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U.S. Documents

Recommended Post : 【Study Abroad】 Checklist After Entering the U.S.

a. U.S. Visa


○ G-1145 : You can receive email and text message (SMS) notifications when USCIS accepts an application or petition.

I. Immigration Documents

I-20 : Certificate of Admission from U.S. University/Graduate School

○ Admission letter sent by the accepted school

○ You need the I-20 to apply for the F-1 nonimmigrant student visa, which is usually applied for by international students.

○ When you receive the I-20 from the school, they usually send an admission letter as well.

○ This document includes the admitted school, program details, course duration, school contact information, and signatures.

○ The school usually sends the I-20 by mail.

○ The SEVIS ID is stamped on the left side of the received I-20.

○ You need this SEVIS ID, which starts with an “N”, to pay the FEE.

○ On the day of the visa interview, be sure to print and bring the SEVIS I-901 payment confirmation.

○ I-94

○ A document that indicates your status. Note that the visa is just a travel document.

○ Available online at https://www.i94.cbp.dhs.gov.

○ I-129

○ I-131 : Application for people applying for or holding a green card within the U.S. when traveling abroad.

Type 1. reentry permit : Apply when planning to stay outside the U.S. for an extended period.

Type 2. refugee travel document

Type 3. advance parole

I-140 : NIW (national interest waiver)

○ It is not an issue for someone entering the U.S. on a nonimmigrant visa (F, J, B, TN) to apply for an I-140.

○ People residing outside the U.S. can also apply for the I-140.

○ Takes an average of 9.5 months (ref) : Preparing the I-140 petition takes 1-4 months.

○ If you have an I-140 while holding an H-1B visa, the H-1B visa can be extended indefinitely.

○ I-407 : Document for renouncing permanent residency

I-485 : Application for permanent residency

○ If a nonimmigrant visa holder (F, J, B, TN) applies for the I-485, it reveals an intent to immigrate, making it difficult to obtain a nonimmigrant visa afterward.

○ This does not apply to visas that allow dual intent (H-1B, L-1).

○ You must be in the U.S. to apply for permanent residency.

○ Takes an average of 5-7 months.

○ I-693 : Document proving that the applicant does not pose a public health risk, as part of the permanent residency application process.

○ I-765 : Document submitted along with the I-485.

○ I-797 : The document that notifies you that the I-140 has been properly received is called the “Receipt Notice.”

○ I-824 : Used for making additional requests for an already approved immigration application or petition.

○ It is assumed that the immigration attorney, who is the legal representative, will handle this.

○ I-901 : SEVIS fee payment document

W. Tax Documents

○ Form 1040

○ Form 1040ES

○ Form 1040NR : NRAs should fill out a Form 1040NR when given a Form 1042S.

○ Form 1042

○ Form 1042S : Employers withhold and submit the taxes on payments, including scholarships and fellowships, made to non-resident aliens (NRA) due to the IRS throughout the year and file these amounts on this form with the IRS and provide copies to these NRAs shortly after year end.

○ Form 1095-C

○ Employer-Provided Healthcare Insurance Offer and Coverage

○ Reporting information about the healthcare insurance provided by the employer to the employees as required by the Affordable Care Act

○ Form 1098


○ Form 1099 : Related to taxes. Also applicable to freelancers, etc.

○ Form 8843 : Education Credits Filed by the Student Who Paid Tuition

○ W-2 : Employers withhold and submit the taxes on wages paid to their employees due to the IRS throughout the year and file these amounts on this form with the IRS and provide copies to their employees shortly after year end.

○ W-7 : Application for IRS Individual Taxpayer Identification Number

○ W-9 : Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification

IRS Publication

○ IRS Publication 17 : Your Federal Income Tax

○ IRS Publication 970 : Tax Benefits for Education

○ IRS Publication 505 : Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax

○ IRS Publication 515 : Withholding of Tax on Nonresident Aliens and Foreign Entities

Entered: 2024.06.18 22:58

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