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Chapter 22. Nuclear Chemistry

Recommended Post : 【Chemistry】 Chemistry Index

1. Overview

2. Nuclear Reactions

3. Application 1. Nuclear Power Generation

4. Application 2. Nuclear Weapons

5. Appendix : Radiation

a. Types of Radioactive Elements and Particle Accelerators

b. Interaction of Radioactive Isotopes and Particles

1. Overview

⑴ Structure of an Atom

① Atom: Nucleus + Electrons

② Atomic Nucleus: Protons + Neutrons

③ Protons: Up Quarks × 2, Down Quarks × 1

④ Neutrons: Up Quarks × 1, Down Quarks × 2

⑤ Electrons: Leptons × 1

⑵ Atomic Mass Unit (amu)

① 1 u = 1.6605 × 10^-27 kg

② 12 u: Mass of one carbon atom

③ 12 g: Mass of Avogadro’s number (NA) of carbon atoms

④ Proton: 1.0073 u

⑤ Neutron: 1.0087 u

⑥ Electron: 0.0005 u, 1/1840 of proton mass

2. Nuclear Reactions

⑴ Nuclear Fission Reactions

① Nuclear Fission: Division of one nucleus into different nuclei

○ (Distinguishing Concept) Nuclear Decay: Emission or transformation of nucleus components

② Einstein’s Mass-Energy Equivalence Principle predicts released energy

○ Sum of masses of nuclei before fission > Sum of masses of nuclei after fission

○ (Note) In nuclear fusion reactions, sum of masses of nuclei before fusion > Sum of masses of nuclei after fusion

③ Reasons for Nuclear Fission and Decay

○ Light elements stable when Neutrons: Protons = 1:1

○ Heavy elements stable when Neutrons: Protons = 1.5:1

Figure. 1. Proton-Neutron Graph

④ Types of Nuclear Fission Reactions

Figure. 2. Types of Nuclear Fission Reactions [Footnote: 6]

○ One radionuclide can undergo multiple reactions with certain probabilities

Type 1: Beta Decay

○ Also known as β- decay

○ β particle typically refers to β- electron; it can sometimes include positrons (β+) and electrons

Type 2: Positron Emission

○ Also known as β+ decay

○ Positron: Antiparticle of electron

○ When electrons and positrons combine, they produce light and mutually annihilate

Type 3: Electron Capture (EC)

○ Capture of K shell electron in EC leads to X-rays, gamma rays, Auger electrons

○ Auger electron: Emitted due to EC or Compton effect, low energy

Type 4: Alpha Decay

Type 5: Gamma Decay

○ No change in atomic nucleus composition

○ Only energy state changes

○ Penetration of Radiation

○ Alpha particles: Cannot pass through paper

○ Beta particles: Can pass through paper but not aluminum

○ Gamma and X-rays: Can pass through paper and aluminum but not lead

○ (Note) Electromagnetic waves (gamma and X-rays) are more penetrating than particle waves

⑵ Nuclear Fusion Reactions

① Overview

○ Definition: Small atomic nuclei fusing to form larger nuclei

○ Energy released as predicted by Einstein’s Mass-Energy Equivalence Principle

○ Sum of masses of nuclei before fusion > Sum of masses of nuclei after fusion

○ (Note) In nuclear fission reactions, sum of masses of nuclei before fission > Sum of masses of nuclei after fission

Example 1: Nuclear Fusion Reactions in Main Sequence Stars

○ Hydrogen nuclei in the core of main sequence stars fuse to form helium nuclei

○ Energy loss due to mass defect becomes source of solar energy

Example 2: Nuclear Fusion in Tokamak: Also Known as Artificial Sun

○ Nuclear Fusion Reaction Equation

○ Fusion Reactor

Figure. 3. Fusion Reactor

Binding Energy per Nucleon: Theory explaining trends in nuclear fission and fusion

① Binding energy decreases as atoms become larger and atomic number increases

② Trends in Nuclear Fission and Fusion: Generally, elements undergoing fusion only fuse, while elements undergoing fission only undergo fission

Figure. 4. Mass Number-Binding Energy Graph

③ Reason for Iron as Final Stellar Element: Fusion dominates up to iron

⑷ Nuclear Reaction Kinetics

① Reaction Rate Equation: First-order reaction

② Integrated Rate Equation

③ Half-Life: Remains constant

④ Continuous Reactions

3. Application 1. Nuclear Power Generation

⑴ Definition: Power generation using nuclear fission

① Nuclear Power Generation

○ Uses 2-5% uranium fuel

○ Slow chain reaction

○ Generates heat sufficient to boil water at around 310°C

② (Note) Atomic Bombs

○ Over 90% composed of highly enriched uranium-235

○ Rapid chain reaction

⑵ Uranium Nuclear Fission Process

Figure. 5. Uranium Nuclear Fission Process

(ㄱ) represents a neutron

① Law of Conservation of Charge

② Law of Conservation of Energy

③ Law of Conservation of Mass does not apply after fission: Released energy is due to mass defect

⑶ Necessary Conditions for Nuclear Fission

① Critical Mass: Sufficient amount of uranium required for sustained fission

② Chain Reaction: Reaction must occur continuously

③ Moderator: Slows down neutron speed for effective uranium absorption

④ Control Rod: Absorbs neutrons released in nuclear reactions

⑷ Types

① Boiling Water Reactor (BWR)

○ Moderator: Material for chain reaction

○ Coolant: Material to maintain reactor temperature

② Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR)

③ Graphite-Moderated Water-Cooled Reactor (RBMK)

○ Uses carbon dioxide (coolant) and graphite (moderator)

○ Allows fuel replacement without reactor shutdown

④ Fast Breeder Reactor (FBR)

○ Uses water (coolant) and sodium (moderator)

○ Utilizes natural uranium, fire risk

⑸ Light Water and Heavy Water

① Light Water: Regular water

② Heavy Water: Water made of deuterium, tritium

③ Price: Heavy Water > Light Water

④ Moderator Efficiency: Heavy Water > Light Water

⑤ Plutonium Accessibility: Heavy Water > Light Water

⑹ Uranium Enrichment

① Fuel for Nuclear Power Generation: Uranium-235

② Natural Uranium Composition: Uranium-235 (0.3%), Uranium-238 (99.7%)

③ Reason for Enrichment: Requires 2-5% uranium for chain reactions

④ Enrichment Methods: Gas Diffusion, Centrifugation, Nozzle Method, Ion Exchange

4. Application 2. Nuclear Weapons

Type 1: Nuclear Fission Weapon : Also known as Atomic Bomb

1-1. Uranium Nuclear Weapon

① Natural Uranium

○ U-238 : Most common isotope

○ U-235 : 0.7% of natural uranium. Used as fuel for uranium nuclear weapons.

○ U-234 : 0.005%

② Principles

Figure 6. Principles of Uranium Nuclear Weapons

○ Utilizes the nuclear fission process of uranium atomic nuclei : Refer to Figure 5.

Step 1: Neutron chain reactions do not occur if the density of uranium is not sufficiently high.

Step 2: Two uranium masses with subcritical mass collide like bullets to reach supercritical mass.

Step 3: Chain reaction and atomic explosion.

Example 1: Hiroshima Atomic Bomb (Date: 1945.08.06, Codename: Little Boy)

○ Contains 50 kg of U-235 : Energy equivalent to 15,000 tons of TNT

1-2. Plutonium Nuclear Weapons

① Principles

Step 1: Pu-239 generated from common uranium U-238.

Step 2: Pu-239 placed in a special device like a spherical core (plutonium pit).

Step 3: Pu-239 reaches supercritical mass due to density increase.

Step 4: Chain reaction and atomic explosion.

Example 1: Nagasaki Atomic Bomb (Date: 1945.08.09, Codename: Fat Man) : Second plutonium nuclear weapon.

Example 2: Gadget : First plutonium nuclear weapon.

Example 3: North Korean Nuclear Weapons

Type 2: Fusion Weapons : Also known as hydrogen bombs or thermonuclear bombs.

① Fission weapons have an upper limit of about 500 kilotons TNT in power.

② Fusion weapons can produce powers up to about 50 megatons TNT.

③ Principles : Liquid deuterium and tritium are used.

Example 1: Ivy Mike

⑸ Current Status of Nuclear Weapons

① Russia : 6,600

② United States : 6,450

③ France : 300

④ China : 290 (Estimated)

⑤ United Kingdom : 215

⑥ Pakistan : 130-140 (Estimated)

⑦ India : 120-130 (Estimated)

⑧ Israel : 80 (Estimated)

⑨ North Korea : 10-20 (Estimated)

5. Appendix: Radiation

⑴ Radioactivity

① Definition : The property of atomic nuclei emitting radiation while trying to become stable nuclei, the ability to emit radiation.

② SI Unit : Bq (Becquerel)

○ 1 dps : The ability to decay in 1 second.

○ 1 Bq = 1 disintegration per second = 1 dps

③ Conventional Unit : Ci (Curie)

○ 1 Ci = 3.7 × 10^10 Bq

○ 1 Bq = 2.7 × 10^-11 Ci

○ 1 Ci is equivalent to the radioactivity of 1g of 226Ra.

⑵ Radiation

① Definition : Light energy emitted through nuclear reactions.

② Radiation Dose : Amount of radiation, typically indicating absorbed dose.

③ Dose Rate : Amount of radiation per unit time.

③ Radiation = Artificial Radiation + Natural Radiation

④ Artificial Radiation : Used artificially.

⑤ Natural Radiation : Exists naturally. Classified into terrestrial and cosmic radiation.

○ Global average exposure : Annual dose of 2.4 mSv per person.

○ South Korea : Annual dose of about 3.1 mSv.

⑶ Absorbed Dose (X)

① Amount of radiation absorbed in the air

② SI unit : C/kg

○ Amount of γ(X)-rays that produce 1 ion per 1 C in 1 kg of air

③ Conventional unit : R (roentgen)

○ 1 R = 2.58 × 10-4 C/kg

⑷ Absorbed Dose (D)

① Amount of radiation absorbed per unit mass by the exposed substance

② SI unit : Gy, cGy (gray)

○ 1 Gy = 1 J/kg

③ Conventional unit : rad (rad)

○ 1 Gy = 100 rad

⑸ Equivalent Dose or Dose Equivalent (H)

① Measure of radiation exposure’s impact on human health

○ Equivalent Dose = Absorbed Dose × Radiation Weighting Factor

○ Radiation Weighting Factor

○ X, γ, β = 1

○ Neutrons = 5 ~ 20

○ Nuclear fission and creation = 20

② SI unit : Sv, mSv (sievert)

③ Conventional unit : rem (rem)

○ 1 Sv = 100 rem

⑹ Effective Dose (E)

① Amount of radiation absorbed by different human tissues

○ Effective Dose = Equivalent Dose × Tissue Weighting Factor

○ Tissue Weighting Factor

○ Reproductive organs = 0.2

○ Bone marrow, stomach, lungs = 0.12

○ Bladder, breasts, liver, esophagus, thyroid = 0.05

○ Bones, skin = 0.01

② SI unit : Sv

③ Conventional unit : rem

⑺ Radiation-Related Phenomena

① Cloud Chamber Experiment : Observation of radiation trajectories using adiabatic expansion

Figure. 7. Wilson’s Cloud Chamber Experiment

○ (a) : View of adiabatic expansion with vapor in a box containing air

○ (b) : View of condensed vapor along radiation tracks in the expanded box (a) as radiation passes

② Auger Effect

○ 1st. Inner electrons of specific atom emit after external radiation

○ 2nd. Electrons relatively outer to the atom fill the vacancy

○ 3rd. X-rays are emitted

③ Bystander Effect

○ Phenomenon of non-irradiated cells undergoing death

○ Believed to be caused by signaling from irradiated cells

⑻ Radiation Risk

① Relationship between Exposure Dose and Acute Effects (Source: ICRP 103)

○ Exposure Dose ≤ 0.1 Gy : Almost no clinical symptoms

○ Exposure Dose = 0.5 Gy : Hematopoietic function impairment

○ Exposure Dose = 1-2 Gy : 10% mortality

○ Exposure Dose = 4 Gy : 50% mortality within 60 days

○ Exposure Dose = 5-7 Gy : 90% mortality

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