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Chapter 5-1. Horizontal Transfer of Genes

Higher category: 【Biology】 Chapter 5. Cell Division and Cancer 

1. Virus

2. Bacterial recombination

3. Mobile DNA

4. Plasmodesmata

1. Virus

2. Bacterial recombination

⑴ How to introduce external DNA into cells

① Transformation: CaCl2 transformation, etc.

② Transduction: A method of introducing DNA into cell lines using viruses such as phages.

③ Transfection: Injecting DNA directly into cell lines.

④ Conjugation

⑤ Electroporation

⑥ Microinjection

⑦ Gene gun


Figure 1. Gene insertion by gene gun method

⑧ Protoplast formation: Yeast, plant cell protoplast

⑵ Transformation: The process by which a bacterium takes up DNA from its external environment, resulting in changes to its genotype and phenotype.

① The experimenter must prepare the microorganism as a competent cell to facilitate DNA binding.

Genome maps can be constructed through transformation: the closer the genes are located, the more likely they are to undergo simultaneous transformation.

⑶ Transduction: The process by which a bacteriophage transfers genes from one host bacterium to another.

① Typically, lytic phages are used, but lysogenic phages can be used in specific cases.

② 1st. A phage infects a bacterium, which then becomes the donor cell.

③ 2nd. The phage DNA replicates, and the cell synthesizes large amounts of proteins encoded by the phage genes.

○ During this time, phage proteins prevent the host cell from synthesizing proteins encoded by its own DNA.

○ The host cell’s DNA is fragmented.

④ 3rd. When new phage particles are assembled, fragments of bacterial DNA containing specific host genes may sometimes be packaged into the phage capsid.

⑤ 4th. When a phage carrying this bacterial DNA infects a recipient bacterium, recombination occurs between the donor and recipient cells. This process is homologous recombination, similar to crossing-over.

⑥ 5th. As a result, the genotype of the recombinant cell may differ from both the donor and the recipient cells.

Genome maps can be constructed through transduction.

⑷ Conjugation: The phenomenon in which genetic material is directly transferred between two temporarily adjacent bacteria.

① Plasmid: A small circular DNA molecule used by bacteria to share antibiotic resistance information.

② F plasmid

○ F Plasmid: Composed of 25 genes, most of which are required for sex pilus formation (e.g., tra genes).

○ A cell possessing the F plasmid is referred to as a donor cell (F+), while a cell without it is referred to as a recipient cell (F-).

○ F+ cells transfer the F plasmid to F- cells, converting them into F+ cells.

③ General donor strain conjugation: Genetic material is transferred from a donor cell to a recipient cell via a sex pilus.

○ 1st. The F+ cell forms a conjugation bridge with the F- cell, and one strand of the plasmid is cleaved.

○ Condition for recipient cell: Must be rec+.

○ 2nd. Using the unbroken strand as a template, the donor cell synthesizes a new complementary strand.

○ 3rd. In the meantime, the cleaved strand detaches and one end enters the F- cell.

○ 4th. In the recipient cell, the plasmid strand is connected to itself to form a complete circular plasmid.

○ 5th. The recipient cell becomes an F+ cell.

○ The conjugation bridge usually breaks before the entire chromosome and remaining F factor are fully transferred.

○ It is when the recipient cell retains some of the donor cell’s DNA.

○ Since the F plasmid is transferred last, it is rare for an F- cell to become an F+ cell.

○ Drawback: The frequency of this process is extremely low.


Figure 2. Conjugation between bacteria


Figure 3. General donor strain conjugation

③ High frequency recombinant strain conjugation

○ High-frequency recombination (Hfr) donor cell: A bacterial strain in which the F factor is integrated into the chromosomal DNA (Bac).

○ The F plasmid is randomly inserted into the genome.

○ Resolves the low-frequency issue of F+-F- conjugation.

○ Transfers both the F plasmid and parts of the chromosome, leading to bacterial DNA recombination.

○ The F factor is transferred last, and the unwinding direction (clockwise or counterclockwise) varies depending on its relative position.

④ Interrupted mating technique: Applied in constructing genome maps.


Figure 4. Interrupted mating technique process


Figure 5. Interrupted mating technique result

○ 1st. Hfr strain is strs leu+ thr+ azir tonr lac+ gal+.

○ Condition: Antibiotic sensitivity, prototrophy (non-auxotrophy)

○ 2nd. F-strain is strr leu- thr- azis tons lac- gal-.

○ Condition: Antibiotic resistance, auxotrophy

○ 3rd. Cultured in medium with streptomycin but without threonine and leucine: Only the strains with strr leu+ thr+ survive.

○ 4th. azir survives additionally 8 minutes after conjugation: azir is next to strr leu+ thr+.

○ 5th. tons survives additionally 10 minutes after conjugation: tons is next to strr leu+ thr+ azir.

○ 6th. lac+ survives additionally 16 minutes after conjugation: lac+ is next to strr leu+ thr+ azir tons.

○ 7th. gal+ survives additionally 25 minutes after conjugation: gal+ is next to strr leu+ thr+ azir tons lac+.

3. Mobile DNA

⑴ Mobile DNA can induce mutations.

Type 1. Transposon

① Definition: “Cut and paste” mechanism.

○ The most studied transposons include Tn5, Tn9, and Tn10.

Component 1. Transposable element

○ The actual DNA segment responsible for mobility.

Component 2. Insertion sequence (IS)

○ Less than 2,500 base pairs.

○ Features

○ Insertion sequences are located at both ends of the transposon.

○ An antibiotic resistance gene may be located in the central region.

○ A pair of insertion sequences is cut simultaneously.

2-1. Transposase gene

○ Catalyzes the insertion of the gene into another location.

2-2. Inverted repeat sequence (IR)

○ Sequences located at both ends of the insertion sequence.

○ Identical to each other but oriented in opposite directions.

○ Example

5’-ATCCGGT- ··· - [transposase gene] - ··· -ACCGGAT-3’

3’-TAGGCCA- ··· - [transposase gene] - ··· -TGGCCTA-5’

○ The example above is an insertion sequence, with 5’-ATCCGGT-3’ and 5’-ACCGGAT-3’ being the inverted repeat sequences.

○ 20 ~ 40 nucleotides


Figure 6. The location of insertion sequences and inverted repeat sequences on a transposon

④ AC-DS system: McClintock’s research


Figure 7. McClintock’s research

○ Arrow: Indicates the potential for transposition.

○ Ac (Activator): Encodes transposase, enabling it to transpose on its own.

○ Ds (Dissociator): A factor that can be transposed by Ac but does not encode transposase gene.

○ Ds transposes under the influence of Ac, overlaying the genetic code of gene C in various locations.

○ Ac transposes independently, overlaying the genetic code of gene C in various locations.

○ The size of the spots on speckled corn kernels is related to when transposition happened during development.

Type 2. Retrotransposon

① Definition: “Copy and paste” mechanism.

② mRNA → cDNA → inserted into another DNA location.

Type 3. LINE (Long Interspersed Element) (e.g., L1)

Type 4. SINE (Short Interspersed Element) (e.g., Alu)

4. Plasmodesmata

⑴ Plasmodesmata: Cell junctions between plant cells that allow the exchange of signals and substances.

⑵ The cell membranes of adjacent cells are connected.

⑶ Plant viruses move to adjacent cells through plasmodesmata.

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