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Chapter 9-3. Romanov Royal Family and Forensics

Higher category : 【Biology】 Chapter 9. DNA Technology 

1. Romanov family

2. Forensic evidence

3. Romanov’s appearance and genotype

4. Romanov and hemophilia

5. Romanov royal and DNA fingerprint

6. Fingerprint contrast with Romanov pedigree

1. Romanov family

⑴ In 1918, communists (Bolsheviks, Lenin) executed families and servants of the ruling Roman Romanov family (300 years of history) and buried their bodies in the abandoned mines of Yekaterinburg.

① Alexis, who would then succeed the emperor, was suffering from hemophilia. The empress was dedicated to the prince’s health and thus made various mistakes.. His disease also served as a cause for which he would not succeed the emperor..

⑵ The fall of the Soviet Communist regime in 1991

⑶ In 1991, the voice of the movement to raise the right funeral of the royal family for the purpose of liquidating the Soviet Communist regime became louder.

⑷ How do you know who is out of nine remains buried in the abandoned mines in Yekaterinburg?

2. Forensic evidence

⑴ Forensic science : Targets medical problems related to law 

⑵ Forensic evidence

① Excavation dead body evidence

○ Excavation body damage was so severe that fingerprints and foot prints could not be found.

○ No evidence of poison (cardiopathy)

② A collection of excavated bodies

○ Presumably aristocratic with gold, magnetic products, etc.

③ Evidence of bone

○ 6 adults and 3 children

○ Pelvic bones decay

○ Electromagnetic overlay of royal records and bones : Emperor, Empress, 3 of 5 children, 4 servants (cardiac)

④ DNA fingerprinting

⑶ Questions at the time of the first excavation

① Why are three children’s remains of five children?

② For health reasons, his son Alexis would have died.. Is the last princess Anastasia alive?

③ Anna Anderson insisted that she was Anastasia..


3. Romanov’s appearance and genotype

⑴ Tetanus (C) and Straight Hair (c), Black Eyes (D), and Blue Eyes (d)

① Papillary hair is dominant against straight hair

② Black Eyes Dominate Against Blue Eyes

③ Head and eye color genes are not related → Mendel’s law of independence

⑵ Emperor : Straight Hair (cc), Black Eyes (D_), Empress : Wavy Hair (C_), Black Eyes (D_)

⑶ Tetanus (C_), Black Eyes (D_) : Tatiana, Maria

⑷ Tetanus (C_), Blue Eyes (dd) : Anastasia, Olga

⑸ Straight Hair (cc), Blue Eyes (dd) : Alexis

⑹ Emperor (ccDd), Empress (CcDc)

① Empress X is the carrier of the emperor ×

Emperor cc, Empress Cc

② Emperor × Empress showed recessive traits (hair) of hair, so both Emperor and Empress showed

○  Emperor Dd, Empress Dd

4. Romanov and hemophilia : Why did Alexis have hemophilia?


5. Romanov royal family and DNA fingerprint

⑴ DNA fingerprinting

⑵ Nine of Yekaterinburg’s tombs have different DNA fingerprints.

⑶ Romanov families seem to be more similar in bands than servants

⑷ Royal children’s bands must match at least one parent’s band.

① The chromosomes of royal children are either paternal or maternal.

⑸ Emperor and Empress (adults 1, 3), 3 daughters (child 1, 2, 3), 4 servants (adults 2, 4, 5, 6)


6. Fingerprint contrast with Romanov pedigree

⑴ Comparing the DNA fingerprints of the relatives of the emperor and the empress to confirm the Romanov family

⑵ Adult male bones (associated with children) were related to Emperor’s brother George.

⑶ Adult female bones (associated with children) were associated with Philip’s nephew, grandson.

⑷ Conclusion : The tomb contains the emperor, the empress, three children, and four servants..

⑸ Anastasia and Alexis’ remains were found in further excavations..


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