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14-5 Lesson. Run Test

Recommended Article : 【Statistics】 Lesson 14. Statistical Test

1. Overview

2. Assumptions

3. Procedure

1. Overview

⑴ A method to test whether continuous measurement values having two values appear randomly without any pattern or trend

⑵ A run refers to a cluster starting and ending with the same measurement values

① Example : In a sequence like 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, there are a total of 7 runs as 1/00/1/0/111/0/1

2. Assumptions

⑴ If the data is not binary, it should be converted to binary

⑵ Binarize using a criterion such as mean, median, mode, or a number defined by the user

3. Procedure

Step 1. Hypothesis Testing

① Null Hypothesis H0 : Continuous measurement values are random

② Alternative Hypothesis H1 : Continuous measurement values are not random

Step 2. Calculate Test Statistic

Step 3. Test Rejection Region

① If the p-value of z is less than (including equal to) the lower rejection region or greater than the upper rejection region, reject the null hypothesis

Posted : 2019.08.24 01:19

Updated : 2023.09.21 22:33

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