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Chapter 3-1. Structure of Cycloalkanes and Cycloalkenes

Recommended Article: 【Organic Chemistry】 Chapter 3. Alkanes

1. Structure of Cycloalkanes

2. Structure of Cycloalkenes

1. Structure of Cycloalkanes

⑴ Cyclopropane

① Newman projection: The dihedral angle of C-H on two adjacent carbons can be 0° or an ambiguous angle

② Halocyclopropane can perform syn -periplanar E2 reaction



Figure 1. Structure of cyclopropane

⑵ Cyclobutane

① Newman projection: The dihedral angle of C-H on two adjacent carbons can be 60°, 180°

② Halocyclobutane can perform anti -periplanar E2 reaction

③ Planar structure and butterfly structure

○ The planar structure has much greater torsional strain than the butterfly structure

○ The butterfly structure (88°) has greater bond angle strain than the planar structure (90°) due to smaller bond angles

○ The butterfly structure is more stable because the difference in torsional strain is much greater than the bond angle strain


Figure 2. Butterfly structure of cyclobutane

⑶ Cyclopentane

① Newman projection: The dihedral angle of C-H on two adjacent carbons in the square part can be 0° or an ambiguous angle

② Halocyclopentane with one halogen substituted in the square part can perform syn -periplanar E2 reaction



Figure 3. Structure of cyclopentane

⑷ Cyclohexane

① Stability comparison of conformers: Stability order is chair > twist boat > boat > half chair

○ Strictly speaking, the chair form and twist boat are conformers, while boat and half chair are transition states

② Chair form cyclohexane

○ The dihedral angle of C-H on two adjacent carbons can be 60°, 180°

○ Halocyclohexane can perform anti -periplanar E2 reaction



Figure 4. Chair form cyclohexane and ring flip

③ Twist boat form cyclohexane


Figure 5. Structure of twist boat form cyclohexane

④ Boat form cyclohexane


Figure 6. Structure of boat form cyclohexane

⑤ Half chair form cyclohexane

⑸ Cycloheptane

① Chair form cycloheptane



Figure 7. Structure of chair form cycloheptane

② Boat form cycloheptane



Figure 8. Structure of boat form cycloheptane

⑹ Cyclooctane

① Chair form cyclooctane


Figure 9. Chair form cyclooctane

② Tube form cyclooctane


Figure 10. Tube form cyclooctane

③ Boat-boat form cyclooctane


Figure 11. Boat-boat form cyclooctane

2. Structure of Cycloalkenes

⑴ Overview

① Cyclopentene [3] ~ cycloheptene [7]: Only cis structure exists

② Cyclooctene [8] ~ cycloundecene [11]: cis structure is more stable than trans structure

③ Cyclododecene [12]: Stability of cis and trans structures is similar

④ Cyclotridecene [13]: trans structure is more stable than cis structure

⑵ Cyclohexane

① Cyclohexene


Figure 12. Structure of cyclohexene

② Cyclohex-1,3-diene


Figure 13. Structure of cyclohex-1,3-diene

③ Cyclohex-1,4-diene


Figure 14. Structure of cyclohex-1,4-diene

⑶ Cycloheptatriene

① If the carbon without a double bond becomes a carbocation, it satisfies aromaticity; that is, it becomes a planar heptagon


Figure 15. Cycloheptatriene

⑷ Cyclooctatetraene

① Does not satisfy planarity, hence does not satisfy aromaticity


Figure 16. Cyclooctatetraene

⑸ [10]-Annulene

① Although it has 4n+2 π-electrons, it does not satisfy aromaticity due to lack of planarity

② Three types exist; all cis, one trans, or two trans


Figure 17. Structure of [10]-annulene

Input: 2019.03.15 14:14

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