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C Code

Higher category : 【Programming】 Programming Overview,

1. printf

⑴ %c : Ascii encoding. 7-bit character code

⑵ %d : decimal number

⑶ %o : octal number

⑷ %x : hexadecimal number

⑸ %f : real number of type ‘float’

⑹ %lf : real number of type ‘double’

⑺ %ld : integrity of type ‘long’

⑻ %#o, %#x : hex with prefix (0x) or oct with prefix (0)

⑼ %10d : Secure. at least 10 compartments. ______1977, etc

⑽ %010d : Fill in the empty space with zero. 0000001977, etc

⑾ %10.3f : A total of 10 blanks including decimal places. 3 numbers below the decimal point. _____2.300, etc.

⑿ %E : Scientific notation of decimal fraction

2. C Code Library

Implementing the Product of a Matrix

CPS Festival Solving Question 6

Floyd Algorithm

Decimal to Binary Conversion

Greatest Common Divisor and Least Common Multiplier

Pascal’s Triangle

Hanoi Tower

Eratosthenes’ Sieve below n

Decimal to n-digits System Conversion

Country of Wonderland

Integer Factorization

Continuous Numbers

Big Number


Collatz Conjecture

Binomial Coefficient

Input : 2022.07.10 19:43

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