as follows:
○ mobaXterm
○ PowerShell
○ FireZilla
○ Xming
② 3-2. Install Linux on Windows with VMware.
○ Create a virtual environment and install Linux.
○ You can transfer files using mobaXterm.
○ You may need to explicitly enable AMD-V: the method to explicitly enable AMD-V on GIGABYTE is as follows:
○ Example 1
○ 1st. Turn on the PC and press the Del key quickly several times until the BIOS screen appears.
○ 2nd. Go to the ‘M.I.T.’ tab and move to ‘Advanced Frequency Settings’.
○ 3rd. Move to ‘Advanced CPU Core Settings’.
○ 4th. Switch ‘SVM Mode’ from ‘Disabled’ to ‘Enabled’.
○ Example 2
○ 1st. Move to the BIOS screen.
○ 2nd. Go to the ‘Tweaker’ tab and move to ‘Advanced CPU Settings’.
○ 3rd. Switch ‘SVM Mode’ from ‘Disabled’ to ‘Enabled’.
3. Commands
※ Arrange commands from basic to advanced sequentially.
○ ctrl + shift + v
: Paste code
○ Linux Emergency Escape
ctrl + c
: Forcefully terminate code execution
ctrl + d
ctrl + \
ctrl + z
: Pause code execution
○ Linux Terminal Clear
ctrl + l
: Not commonly used due to imperfect clearing
echo -e '\033c'
tput reset
○ variable
: Value of the variable.
export $variable
: Used to hand over environment variable to another process.
export -f $function
: Used to hand over a function to another process.
string variable
: Declare string variable without quotes and include$variable_name
○ \
: Execute a single command over multiple lines for better code readability.
○ Note that a space after
is treated as an escape character
○ ;
: Separate multiple commands within a single line
○ |
: Connect output of the previous process to the input of the next process
○ ls
: Display the list of files in the current directory
○ pwd
: Current working directory
○ history
: Past command history.
history | tail -20
: Display only the last 20 entries of the past command history.
○ ssh-keygen
: Generates RSA public and private keys. On a MacBook, the files id_rsa
are created in the ~/.ssh directory.
○ chmod
○ “change mode” abbreviated for permission management
○ Types of users: user (u), group (g), others (o)
○ Types of permissions: read (r; 4), write (w; 2), execute (e; 1), rw- (4+2=6), r-x (4+1=5), rwx (4+2+1=7)
○ Method 1. symbolic mode
○ Example 1.
chmod u+x filename
: Grant execute permission to the user
○ Example 2.
chmod g-w filename
: Remove write permission from the group
○ Example 3.
chmod o=r filename
: Set permissions for others to read-only
○ Method 2. numeric mode
○ Example 1.
chmod 755 filename
: Set permission 7 for the user, 5 for the group, and 5 for others
○ Application 1. Set permissions for an entire directory
○ Example 1.
chmod -R 755 directory_name
: Set 755 permissions throughout the directory_name.
○ chmod
○ Abbreviation for “change ownership”
chown [user]:[group] [Directory]
○ Linux-based text editor
: Install with the following command:sudo apt-get install nano
○ Directory command
open [DIR_NAME]
: Navigate to a specific directory
: Navigate to a home directory.
: Navigate to a specific directory.
cd ..
: Move to the parent directory of the current directory.
ls -lh [FILE_NAME]
: Checking the size of a specific file.
du -sh [DIR_NAME]
: Checking the size of a directory.
○ mkdir [DIR_NAME]
: Create a specific folder
: Commands used in file moving, file replacement, and renaming include “mv”, which is short for “move”.
: Copy files and paste
: Copy subdirectories and files
: Preserve ownership, group, permission, and time information when copying
○ rm [OPTION] [NAME]
: Delete
rm -d [DIR_NAME]
: Delete an empty directory
rm -r [DIR_NAME]
: Delete a non-empty directory
○ File compression command
zip -r ./*
: Compress all files (./*) in a specific directory including subfolders into
: Extract in the current folder
gzip [FILE_NAME]
: Compress to .gz
gzip -d [FILE_NAME].gz
: Decompress .gz file
gunzip [FILE_NAME].gz
: Decompress .gz file
tar [OPTION] [FILE.tar.gz]
○ [OPTION]: -f, -c, -x, -v, -z, -j, -t, -C, -A, -d, -r, -u, -k, -U, -w, -e, etc.
tar [OPTION...] [FILE]...
-f : Specify target tar archive. (Default option)
-c : create tar archive. overwrite existing archive. (used to bind files)
-x : Extract files from tar archive. (Use to pull files)
-v: detailed list of processes being processed (file information).
-z : gzip compression application option.
-j : bzip2 compression application option.
-t : Check what is included in the tar archive.
-C : Specifies the destination directory path.
-A : Adds the specified file to the tar archive.
-d : search for differences between tar archive and file system.
-r : Add files to the end of the tar archive.
-u : Add files to the end of the tar archive.
-k : Retain existing files when extracting tar archives.
-U : Delete existing files before extracting tar archive.
-w : Request confirmation of all progress. (interactive)
-e : Stop when the first error occurs.
○ Example 1. Compress:
tar -zcvf archive.tar.gz ./MyFolder
○ Example 2. Decompress:
tar -xzvf spaceranger-2.0.1.tar.gz
○ Example 3. Decompress:
tar -xf class_N.tgz
○ The same commands apply to
files as well as.tar.gz
files, but-z
should be omitted for.tar
xz -z filename
: Offers quite a good compression ratio but is slow. Uses LZMA, LZMA2 algorithms.
xz -d filename.xz
: Decompresses.xz
7z a outputfile.7z inputfile
: Offers quite a good compression ratio but is slow. Uses various algorithms including LZMA. Available on Linux through the p7zip package.
7z x outputfile.7z
: Decompresses.7z
(7-Zip) files.
zstd filename
: Balances compression ratio and speed.
zstd -d filename.zst
: Decompresses.zst
brotli -Z filename
: Compresses using Brotli.
brotli -d filename.brotli
: Decompresses.brotli
pigz filename
: Compresses using PIGZ.
unpigz filename.gz
: Decompresses.gz
○ echo
echo [STR]
: Print specified string
echo $(($(find . -type d -maxdepth 1 | wc -l) - 1))
: Print the number of folders in a specific directory.
○ find
find . -type d -maxdepth 1 | wc -l
: Print the number of folders in a specific directory.
○ symbolic link (soft link)
ln -s [Source_Directory] [Target_Directory]
ln -sf [Source_Directory] [Target_Directory]
unlink [Target_Directory]
: Deactivate the link
○ ifconfig
: Check IP address
○ traceroute [IP_ADDRESS]
: Display IPs reached to reach a specific IP address
○ View system speculations
lshw | less
: Provides information about system specs such as CPU, RAM, etc.
lshw -C display
: Provides information about the GPU
: Provides information about the GPU and GPU usage status
watch -d -n 0.5 nvidia-smi
: GPU usage monitoring
○ sudo: Allow Linux users to run commands as other users.
○ Sudo permissions can be granted selectively for different users.
○ su [User_ID]
: Command for switching to a different user account in Linux. Often used with sudo su
○ reboot
: Rebooting.
○ Status command
free -h
: Checking memory and swap usage.
: A command to check command execution and thread usage status.
top -u username
: Must be installed. Superior totop
: Command to view system status.
df -h
: Command to view system capacity.
○ Remote data transfer command
○ Method 1: scp: Low possibility of file corruption
scp -P ${port} ${srcFile} ${id} @ ${destIP} :${destPath}
: Port number of the destination
: Path of the file to be moved from the source. Example: “~/Downloads/file.txt”
: User ID on the destination
: IP address of the destination. Example: #.#.#.# (IPv4)
: Directory address on the destination to store the file. Example: ~/DATA1/1.txt
○ Method 2: rsync (remote sync): Faster speed
○ Example:
rsync --rsh=’ssh -p ${port}’ -avzhP ${srcFile} ${id} @${destIP} : ${destPath}
: Port number of the destination
: Path of the file to be moved from the source. Example: “~/Downloads/file.txt”
: User ID on the destination
: IP address of the destination. Example: #.#.#.# (IPv4)
: Directory address on the destination to store the file. Example: ~/DATA1/1.txt
○ Method 3. sftp
## Install NCFTP
sudo apt-get install ncftp
## Connect to the FTP Server
ncftp -u [username] [host address]
## Navigate and Manage Files
# List files and directories.
# Change directory.
cd [directory]
lcd [directory]
# Download a file from the FTP server to your local machine.
get [filename]
# Upload a file from your local machine to the FTP server.
put [filename]
# Create a new directory on the FTP server.
mkdir [directory_name]
# Remove a directory on the FTP server.
rmdir [directory_name]
# Delete a file on the FTP server.
rm [filename]
# Exit NCFTP
## Use the ncftpput Command
ncftpput -R -u [username] -p [password] [host] [remote-dir] [local-dir]
# Example
ncftpput -R -u username -p password /remote/directory /local/directory
○ Method 4. Client software for SFTP: FileZilla, Cyberduck, etc.
○ Method 5. WinScp (Windows)
○ Method 6. fetch (mac)
○ File execution command
.sh file
: To run a .sh file, use./[My_File].sh
,sh [My_File].sh
, orbash [My_File].sh
.py file
ctrl + z → bg
: Run in the background
[command] + &
: Run in the background (ref)
○ Note: This method leads to processes being terminated when the session ends (e.g., terminal closure)
○ Background run using
○ step 1. Prepare a
○ step 2. Open the terminal
○ step 3. Navigate to the directory where the .sh file or .py file you want to execute after environment setup is located (e.g.,
○ step 4. Grant permission:
chmod 755
○ step 5.
nohup python \
○ step 6. Press Enter once more for execution
○ step 7. (optional) Check execution:
ps -ef | grep
→ Check nohup.out for “” keyword
○ step 8. (optional) Forcefully terminate background execution:
kill {ProcessID}
○ Background run using
○ tmux → Linux Command → Terminal Window / Mobaxterm Off
○ docker: Supports background run
○ while
while read
while ··· do ~ done
○ cat
command: Related to file output.
cat FILE
: Display file content.
cat > FILE
: Create a file.
cat -n FILE
: Display line numbers.
cat -E FILE
: Display $ at end of lines.
cat -T FILE
: Display tabs as ^I.
cat -s FILE
: Ignore repeated blank lines.
cat FILE1 FILE2 > FILE_merge
: Merge FILE1 and FILE2 into FILE_merge.
cat FILE1 - FILE2
: Append contents of FILE1 to FILE2.
cat FILE | more
: Display file content one screen at a time.
cat FILE | grep "STR"
: Filter file content.
cat *
: Display content of all files.
cat *.txt
: Display content of files with a specific extension.
: Submit PBS job to the queue.
○ Specify arguments for the .sh file after the
qsub [-e STR] [SCRIPT]
: Define the path for standard error stream of the batch job.
qsub [-o STR] [SCRIPT]
: Define the path for standard output stream of the batch job.
qsub [-N STR] [SCRIPT]
: Define the job name.
○ grep [STR]
: Used to find a specific string in the content of a file passed as input.
○ $ sudo
command to be executed
○ When executed like this, commands run with root privileges, avoiding errors.
○ md5sum
○ Generates code to verify file integrity between sender and receiver.
$ md5sum /home/parallels/Downloads/metadata.xlsx
○ Security-related: Finding MD5 collision pairs is relatively easy, but a method for second-preimage attacks on MD5 is not known.
○ For MacOS, md5sum is not provided by default; instead, the md5 command is available.
○ sed
○ netcat
○ awk
○ ssh
: Protocol used for remote connection to Linux servers.
○ Troubleshooting 1. If “command not found” appears after entering ssh, follow this procedure for macOS Terminal.
○ Display when ssh is installed
○ Windows 10 onwards, you can use Windows PowerShell for terminal (ref.)
○ Troubleshooting 2. ssh: connect to host #.#.#.# port §: Connection refused
○ Where #.#.#.# is the IP address.
○ Cause 1. Remote login on MacBook is blocked.
○ Solution: System Preferences > Sharing > Remote Login > ON
○ Cause 2. openssh is not installed (ref.)
○ Cause 3. Host IP address has changed.
○ Troubleshooting 3. key_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer Connection reset by #.#.#.# port §
○ Cause: Temporary server issue.
○ Solution: Re-enter the code.
○ Troubleshooting 4. When attempting VPN connection on Windows
○ Xshell from NetSarang allows VPN connection on Windows.
○ Troubleshooting 5. Can’t operate. Failed to connect to bus: Host is down
○ Unsuitable for ssh server.
○ Ensure you intended to install an ssh server, not just a client.
○ curl
: Download files from a specific URL.
curl -o ""
○ wget
command: Enables downloading of various files.
○ Example:
wget <>
○ If
is not found:$ sudo apt-get install -y wget
○ Typically, fetches entire command:
$git clone <>
○ sudo netstat -lntp
: Shows port-specific PID, protocol, etc.
○ Parallel processing through GNU Parallel
## install for Devian/Ubuntu
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install parallel
## run
process() {
parallel process
○ ranger
command: A terminal-based file manager that allows users to explore and manage the file system through a text user interface (TUI).
Input: 2021.11.04 23:23
Modified: 2023.06.02 14:21