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Chapter 4. Maxwell’s Third Law

Recommended article : 【Physics】 Physics Table of Contents

1. Overview

2. Determination of Magnetic Field

3. Lorentz Force

4. Applications

a. Current Balancing Device and Self-Inductance Calculation

1. Overview

⑴ Maxwell’s Third Law

① When external current flows, magnetic force is generated.

② The intensity of the magnetic field (H) is determined by magnetic force and magnetic resistance.

⑵ Magnetic flux or magnetic flux density : Number of magnetic lines passing through an arbitrary cross-sectional area.

① Denoted by Φ.

② Unit : Weber (Wb)

⑶ Magnetization or magnetic flux density : Magnetization per unit area, i.e., B = Φ / A

① Denoted by B.

② Unit : Wb / m² = Tesla (T) = 10,000 Gauss (G)

⑷ Magnetic field

① Denoted by H.

② Terminology confusion

○ Generally, magnetic field refers to B.

○ Strictly, magnetic field means H.

○ B will be used to represent magnetic field from now on.

② Vacuum or air : Magnetic flux density B and magnetic field intensity H are linearly related.

③ Magnetic materials

○ Represented by hysteresis curve or B-H curve.

Figure. 1. Hysteresis Curve

○ Retentivity

○ Coercivity

○ High Retentivity : Permanent magnets, advantageous for memory devices.

○ Low Retentivity : Advantageous for AC circuit magnetic circuits.

Area Dimension Analysis : [B × H]= J / m³ = Energy per unit volume

○ Area under one cycle of B-H curve = Energy stored in the magnet and then lost as heat = Energy loss in AC operation.

○ (Note) Hysteresis loss

○ Measured by VSM (Vibrating Sample Magnetometer)

2. Determination of Magnetic Field

⑴ Ampere’s Law

① Law

② Vacuum or air

③ Right-hand screw rule : The direction in which the current flows is determined by the right-hand thumb, and the direction in which the other fingers wrap around is the direction.

Example 1. Magnetic field of infinitely long straight wire

○ When two infinitely long straight wires have the same direction of current flow

Figure. 1. When two infinitely long straight wires have the same direction of current flow

○ When two infinitely long straight wires have opposite directions of current flow

Figure. 2. When two infinitely long straight wires have opposite directions of current flow

Example 2. Solenoid

Example 3. Toroid : Solenoid bent into a donut shape

⑵ Biot-Savart Law

① Definition

Application 1. Magnetic field at the center of a circular wire with radius R and current I

3. Lorentz Force

⑴ Definition : The force (magnetic force) experienced by a wire carrying charge or current under a magnetic field

⑵ Determination of the direction of magnetic force

① Fleming’s Left-hand Rule

○ If the current direction (+ → -) is the left hand thumb and the magnetic field direction (N → S) is the left hand index finger, the left hand thumb becomes the direction of Lorentz force.

○ (Note) Fleming’s Right-hand Rule is used in generators involving Maxwell’s Fourth Law.

Figure. 3. Fleming’s Left-hand Rule

② Right-hand Rule of Magnetic Force

○ If the current direction (+ → -) is the right-hand thumb and the magnetic field direction (N → S) is the other fingers of the right hand, the palm becomes the direction of the force.

Figure. 4. Right-hand Rule of Magnetic Force

③ Determination of direction using vector cross product ( Preferred )

○ Using the right hand, grasp the current direction and magnetic field direction in order; the thumb points in the direction of Lorentz force.

Example 1. Force exerted on a wire carrying current : Current I, length L

Example 2. Force experienced by a moving charge within a constant magnetic field : Charge q, velocity v

Example 3. Electric motor

Figure. 5. Principle of a Motor

Brushes, i.e., commutators, are clearly shown in the figure above.

① The direction of the rotational force changes periodically, causing oscillatory motion.

② Commutator

○ Device that ensures the coil of the electric motor rotates in a consistent direction.

○ Allows current to flow through the coil via contact with the brushes.

○ Brushes : Reverse the direction of current flow through the coil every half turn, ensuring continuous rotation in the same direction.

③ Electric motors have brushes, while generators do not due to alternating current (AC).

Example 4. Critical speed v for the path of the charge to remain straight

Figure. 6. Problem Situation

Example 5. Hall Effect

Figure. 7. Hall Effect

① The magnetic flux generated by the D-shaped wire and the conductor plate causes induced current to flow in the -y direction in the conductor plate.

Case 1. When the charge carrier is positively charged

○ Moves in the -y direction due to positive charge.

○ Also moves in the -x direction due to Lorentz force.

Expected Result 1. Magnetic force is generated in the -x direction in the conductor plate.

Expected Result 2. The potential at point b is higher than at point a in the conductor plate.

Case 2. When the charge carrier is negatively charged

○ Moves in the +y direction due to negative charge.

○ Also moves in the -x direction due to Lorentz force.

Expected Result 1. Magnetic force is generated in the -x direction in the conductor plate.

Expected Result 2. The potential at point b is higher than at point a in the conductor plate.

④ Actual result

○ The potential at point b is higher than at point a.

○ Conclusion : The charge

carrier is negatively charged.

4. Applications

⑴ Electric motor


⑶ Cyclotron

① Principle : Lorentz force = Centripetal force

② Purpose : Generation of radioactive isotopes, particle experiments

③ Bremsstrahlung : Light is generated by the accelerated motion of charged particles

⑷ Hard disk

⑸ Magnetic resonance imaging device

⑹ Electromagnetic balance scale

⑺ Maglev train

⑻ Tokamak

⑼ Magnetoencephalography (MEG)

⑽ Solenoid valve

⑾ Voice coil motor in a digital camera

Input : 2019-07-15 00:21

Modified : 2020-03-28 13:37

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