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Chapter 9. Vibrations (Vibeology)

Recommended Article : 【Physics】 Physics Table of Contents

1. Simple Harmonic Motion

2. Damped Oscillation

3. Forced Oscillation

4. Mechanical Impedance

5. Mechanical Resonance

6. Superposition

1. Simple Harmonic Motion

Figure. 1. Diagram of Simple Harmonic Motion

⑴ Characteristics : Period remains constant

⑵ Solution of the Differential Equation

⑶ Frequency Domain Conversion

2. Damped Oscillation

Figure. 2. Diagram of Damped Oscillation

⑴ Governing Equation

⑵ Frequency Domain Conversion

⑶ Introduction of β and Classification of Damped Motion

① β2 - ω02 > 0 : Overdamped

② β2 - ω02 = 0 : Critically damped

③ β2 - ω02 < 0 : Underdamped

⑷ Generally, β < ω0 holds true

3. Forced Oscillation

Figure. 3. Diagram of Forced Oscillation

⑴ Governing Equation

⑵ When fe is a trigonometric function

① Vibration = Natural vibration + Steady-state vibration

② Natural vibration = Homogeneous solution = Complementary solution = Transient solution

○ As time passes, converges to 0 due to e-βt

③ Steady-state vibration = Particular solution

○ Generally, only interested in particular solution

○ Assumed as complex harmony

○ (Note) ω ≪ ω0

○ (Note) ω = ω0

○ (Note) ω ≫ ω0

4. Mechanical Impedance

⑴ Definition

① Defined as Complex Driving Force ÷ Complex Velocity at Driving Point

② Concept of force magnitude for obtaining velocity

⑵ Single Degree of Freedom (SDOF) system

① Zm : Inherent properties of the material. Predicts response

② Rm : Mechanical resistance. Energy loss

③ Xm : Mechanical reactance. Energy storage

④ If impedance is known, the response can be known

⑶ ω ≪ ω0 : Zm* = -js / ω

① Spring-like (stiffness-like) impedance

② Negative imaginary

③ Inversely proportional to frequency

⑷ ω = ω0 : Zm* = Rm

⑸ ω ≫ ω0 : Zm* = jωm

① Mass-like impedance

② Positive imaginary

③ Linearly proportional to frequency

⑹ Imaginary impedance : When Rm = 0

① Force and velocity are out of phase

② No power is required to drive the system

○ Since Rm = 0, no energy is dissipated

5. Mechanical Resonance

⑴ Definition : Xm, the reactance part

⑵ Vibrational frequency when the imaginary part of impedance is 0

6. Superposition

Figure. 4. Diagram of Superposition

Assumption 1. Small amplitude response

Assumption 2. System is linear

⑶ Formulation

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