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Chapter 14-7. Chi-squared Test (3 types)

Higher category : 【Statistics】 Chapter 14. Statistcal Test 

1. chi-square goodness-of-fit test

2. chi-square test of independence

3. chi-square test of homogeneity


Figure. 1. chi-squared distribution table

1. chi-square goodness-of-fit test

⑴ problem situation (contingency table): if the situation is genetic experiment, Oi and Ej are not proportions but numbers of population


Figure. 2. problem situation of chi-square goodness-of-fit test

⑵ setting hypotheses

H0 : the sample Xi follows the given probability distribution

H1 : the sample Xi does not follow the given probability distribution

⑶ calculation of test statistic


⑷ critical region: significance level is α. it is well established when the sample size is big 


2. chi-square test of independence 

⑴ problem situation (contingency table)


Figure. 3. problem situation of chi-square test of independence

⑵ setting hypotheses 

H0 : X and Y are independent

H1 : X and Y are not independent

⑶ calculation of test statistic: calculate the predicted value by using marginal probability distribution and the relationship of independence 


⑷ critical region: significance level is α. it is well established when the sample size is big 


3. chi-square test of homogeneity 

⑴ problem situation (contingency table) 


Figure. 4. problem situation of chi-square test of homogeneity

⑵ setting hypotheses 

H0 : Group1 and Group2 follow the same probability distribution

H1 : Group1 and Group2 don’t follow the same probability distribution

⑶ calculation of test statistic

① equal probability distribution is clearly different from independence conceptually 

② however, chi-square test of homogeneity follows a very similar calculation to a chi-square test of independence


⑷ critical region: significance level is α. it is well established when the sample size is big 


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