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Recommended Article: 【Operating System】 Operating System Table of Contents

1. Overview

2. Installation

3. Commands

a. Linux Server

b. Linux Trouble-shooting (01-20)

1. Overview

⑴ macOS, Ubuntu are part of the Linux family.

⑵ If you are not familiar with the Linux environment, use the Terminus program: it is provided for free to students.

2. Installation

Method 1. Ubuntu

① Since Ubuntu, etc., originally operate with Linux as the operating system, you can manipulate Linux by turning on the terminal.

Method 2. MacOS

2-1. You can remotely access a Linux server using the ssh command in the terminal.

2-2. Install Linux on an M1 MacBook with Parallels.

○ M1 MacBooks use the 64-bit ARM desktop image instead of the AMD64 desktop image.

Ryzen 7 does not support AMD-V enabling: you may need to use the ARM desktop image.

How to uninstall Parallels on a MacBook.

2-3. xquartz

Method 3. Windows

3-1. The methods to access a Linux server are as follows:

○ mobaXterm

○ PowerShell

○ FireZilla

○ Xming

3-2. Install Linux on Windows with VMware.

○ Create a virtual environment and install Linux.

○ You can transfer files using mobaXterm.

○ You may need to explicitly enable AMD-V: the method to explicitly enable AMD-V on GIGABYTE is as follows:

Example 1

○ 1st. Turn on the PC and press the Del key quickly several times until the BIOS screen appears.

○ 2nd. Go to the ‘M.I.T.’ tab and move to ‘Advanced Frequency Settings’.

○ 3rd. Move to ‘Advanced CPU Core Settings’.

○ 4th. Switch ‘SVM Mode’ from ‘Disabled’ to ‘Enabled’.

Example 2

○ 1st. Move to the BIOS screen.

○ 2nd. Go to the ‘Tweaker’ tab and move to ‘Advanced CPU Settings’.

○ 3rd. Switch ‘SVM Mode’ from ‘Disabled’ to ‘Enabled’.

3. Commands

※ Arrange commands from basic to advanced sequentially.

ctrl + shift + v: Paste code

Linux Emergency Escape

ctrl + c: Forcefully terminate code execution

ctrl + d

ctrl + \

ctrl + z: Pause code execution

Linux Terminal Clear

ctrl + l: Not commonly used due to imperfect clearing



echo -e '\033c'

tput reset

○ variable

$variable_name: Value of the variable.

export $variable: Used to hand over environment variable to another process.

export -f $function: Used to hand over a function to another process.

string variable: Declare string variable without quotes and include $variable_name

\: Execute a single command over multiple lines for better code readability.

○ Note that a space after \ is treated as an escape character

;: Separate multiple commands within a single line

|: Connect output of the previous process to the input of the next process

ls: Display the list of files in the current directory

pwd: Current working directory

history: Past command history.

history | tail -20: Display only the last 20 entries of the past command history.

ssh-keygen: Generates RSA public and private keys. On a MacBook, the files id_rsa and id_rsa.pub are created in the ~/.ssh directory.


○ “change mode” abbreviated for permission management

○ Types of users: user (u), group (g), others (o)

○ Types of permissions: read (r; 4), write (w; 2), execute (e; 1), rw- (4+2=6), r-x (4+1=5), rwx (4+2+1=7)

Method 1. symbolic mode

Example 1. chmod u+x filename: Grant execute permission to the user

Example 2. chmod g-w filename: Remove write permission from the group

Example 3. chmod o=r filename: Set permissions for others to read-only

Method 2. numeric mode

Example 1. chmod 755 filename: Set permission 7 for the user, 5 for the group, and 5 for others

Application 1. Set permissions for an entire directory

Example 1. chmod -R 755 directory_name: Set 755 permissions throughout the directory_name.


○ Abbreviation for “change ownership”

chown [user]:[group] [Directory]

○ Linux-based text editor


nano: Install with the following command: sudo apt-get install nano





○ Directory command

open [DIR_NAME]: Navigate to a specific directory

cd: Navigate to a home directory.

cd [DIR_NAME]: Navigate to a specific directory.

cd ..: Move to the parent directory of the current directory.

ls -lh [FILE_NAME]: Checking the size of a specific file.

du -sh [DIR_NAME]: Checking the size of a directory.

mkdir [DIR_NAME]: Create a specific folder

mv [SOURCE] [DESTINATION]: Commands used in file moving, file replacement, and renaming include “mv”, which is short for “move”.

cp [OPTION] [SOURCE] [DESTINATION]: Copy files and paste

-r: Copy subdirectories and files

-p: Preserve ownership, group, permission, and time information when copying

rm [OPTION] [NAME]: Delete

rm -d [DIR_NAME]: Delete an empty directory

rm -r [DIR_NAME]: Delete a non-empty directory

○ File compression command

zip -r test.zip ./*: Compress all files (./*) in a specific directory including subfolders into test.zip

unzip FILE.zip: Extract FILE.zip in the current folder

gzip [FILE_NAME]: Compress to .gz

gzip -d [FILE_NAME].gz: Decompress .gz file

gunzip [FILE_NAME].gz: Decompress .gz file

tar [OPTION] [FILE.tar.gz]

[OPTION]: -f, -c, -x, -v, -z, -j, -t, -C, -A, -d, -r, -u, -k, -U, -w, -e, etc.

tar [OPTION...] [FILE]...
-f : Specify target tar archive. (Default option)
-c : create tar archive. overwrite existing archive. (used to bind files)
-x : Extract files from tar archive. (Use to pull files)
-v: detailed list of processes being processed (file information).
-z : gzip compression application option.
-j : bzip2 compression application option.
-t : Check what is included in the tar archive.
-C : Specifies the destination directory path.
-A : Adds the specified file to the tar archive.
-d : search for differences between tar archive and file system.
-r : Add files to the end of the tar archive.
-u : Add files to the end of the tar archive.
-k : Retain existing files when extracting tar archives.
-U : Delete existing files before extracting tar archive.
-w : Request confirmation of all progress. (interactive)
-e : Stop when the first error occurs.

Example 1. Compress: tar -zcvf archive.tar.gz ./MyFolder

Example 2. Decompress: tar -xzvf spaceranger-2.0.1.tar.gz

Example 3. Decompress: tar -xf class_N.tgz

○ The same commands apply to .tar files as well as .tar.gz files, but -z should be omitted for .tar files

xz -z filename: Offers quite a good compression ratio but is slow. Uses LZMA, LZMA2 algorithms.

xz -d filename.xz: Decompresses .xz files.

7z a outputfile.7z inputfile: Offers quite a good compression ratio but is slow. Uses various algorithms including LZMA. Available on Linux through the p7zip package.

7z x outputfile.7z: Decompresses .7z (7-Zip) files.

zstd filename: Balances compression ratio and speed.

zstd -d filename.zst: Decompresses .zst files.

brotli -Z filename: Compresses using Brotli.

brotli -d filename.brotli: Decompresses .brotli files.

pigz filename: Compresses using PIGZ.

unpigz filename.gz: Decompresses .gz files.


echo [STR]: Print specified string

echo $(($(find . -type d -maxdepth 1 | wc -l) - 1)): Print the number of folders in a specific directory.


find . -type d -maxdepth 1 | wc -l: Print the number of folders in a specific directory.

○ symbolic link (soft link)

ln -s [Source_Directory] [Target_Directory]

ln -sf [Source_Directory] [Target_Directory]

unlink [Target_Directory]: Deactivate the link

ifconfig: Check IP address

traceroute [IP_ADDRESS]: Display IPs reached to reach a specific IP address

○ View system speculations

lshw | less: Provides information about system specs such as CPU, RAM, etc.

lshw -C display: Provides information about the GPU

nvidia-smi: Provides information about the GPU and GPU usage status

watch -d -n 0.5 nvidia-smi: GPU usage monitoring

○ sudo: Allow Linux users to run commands as other users.

○ Sudo permissions can be granted selectively for different users.

su [User_ID]: Command for switching to a different user account in Linux. Often used with sudo su.

reboot: Rebooting.

○ Status command

free -h: Checking memory and swap usage.

top: A command to check command execution and thread usage status.

top -u username

htop: Must be installed. Superior to top.

df: Command to view system status.

df -h: Command to view system capacity.

○ Remote data transfer command

Method 1: scp: Low possibility of file corruption

scp -P ${port} ${srcFile} ${id} @ ${destIP} :${destPath}

${port}: Port number of the destination

${srcFile}: Path of the file to be moved from the source. Example: “~/Downloads/file.txt”

${id}: User ID on the destination

${destIP}: IP address of the destination. Example: #.#.#.# (IPv4)

${destPath}: Directory address on the destination to store the file. Example: ~/DATA1/1.txt

Code Generator

Method 2: rsync (remote sync): Faster speed

○ Example: rsync --rsh=’ssh -p ${port}’ -avzhP ${srcFile} ${id} @${destIP} : ${destPath}

${port}: Port number of the destination

${srcFile}: Path of the file to be moved from the source. Example: “~/Downloads/file.txt”

${id}: User ID on the destination

${destIP}: IP address of the destination. Example: #.#.#.# (IPv4)

${destPath}: Directory address on the destination to store the file. Example: ~/DATA1/1.txt

Code Generator

Method 3. sftp

## Install NCFTP
sudo apt-get install ncftp

## Connect to the FTP Server
ncftp -u [username] [host address]

## Navigate and Manage Files
# List files and directories.

# Change directory.
cd [directory] 
lcd [directory] 

# Download a file from the FTP server to your local machine.
get [filename] 

# Upload a file from your local machine to the FTP server.
put [filename] 

# Create a new directory on the FTP server.
mkdir [directory_name]

# Remove a directory on the FTP server.
rmdir [directory_name]

# Delete a file on the FTP server.
rm [filename]

# Exit NCFTP

## Use the ncftpput Command
ncftpput -R -u [username] -p [password] [host] [remote-dir] [local-dir]

# Example 
ncftpput -R -u username -p password ftp.example.com /remote/directory /local/directory

Method 4. Client software for SFTP: FileZilla, Cyberduck, etc.

Method 5. WinScp (Windows)

Method 6. fetch (mac)

○ File execution command

.sh file: To run a .sh file, use ./[My_File].sh, sh [My_File].sh, or bash [My_File].sh.

.py file (ref)

ctrl + z → bg: Run in the background

[command] + &: Run in the background (ref)

○ Note: This method leads to processes being terminated when the session ends (e.g., terminal closure)

○ Background run using nohup

step 1. Prepare a .sh or .py file

step 2. Open the terminal

step 3. Navigate to the directory where the .sh file or .py file you want to execute after environment setup is located (e.g., app.py)

step 4. Grant permission: chmod 755 app.py

step 5. nohup python app.py \

step 6. Press Enter once more for execution

step 7. (optional) Check execution: ps -ef | grep app.py → Check nohup.out for “app.py” keyword

step 8. (optional) Forcefully terminate background execution: kill {ProcessID}

○ Background run using tmux

○ tmux → Linux Command → Terminal Window / Mobaxterm Off

docker: Supports background run

while command

while read

while ··· do ~ done

cat command: Related to file output.

cat FILE: Display file content.

cat > FILE: Create a file.

cat -n FILE: Display line numbers.

cat -E FILE: Display $ at end of lines.

cat -T FILE: Display tabs as ^I.

cat -s FILE: Ignore repeated blank lines.

cat FILE1 FILE2 > FILE_merge: Merge FILE1 and FILE2 into FILE_merge.

cat FILE1 - FILE2: Append contents of FILE1 to FILE2.

cat FILE | more: Display file content one screen at a time.

cat FILE | grep "STR": Filter file content.

cat *: Display content of all files.

cat *.txt: Display content of files with a specific extension.

qsub [-OPTION STR] [SCRIPT]: Submit PBS job to the queue.

[SCRIPT]: .sh file

○ Specify arguments for the .sh file after the .sh filename.

qsub [-e STR] [SCRIPT]: Define the path for standard error stream of the batch job.

qsub [-o STR] [SCRIPT]: Define the path for standard output stream of the batch job.

qsub [-N STR] [SCRIPT]: Define the job name.

grep [STR]: Used to find a specific string in the content of a file passed as input.

$ sudo command to be executed

○ When executed like this, commands run with root privileges, avoiding errors.

○ md5sum

○ Generates code to verify file integrity between sender and receiver.

$ md5sum /home/parallels/Downloads/metadata.xlsx

○ Security-related: Finding MD5 collision pairs is relatively easy, but a method for second-preimage attacks on MD5 is not known.

○ For MacOS, md5sum is not provided by default; instead, the md5 command is available.




ssh: Protocol used for remote connection to Linux servers.

Troubleshooting 1. If “command not found” appears after entering ssh, follow this procedure for macOS Terminal.

○ Display when ssh is installed


○ Windows 10 onwards, you can use Windows PowerShell for terminal (ref.)

Troubleshooting 2. ssh: connect to host #.#.#.# port §: Connection refused

○ Where #.#.#.# is the IP address.

Cause 1. Remote login on MacBook is blocked.

○ Solution: System Preferences > Sharing > Remote Login > ON

Cause 2. openssh is not installed (ref.)

Cause 3. Host IP address has changed.

Troubleshooting 3. key_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer Connection reset by #.#.#.# port §

○ Cause: Temporary server issue.

○ Solution: Re-enter the code.

Troubleshooting 4. When attempting VPN connection on Windows

○ Xshell from NetSarang allows VPN connection on Windows.

Troubleshooting 5. Can’t operate. Failed to connect to bus: Host is down

○ Unsuitable for ssh server.

○ Ensure you intended to install an ssh server, not just a client.

curl: Download files from a specific URL.

curl -o my.sh "https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-py38_23.3.1-0-Linux-x86_64.sh"

wget command: Enables downloading of various files.

○ Example: wget <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jdblischak/singleCellSeq/master/code/run-md5sum.sh>

○ If wget is not found: $ sudo apt-get install -y wget

○ Typically, fetches entire command: $git clone <https://github.com/jdblischak/singleCellSeq.git>

sudo netstat -lntp: Shows port-specific PID, protocol, etc.

○ Parallel processing through GNU Parallel

## install for Devian/Ubuntu
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install parallel

## run 
process() {
parallel process

ranger command: A terminal-based file manager that allows users to explore and manage the file system through a text user interface (TUI).

Input: 2021.11.04 23:23

Modified: 2023.06.02 14:21

results matching ""

    No results matching ""