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English Words and Pronunciation

Recommended Post : 【English】 English Vocabulary Index

1. Words Difficult to Pronounce

2. Words with Similar Pronunciation

3. Words with Confusing Pronunciation

4. Words to Be Careful with Pronunciation

5. Words in Korean and English with Similar Pronunciation

1. Words Difficult to Pronounce

⑴ plurality

2. Words with Similar Pronunciation

⑴ kerb (curbstone) vs curb (curbstone)

⑵ best (best) vs vast (vast)

⑶ bless (blessing, protection) vs breathe (to breathe)

⑷ region (region) vs lesion (disease lesion, sore)

⑸ pride (pride) vs proud (proud)

⑹ good (good) vs God (God)

3. Words with Confusing Pronunciation

⑴ join vs enjoy

⑵ nobel vs novel: In the case of “novel,” the V sound needs to be emphasized, which inevitably lengthens the “no-“ part.

4. Words to Be Careful with Pronunciation

⑴ direction : Both “direction” and “dai-rection” are possible

⑵ antibody : Should be read as ‘anti-body’

⑶ environment : In between ‘environment’ and ‘environ-ment’

5. Words in Korean and English with Similar Pronunciation

⑴ barley : 보리

⑵ boundary : 변두리

⑶ dung : 똥

⑷ father : 아빠

⑸ hurly burly : 헐레벌떡

⑹ mother : 엄마

⑺ ouch : 아야-

⑻ thud : 터덕터덕

⑼ thug : 괴한 (썩- 놈)

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