Chapter 10-2. Epigenomics Sequencing
Recommended Reading: 【Biology】 Chapter 10. Genome Projects and Sequencing Technologies
1. Type 1. Identifying gene function
2. Type 2. Identifying transcription regulation
3. Type 3. Identifying post-translational regulation
4. Type 4. Programmable cell function
1. Type 1. Identifying gene function
⑴ Perturb-seq
① 1st. Treat Cas9-expressing cells with various types of gRNA libraries.
○ By using CRISPR-Cas9, various perturbations occur in each cell depending on the type of gRNA.
○ At least 2.5 million cells should remain after filtering.
○ There should be at least 100 cells per perturbation on average.
○ Each cell should have approximately 10,000 UMIs
② 2nd. Use sequencing technologies that detect both gRNA and mRNA (e.g., scRNA-seq, MERFISH)
③ 3rd. Grouping cells based on gRNA expression: Cells are naturally grouped according to perturbation conditions.
④ 4th. Identify gene function.
○ Premise: Genes with similar functions are likely to exhibit similar expression patterns.
○ Discoverable Result 1. Changes in gene expression due to perturbations.
○ Discoverable Result 2. Differences in perturbation effects due to genetic variants.
Figure 1. General schematic of Perturb-seq including validation experiments
⑵ In vivo Perturb-seq
① 1st. Deliver AAV (adeno-associated virus) containing Cre to mice to induce Cas9 expression.
② 2nd. Deliver lentivirus containing sgRNA.
③ 3rd. In vivo, the CRISPR-Cas9 system induces various perturbations in each Cas9-expressing cell depending on the gRNA.
④ 4th. Perform scRNA-seq and MERFISH after approximately 10 days.
Figure 2. In vivo Perturb-seq process
2. Type 2. Identifying transcription regulation
⑴ BS-seq (bisulfite sequencing)
① Treat with bisulfite to determine methylation patterns.
② Enables epigenomic profiling.
⑵ ChIP-seq (chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing)
① Definition: Enables analysis of DNA regions bound to specific proteins, such as transcription factors.
② Combines DNA sequencing with ChIP (chromatin immunoprecipitation) to identify binding sites of DNA-associated proteins.
③ 1st. Treat with a cross-linking agent (e.g., formaldehyde) to fix proteins (e.g., transcription factors) and DNA.
④ 2nd. Lyse the cells, leaving only the DNA/protein complexes.
⑤ 3rd. Use sonication to break DNA into small fragments (200-350 bp); cross-linked DNA remains intact.
⑥ 4th. Add antibodies attached to magnetic beads; applying a magnetic field allows isolation of specific proteins and their linked DNA.
⑦ 5th. Reverse cross-linking: Apply heat to the precipitate to separate DNA from proteins.
⑧ 6th. Perform sequencing to determine the DNA sequence. Proceeds with PCR amplification, fragment size selection, adaptor addition.
⑨ 7th. Compare the sequencing results to the genome reference to identify binding sites of transcription factors, etc.
Figure 3. ChIP-seq process
⑩ Application 1. ChIP-chip: HTS version of ChIP-chip is ChIP-seq.
⑪ Application 2. ChIP-PET
⑫ Application 3. ChIA-PET: ChIP-seq identifies only binding locations of specific proteins, while ChIA-PET investigates interactions between bound DNA regions.
⑬ Application 4. RIP-seq
⑭ Application 5. CLIP-seq
⑮ Application 6. meDIP-seq: DNA methylation or hydroxymethylation.
⑯ Application 7. ChIP-exo: Uses lambda exonuclease digestion. Difficult experimentally.
⑰ Application 8. CUT&RUN (Cleavage under Targets and Release using Nuclease)
○ Uses Micrococcal Nuclease (MNase).
⑱ Application 9. CUT&Tag (Cleavage under Targets and Tagmentation)
○ Overview
○ Tn5 transposase is an enzyme that cuts open regions of DNA, generating various fragments such as single nucleosomes, dimers, trimers, and more.
○ The Tn5 transposase catalyzes DNA insertion by creating sticky ends.
○ It can directly merge adaptors, allowing immediate sequencing.
○ Procedure
○ Step 1. Bind nuclei to beads to anchor them. Magnetic capture leads to high retention of cells.
○ Step 2. Add primary antibody: Quality of data is highly dependent on quality (specificity & sensitivity) of antibody.
○ Step 3. Add secondary antibody.
○ Step 4. Conjugated Tn5-transposase binds to complex and cuts surrounding areas of open DNA.
○ Step 5. PCR amplification, fragment size selection, sequencing
○ Types
○ MuLTI-Tag: Minimizes crossover in multiplexing via direct barcode conjugation.
○ multi-CUT&Tag: Uses barcoded Tn5/pA-antibody complexes. Identifies colocalization of marks.
○ spatial-CUT&Tag: Spatially visualizes histone modifications and chromatin states on tissue sections.
CUT&Tag | CUT&RUN | ChIP-Seq | |
Native condition? | Yes | Yes | No |
Sample input | Nuclei | Cells or nuclei | Sheared chromatin |
Cell number | 100,000 cells | 500,000 cells | 1-10 million cells |
Chromatin fragmentation | Tn5-based tagmentation | MNase digestion | Sonication |
Ideal target | Histone PTM | Histone PTM, Chromatin-associated protein, Remodeler | Histone PTM, Chromatin-associated protein |
Secondary antibody | Yes | No | No |
Library preparation | No (direct-to-PCR) | Yes | Yes |
Integrated library | Possible; uses tagmentation | Impossible | Impossible |
Sequencing depth | 5-8 million reads | 3-5 million reads | 20-50 million reads |
Workflow length | < 2 days | < 3 days | ~ 1 week |
Automation compatibility | High | High | Low |
Signal-to-noise | High | High | Low |
Table 1. CUT&Tag vs. CUT&RUN vs. ChIP-Seq (ref, ref, ref, ref)
⑶ Hi-C seq (high throughput chromatin conformation capture sequencing)
① Definition: Investigates sequences that are naturally close together on chromosomes.
② Examines DNA distances to reveal the 3D folding structure of chromosomes within the nucleus.
Figure 4. Hi-C seq process
③ Application 1. ChIA-PET
○ Difference: Hi-C investigates all naturally occurring DNA-DNA interactions, while ChIA-PET focuses on DNA-DNA interactions mediated by specific proteins.
⑷ DNA ticker tape (prime editing)
① 1st. Initially, only the first site is activated.
② 2nd. After the first event, the second site becomes activated.
③ 3rd. Sequentially records molecular events over time.
⑸ ENGRAM (enhancer-driven genomic recording of transcriptional activity in multiplex)
① Uses perRNA linked to synthetic enhancers.
② Records the sequence and intensity of signaling.
③ Reference: Chen et al., bioRxiv (2021)
⑹ ATAC-seq (Assay for transposase-accessible chromatin with sequencing)
① Overview
○ Definition: A sequencing technique that identifies euchromatin regions.
○ Pseudo-expression: Euchromatin regions can be inferred as areas of gene expression.
○ Tn5 transposase is an enzyme that cuts open regions of DNA, generating various fragments such as single nucleosomes, dimers, trimers, and more.
○ The Tn5 transposase catalyzes DNA insertion by creating sticky ends.
○ It can directly merge adaptors, allowing immediate sequencing.
○ The ~10 bp periodicity observed in ATAC-seq is related to the fact that one full turn of the DNA helix requires 10 bp, which is associated with the minor groove distance.
Figure 5. ATAC-seq fragment size distribution
② Type 1. bulk ATAC-seq
○ Step 1. Nuclei isolation
○ Step 2. Tn5 transposase treatment: This cuts less condensed open regions in the chromosome and inserts DNA sequence tags.
○ Step 3. Amplification & sequencing
○ Step 4. Data analysis
③ Type 2. scATAC-seq
○ Defines cell type-specific CREs to identify regulatory TFs and cell types associated with diseases and traits.
○ Used in interpreting GWAS variants.
○ Comparison of scRNA-seq and scATAC-seq
○ scRNA-seq: xij ∈ ℤ≥0
○ scATAC-seq: xij ∈ {0, 1}, j ≫ i
④ Type 3. spatial ATAC-seq
⑤ Type 4. FAIRE-seq: Formaldehyde to crosslink chromatin, and phenol-chloroform to extract sheared DNA.
⑥ Type 5. DNaseI-seq: DNase I endonuclease to digest chromatin. Can identify the types of transcription factors interacting with chromatin.
Figure 6. Example results of DNAseI-seq
⑦ Type 6. MNase-seq: Endo-exonuclease to processively digest DNA until obstruction.
Figure 7. Comparison of ATAC-seq with Various Sequencing Techniques
⑺ NOMe-seq (nucleosome occupancy and methylome sequencing)
① Defines nucleosome-depleted regions (NDR) where TFs bind.
② Identifies transcription factors interacting with chromatin.
⑻ MBD-seq
⑼ Bru-seq & BruChase-seq
① Newly transcribed nascent RNA is labeled with Bru (bromouridine) and then sequenced.
② Used for studying RNA synthesis, RNA stability, and splicing.
⑽ TT-seq
⑾ MNIST-seq: RNA methylation on chromatin regulation
⑿ GRO-seq: global run-on sequencing
3. Type 3. Identifying post-translational regulation
⑴ Ribo-seq
① Sequencing of ribosome-protected RNA, indicating active translation.
② scRibo-seq
○ Measures ribosomal occupancy per single codon.
○ 1st. FACS and lysis.
○ 2nd. Nuclease footprinting: MNase nuclease → inactivation → release of footprints.
○ 3rd. Create small-RNA library: End repair → 3’ ligation → 5’ ligation → cDNA synthesis → indexing PCR.
① Uses scRNA-seq to identify RNA-binding proteins (RBPs).
② 1st. Attach APOBEC to RBPs.
③ 2nd. Enable C-U editing at the site where APOBEC and mRNA bind, replacing cytosine (C) with uracil (U).
④ 3rd. RNA-seq
⑤ 4th. Use SAILOR to identify C-U editing sites.
⑥ Can also identify isoform-specific binding profiles using long-read sequencing.₩
4. Type 4. Programmable cell function
① 1st. When the target transcript is present, it forms a dsRNA structure, allowing ADAR to induce A-to-C editing.
② 2nd. This editing induces cellular behaviors such as GFP expression and caspase activation.
⑵ LADL (light-activated dynamic looping)
① An example of photo-activatable gene expression.
Input: 2022.01.10 00:03
Modified: 2023.01.28 23:12