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Chapter 20. Endocrine System

Recommended Article : 【Biology】 Biology Table of Contents

1. Endocrine System

2. Types of Hormones

1. Endocrine System

⑴ Endocrine : Transmission of signals without ducts

⑵ Types of endocrine signaling

① Autocrine : Cell-secreted molecules influencing themselves

○ Example : Tumor cells and growth factors, activated T cells’ IL-2, gastric cells’ growth factors

② Paracrine : Signaling to neighboring cells

○ Example : Growth factors, interleukins, prostaglandins, histamine

○ Insulin-like growth factor (IGF) : Secreted by the liver

○ Prostaglandin : Stimulation of mucus secretion, immune activation, uterine contractions; locally regulated due to unstable molecular structure

○ Histamine : Stomach acid secretion, bronchial smooth muscle contraction, mucus secretion, mental alertness, vasodilation during inflammation, uterine contractions, smooth muscle relaxation

③ Neurotransmitter : Electric signals, released at synapses

○ Example : Acetylcholine

④ Endocrine : Secreted into the bloodstream

○ Example : Hormones

⑤ Exocrine : Secreted into external body cavities

○ Example : Digestive enzymes, pheromones

Figure 1. Types of endocrine signaling [Footnote:1]

⑶ Characteristics of hormones

① Chemical substances regulating body responses even in small amounts : 10^-8 ~ 10^-12 M

② Transported through the blood

③ Specific actions : Target cells of hormone responses possess receptors

○ Sex hormones act on nearly all cells

④ Homeostasis maintenance : Feedback regulation, negative feedback

○ Sweating is controlled only by sympathetic nerves, no negative feedback occurs

○ Hormone half-lives are generally shorter than 3 minutes to maintain homeostasis

⑤ Lack of species specificity : Hormones are crucial for homeostasis, thus evolutionarily conserved

⑷ Classification of hormones

① Receptor-mediated hormones

○ Pathway : Cell membrane receptors Signal transduction cascade Enzyme activation ⇢ Gene expression and protein synthesis

○ Pre-synthesized and stored

○ Except for thyroxine, amine hormones, peptide hormones

○ Act much faster than lipid-soluble hormones

② Lipid-soluble hormones

○ Pathway : Bound to plasma carrier proteins, transported to tissues → Receptor inside the cytoplasm Gene expression

○ Synthesized and secreted as needed

○ Steroid hormones, thyroid hormones, nitric oxide (NO), adrenal cortex hormones

③ Peptide hormones

○ Pre-synthesized and stored

○ Preprohormone: Synthesized in ribosomes but not yet processed peptide hormone

○ Prohormone: Peptide hormone with N-signal cleaved in the Golgi apparatus

○ When prohormone is processed in the Golgi apparatus, it becomes the final active form

○ Example : FSH, LH, insulin, etc.

④ Amine hormones

○ Insulin, histamine, catecholamines, calcitonin, melatonin, serotonin

○ Catecholamines: A group of hormones derived from tyrosine (e.g., dopamine, tyrosine, epinephrine, norepinephrine); pre-synthesized and stored

○ Thyroxine: Lipid-soluble, pre-synthesized and stored, bound to plasma carrier proteins and delivered to target tissues

⑤ Steroid hormones

○ Derived from cholesterol

○ Synthesized on demand by secretory vesicles

○ Bound to plasma carrier proteins and delivered to target tissues

○ Named with endings like -rone, -sol, -gen

Figure 2. Pathways of receptor-mediated and lipid-soluble hormones [Footnote:2]

**2. Types of Hormones **

⑴ Hypothalamus : Central regulation (body temperature, appetite, thirst, and reproduction)

Hypothalamic-pituitary axis

○ Hypothalamic neurosecretory cells release/inhibit hormone secretion at median eminence Regulation of hormone secretion in the anterior pituitary

○ Portal system

○ Different origin capillary junctions (e.g., median eminence)

○ Does not mix with general circulation

Type 1. CRH (Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone) ―⊕→ ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic Hormone)

Type 2. TRH (Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone) ―⊕ TSH (Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone)

○ TSH : Promotes thyroid development, regulates expression of thyroid hormones, calcitonin, PTH

○ TSH receptors are located on cell membranes

Type 3. GnRH (Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone) ―⊕ FSH (Follicle-Stimulating Hormone), LH (Luteinizing Hormone)

Type 4. GHRH (Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone) ―⊕ GH (Growth Hormone) → Bone growth, protein synthesis, cell division

○ Comparison of GH and insulin

○ GH : Increases blood glucose and fatty acids

○ Insulin : Decreases blood glucose and fatty acids

○ Other functions of GH and insulin are similar

○ Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF)

○ Can stimulate IGF secretion in the liver

○ IGF exhibits response in bones and cartilage

○ Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF)

○ Protein secreted by oxygen-deprived cells like cancer cells

○ Promotes angiogenesis, vascular binding, etc.

Type 5. GHRIH (Growth Hormone-Releasing Inhibiting Hormone) ―⊝ GH

Type 6. PRH (Prolactin-Releasing Hormone) ―⊕ PRL (Prolactin) Milk production in breasts

○ Promotes mammary development and lactation in females

○ Secreted in non-lactating females and males

○ Additional functions: Immunomodulation, angiogenesis

Type 7. PRIH (Prolactin-Releasing Inhibiting Hormone) ―⊝ PRL

Type 8. MSHRH (Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone-Releasing Hormone) ―⊕ MSH (Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone)

○ MSH is also called intermedin or melanotropin

○ MSH is secreted from the intermediate lobe of the pituitary gland

○ α-MSH is a polypeptide with 13 amino acids and a molecular weight of 1823 (3%)

○ β-MSH is a polypeptide with 22 amino acids and a molecular weight of 2734 (97%)

Type 9. MSHRIH (Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone-Releasing Inhibiting Hormone) ―⊝ MSH

② Posterior pituitary : Hormone-secreting nerve cells in the posterior pituitary controlled by nuclei (cell bodies) of hypothalamic neurosecretory cells

Type 1. Neuroendocrine signaling

Type 2. Oxytocin

○ Induces contraction of uterine smooth muscle, promoting labor

○ Secretion of milk from breasts during lactation

○ Also involved in bonding and maternal behavior

Type 3. Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)

○ Also called vasopressin

○ Involved in reabsorption of water in kidneys

○ Drinking alcohol inhibits ADH secretion, leading to increased urination

Figure 3. Hypothalamic Hormones [Footnote:3]

⑵ Autonomic Nervous System and Endocrine System

① Autonomic nervous system : Peripheral nerves not under the control of the brain

② Medulla : Central region of the autonomic nervous system

③ Acetylcholine (Ach) receptors

Muscarinic cholinergic receptor**

○ Found at terminal synapses of all postganglionic sympathetic fibers

○ Also found in the brain, heart, and smooth muscles

○ G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR), not present in the sinoatrial node but in cardiac muscle fibers

○ Responsive to muscarine

Nicotinic Receptor

○ Found in autonomic ganglia, neuromuscular junctions, and central nervous system

○ Not present in the sinoatrial node or cardiac muscle fibers

○ Enables fast nerve transmission as an excitatory receptor

○ When acetylcholine binds, both Na+ and K+ ions can pass through, but Na+ permeability is higher, leading to depolarization

○ Named as a nicotinic receptor due to its response to nicotine

④ Structure of the Sympathetic Nervous System

○ Length of preganglionic nerve ↓, length of postganglionic nerve ↑

○ Ach secretion in preganglionic nerve : Nicotinic receptor

○ Epinephrine and norepinephrine secretion in postganglionic nerve

○ Ach secretion in sweat glands from postganglionic nerve

⑤ Structure of the Parasympathetic Nervous System

○ Length of preganglionic nerve ↑, length of postganglionic nerve ↓

○ Ach secretion in preganglionic nerve : Nicotinic receptor

○ Ach secretion in postganglionic nerve : Muscarinic receptor

⑥ Functions of the Autonomic Nervous System

○ Antagonistic actions of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems

Table. 1. Antagonistic Actions of the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous Systems

○ Sympathetic nervous system : Associated with the fight-or-flight response

○ Smooth muscles : Relaxation of visceral muscles, vasoconstriction

○ Acts on the sinoatrial node to increase heart rate, acts on cardiac muscle cells to increase stroke volume

○ Contraction of the arrector pili muscle leads to thinning of the hair

○ Skeletal muscles are controlled by somatic motor neurons, not affected by autonomic nervous system

○ Stimulates glucagon secretion and inhibits insulin secretion

○ Sympathetic nervous system inhibitor : Taurine

○ Parasympathetic nervous system : Associated with rest and relaxation

○ Smooth muscles : Contraction of visceral muscles, vasodilation

○ Acts on the sinoatrial node to decrease heart rate, doesn’t act on cardiac muscle cells

○ Contraction of the arrector pili muscle relaxes, causing thickening of the hair

○ Nicotinic receptors act on both sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, with one system dominant depending on the tissue

Figure. 4. Types and Components of Peripheral Nervous System Neurons [Footnote:4]

⑶ Thyroid Gland

Type 1. T3, T4 : Lipophilic hormones

○ T4 (Thyroxine) : Prohormone with 4 iodine atoms, primarily secreted by mammals

○ T3 (Triiodothyronine) : Active form with 3 iodine atoms, more reactive compared to T4, acts as T3 in almost all tissues

○ Functions : Increases metabolic rate, important for bone and neural development in mammals, involved in metamorphosis in amphibians

○ TSH ―⊕ Secretion of T3, T4

Type 2. Calcitonin (CT)

○ Parathyroid gland senses blood calcium ion concentration and secretes calcitonin

○ Functions **: Reduces blood Ca2+, PO42- **

○ Stimulates osteoblasts

○ Reduces Ca2+ reabsorption in the proximal convoluted tubule of nephrons

③ Hyperthyroidism

○ Excess secretion of T3, T4 leading to thyroid gland enlargement (similar to hypothyroidism)

○ Cause: ↑ TSH → Result: ↓ TRH, ↑ thyroxine

○ Cause: ↑ TRH → Result: ↑ TSH, ↑ thyroxine

○ Cause: ↑ thyroxine → Result: ↓ TRH, ↓ TSH

Example 1. Graves’ disease: Low TSH levels, high thyroxine levels

○ Autoimmune disorder generating autoantibodies that act as receptor agonists, stimulating TSH receptors

○ Despite increased thyroid hormone levels, hormone secretion continues due to TSH receptor stimulation

○ Autoantibodies of the type IgG

○ Infants born to mothers with Graves’ disease lack functional TSH receptors due to transplacental transfer of autoantibodies

○ This leads to high plasma TSH levels in infants due to compensatory response

○ Symptoms: Increased heart rate, bulging eyes, increased speech rate, severe tremors of hands and arms when extended

○ Also known as Basedow’s disease

Example 2. Goiter (Thyroid Enlargement): Reduced iodine intake ↑ hypothalamic stimulation Enlarged thyroid gland

○ Iodine is abundant in iodized salt or seaweed but deficient in endemic areas

④ Hypothyroidism

○ Very low secretion of T3, T4 leading to thyroid gland enlargement (similar to hyperthyroidism)

Example 1. Cretinism

○ Babies born to mothers with hypothyroidism during pregnancy show cretinism

○ Resulting in impaired intellectual development

⑷ Parathyroid Gland

Type 1. Parathyroid hormone (PTH)

○ Parathyroid gland senses blood calcium ion concentration and secretes PTH

○ Functions : Increases blood Ca2+, decreases PO42-

○ Decreased phosphate levels due to local increase, lack of reabsorption in the kidney leading to increased excretion

○ Stimulates osteoclasts

○ Increases Ca2+ reabsorption and inhibits phosphate reabsorption in the proximal convoluted tubule of nephrons

○ Activates Vitamin D

○ Functions : Increases blood Ca2+, increases PO42- (compensatory effect)

○ 1st. Skin: 7-dehydroxycholesterol from UV light becomes cholecalciferol (vitamin D3)

○ 2nd. Liver: Cholecalciferol becomes 25-OH vitamin D3 through 25-hydroxylase

○ 3rd. Kidney: 25-OH vitamin D3 becomes calcitriol (1,25-(OH)2 vitamin D3) through 1α-hydroxylase

○ 4th. Small intestine: Calcitriol, as active vitamin D, promotes calcium absorption

○ Active vitamin D promotes the creation of calcium-binding proteins, increasing calcium absorption and concentration in the blood

○ Calcium absorption is associated with phosphate, so increased calcium concentration leads to increased phosphate concentration

② Hyperparathyroidism

○ Example: Hypercalciuria

③ Hypoparathyroidism

○ Example: Tetany, excessive Na+ channel activation

Figure. 5. Thyroid (A) and Parathyroid (B) Glands [Footnote:5]

⑸ Islets (Pancreas): Regulated by the Autonomic Nervous System

Type 1. Glucagon: Increases blood glucose concentration

○ Secreted by pancreatic islet α cells (A cells)

○ Released via autocrine secretion or sympathetic nervous system regulation

○ Gluconeogenesis : Glucose Glycogen (Liver, muscle)

○ Gluconeogenesis

Type 2. Insulin: Decreases blood glucose concentration

○ Secreted by pancreatic islet β cells (B cells)

○ Released via autocrine secretion or sympathetic nervous system regulation

○ Structure : Comprises 51 amino acids forming a disulfide-bonded quaternary structure

○ Consists of a 21-amino acid chain and a 30-amino acid chain linked together

○ Mechanism

○ 1st. Glucose enters β cells via GLUT2 on the cell membrane

○ 2nd. Glucose produces ATP within β cells

○ 3rd. Increased ATP concentration leads to closure of ATP-gated K+ channels on the cell membrane

○ 4th. Depolarization of the cell membrane opens voltage-gated Ca2+ channels

○ 5th. Increased intracellular Ca2+ leads to fusion of insulin granules with the cell membrane

○ 6th. Insulin is released from β cells into the bloodstream

Function 1. Conversion of glucose to glycogen : Glucose Glycogen (Liver, muscle)

Function 2. Conversion of glucose to protein, fat

Function 3. Increased glucose metabolism

Function 4. Degradation of residual amino acids in the blood (exception: tryptophan)

Type 3. Somatostatin (STT)

○ Secreted in the nervous system (hypothalamus), digestive system, endocrine system; in the digestive system, secreted by pancreatic islet δ cells (D cells)

○ Structure [Footnote:10]

○ 1 to 14 : Ala-Gly-Cys-Lys-Asn-Phe-Phe-Trp-Lys-Thr-Phe-Thr-Ser-Cys

○ Disulfide bond between Cys3 and Cys14

○ Phe7 to Thr10 forms a binding site

Function 1. Inhibits growth hormone (GH), TSH

Function 2. Inhibits exocrine, endocrine, paracrine, and autocrine functions

○ Reduces secretion of glucagon and insulin

○ Inhibits digestive actions, including reducing gastric secretion in response to increased blood glucose and amino acids, via D cells

○ Two active forms: SST14, SST28

○ Somatostatin receptors are GPCRs; five types exist: SSTR1 to SSTR5

○ SSTR2 is the most abundant receptor in tumors.

○ There are reports that SSTRs can form homodimers or heterodimers to initiate new signal transduction.

○ SRIF-14: Somatostatin Release Inhibitory Factor

○ Related Cancer Conditions: NET (Neuroendocrine Tumor)

○ GEP (Gastroenteropancreatic) NET accounts for about 80-100% of all NETs.

○ SST2 > SST1, SST5 > SST3 » SST4

○ SST2 is found in 70-90% of NETs.

○ Pharmaceutical Applications of Somatostatin

Table 2. Pharmaceutical Applications of Somatostatin [Footnote: 6]

④ Diabetes Mellitus

○ Definition: Postprandial over 200 mg/dL or fasting over 126 mg/dL

○ Common Symptoms

○ Oxygen deficiency due to increased blood viscosity, leading to necrosis, is the biggest issue: Eventually, amputation of the legs is necessary.

○ Increased urine secretion

Type I Diabetes Mellitus (Insulin-Dependent)

○ Autoimmune disorder where white blood cells destroy one’s own β-cells

○ Observed from teenage years

○ 80% of Type 1 diabetes patients have antibodies against the islet β-cells of Langerhans

○ Symptoms: Insulin deficiency, increased blood fatty acids, increased urine output

○ Symptoms: Increased gluconeogenesis → oxaloacetate (OAA) is directed towards glucose synthesis → acetyl coA is directed towards ketone synthesis → ketosis → constant fainting

○ Treatment: Resolved through insulin prescription

Type II Diabetes Mellitus (Insulin-Independent)

○ Definition: Genetic or acquired adult disease caused by insulin receptor gene abnormalities

○ Observed from the 40s

○ Cause: Habitual

○ Symptoms: Increased insulin secretion, increased blood fatty acids, increased urine output, obesity

⑹ Adrenal Gland

① Structure: Adrenal Capsule - Zona Glomerulosa - Zona Fasciculata - Zona Reticularis - Adrenal Medulla

○ Zona Glomerulosa: Mineralocorticoids

○ Zona Fasciculata: Cortisol

○ Zona Reticularis: Androgens

② Adrenal Cortex Hormones

○ Activated by ACTH and RAAS (Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System)

○ ACTH stimulates cortisol and aldosterone secretion

○ RAAS stimulates aldosterone secretion

Type 1. Glucocorticoids (e.g., Cortisol): Long half-life

Function 1: Long-term stress response: Increased blood glucose, glycogen, protein breakdown (amino acid deamination), fat → glucose

Function 2: Immune system suppression (e.g., inhibition of inflammatory response)

○ Dexamethasone, similar to corticoids, is actually being used as an anti-inflammatory treatment

Function 3: Secretion varies with circadian rhythm (circadian clock)

○ Addison’s Disease: Cortisol deficiency

○ Dexamethasone:

○ Similar to cortisol but more effective

○ Methyl group in cortisol is replaced by a hydrogen in dexamethasone, and double bonds are added

○ Dexamethasone Suppression Test: Test to check for the presence (low dose) and location (high dose) of disease by injecting dexamethasone

○ Cushing’s Syndrome: More comprehensive term than Cushing’s Disease

○ Causes: Steroid intake, etc.

○ Symptoms: Increased cortisol, central obesity, buffalo hump, moon face

○ Cushing’s Syndrome = ACTH-dependent + ACTH-independent

○ ACTH-dependent = pituitary cushing syndrome + prostate gland cancer

○ ACTH-independent = adrenal Cushing’s syndrome + iatrogenic

○ Cushing’s Disease: Excessive cortisol secretion due to pituitary tumor

○ Low dose (2 mg) dexamethasone: No change in ACTH, no change in cortisol. Not normalized

○ High dose (8 mg) dexamethasone: Decreased ACTH, decreased cortisol. Suppression of adrenal through alternative pathway leads to recovery.

○ Primary Adrenal Cushing’s Syndrome: Excessive cortisol secretion due to adrenal tumor

○ Cortisol-secreting adrenal is not suppressed, so there is no recovery

○ Low dose (2 mg) dexamethasone: No change in ACTH, decreased cortisol. Not normalized

○ High dose (8 mg) dexamethasone: No change in ACTH, no change or decrease in cortisol. Strong negative feedback prevents recovery.

○ Ectopic ACTH Syndrome

○ Low dose (2 mg) dexamethasone: No change in ACTH, no change or increase in cortisol. Not normalized

○ High dose (8 mg) dexamethasone: No change in ACTH, no change or increase in cortisol.

○ Normal

○ Low dose dexamethasone: Decreased ACTH, decreased cortisol. Normalized

○ High dose dexamethasone: Decreased ACTH, decreased cortisol.

Type 2. Mineralocorticoids (e.g., Aldosterone)

○ Acts on the kidney’s Na+/K+ pump to promote reabsorption of water and Na+ → increase in blood pressure

○ Aldosterone is synthesized from cholesterol

○ ACTH ―⊕ Corticoid Secretion

Figure 6. Steroid Hormone Biosynthesis Pathway in the Adrenal Cortex [Footnote: 8]

③ Adrenal Medulla Hormones

○ Overview

Type 1: Epinephrine (Adrenaline)

Type 2: Norepinephrine

○ Activated by the sympathetic nervous system

○ Adrenal medulla responds faster to stress compared to the adrenal cortex

○ Adrenal medulla neurons after ganglia change in the sympathetic nervous system

Function 1: Short-term stress response: Blood glucose ↑, blood pressure ↑ (vascular constriction), respiration ↑, heart rate ↑, metabolism rate ↑, digestive activity and kidney activity ↓

○ Dilates bronchioles in relation to increased respiration

○ Increased alertness

○ Short half-life

Function 2: Glycogen → Glucose (in liver, muscles): Not the primary response compared to Function 1

○ Epinephrine response varies depending on tissue type

○ Liver cells: Epinephrine β receptors → increased blood glucose levels

○ Skeletal muscle blood vessels: Epinephrine β receptors → vasodilation

○ Intestinal blood vessels: Epinephrine α receptors → vasoconstriction

○ Cardiac muscle and other smooth muscle arterioles: Epinephrine β receptors → arteriole dilation → increased blood flow → contraction of cardiac and other smooth muscles

○ Internal organ smooth muscle arterioles: Epinephrine α receptors → arteriole constriction → reduced blood flow to internal organs → relaxation of internal organ smooth muscles

○ Regulation: Increased sympathetic nervous system activity ―⊕→ Epinephrine and norepinephrine secretion

④ Small amounts of sex hormones (testosterone, estrogen) secreted from the adrenal cortex: Promotes and maintains sexual characteristics

⑤ Adrenal Glands and Aging

○ Adrenal glands are among the organs with the highest vitamin C content in the body

○ When stressed, adrenal hormones are secreted heavily, potentially depleting vitamin C in the body

○ Depletion of vitamin C leads to decreased antioxidant activity, promoting aging due to reactive oxygen species

Ovarian Hormones

⑻ Thymus Gland: Secretes thymosin and thymopoietin → Matures immature lymphocytes into T lymphocytes

⑼ Pineal Gland

① Light −⊕ Photoreceptor ipRGC ―⊝ Melatonin

② Melatonin ―⊕→ Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN) ―⊕ Sleep response

③ Melatonin

○ Circadian Rhythm Mechanism

○ Melatonin rhythm: Melatonin secretion increases at night and is used as a weak sleep aid

Figure 7. Melatonin Rhythm [Footnote: 9]

○ Melatonin secretion levels are higher in winter

⑽ Other Endocrine Organs

① Stomach: Regulates hydrochloric acid secretion through gastrin secretion

② Kidney: Secretes erythropoietin (EPO) → Stimulates red blood cell production in bone marrow

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