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Chapter 1. Basics of Organic Chemistry

Recommended Post: 【Organic Chemistry】 Organic Chemistry Table of Contents

1. What is Organic Chemistry?

2. Organic Chemistry Structural Formulas

3. Bond Length and Bond Strength

4. Resonance Structures

5. Acid-Base Theory

a. Fundamentals of Chemistry

b. Examples of Physicochemical Properties

1. What is Organic Chemistry?

⑴ Organic Chemistry: The study of compounds primarily composed of carbon.

⑵ The opposite of organic chemistry is inorganic chemistry.

⑶ Currently, about 16 million organic compounds are known.

2. Organic Chemistry Structural Formulas

⑴ Sequence

① SMILES (Simplified Molecular-Input Line Entry System): A short ASCII string representation.

○ Double bonds are represented by ‘=’, and triple bonds are represented by ‘#’.

○ For cyclic compounds, numbers like 1, 2, etc., are assigned to indicate that the ends of a linear molecule are connected to form a ring.

○ Example: CN1C=NC2=C1C(=O)N(C(=O)N2C)C (= caffeine)

○ C represents normal carbon, whereas c represents aromatic carbon

○ C1CCCCC1: cyclohexane

○ c1ccccc1: benzene

○ Brackets can be used to indicate more complex cases.

○ Can also display charge notation like [N+]

○ @ symbol can be used to represent a stereocenter in a molecule.

○ Example: CC@HC@HC

○ / and \ symbols can be used to represent E/Z isomers.

○ Example: CCC/C(=C/C(=O)OCC)/C(=O)OCC

② SMARTS (SMILES arbitrary target specification): Language for specifying structural patterns of molecules.

○ Example: [#6]-[#7]1:[#6]:[#7]:[#6]2:[#6]:1:#6:#7-[#6]

○ Reference: Daylight Chem Info Systems

③ SELFIES (SELF-referencing embedded strings)

○ Example: [C][N][C][=N][C][=C][Ring1][Ring2][C][Branch1_3][epsilon][=O][N][Branch1_3][Branch2_2][C][Branch1_3][epsilon][=O][N][Ring1][Branch1_3][C][C]

○ Reference: NIPS , 2019

④ InChI

○ Example: 1S/C9UBO4/c1-6(10)13-8-S-3-2-4-7(8)9(11)12/h2-5H,1H3,(H,11,12)

○ C9UBO4: Chemical Formula

○ c1-6(10)13-8-S-3-2-4-7(8)9(11)12: Connections of Atoms

○ h2-5H,1H3,(H,11,12): Hydrogen Atoms

⑤ InChIKey

○ Disadvantage of InChI: Can be lengthy

○ InChIKey condenses the InChI into a digital representation using 27 uppercase letters, designed to facilitate web searches.

⑥ Embedding Vector

○ Depending on the type of compression algorithm used, various embedding vectors can exist.

○ Reference: Nature Biotech, 2020

⑵ Basic Structural Formulas

① Kekulé structure (dash formula): Line structural formula without indicating non-bonding electron pairs.

② Lewis structure: Line structural formula indicating non-bonding electron pairs.

③ Lewis dot structure: Lewis structure with shared bond lines represented as electron pairs.

④ Condensed structure

○ Example: CH3CH2CH2CH3

⑤ Skeletal structure (bond-line formula): Lewis structure without showing carbon and hydrogen atoms.

○ Common in organic chemistry.

○ Carbon atoms often shown to emphasize or clarify.

○ Carbon always forms a tetrahedral structure, so it is assumed that each carbon atom has a corresponding number of hydrogen atoms.

⑶ 3D Structural Formulas: Consideration of stereochemistry.

① Ball-and-stick model

② Space-filling model


Figure 1. Ball-and-stick model and space-filling model

③ Wedge projection (Natta projection): Used for easy consideration of stereochemistry.

○ Wedge lines represent bonds coming out of the plane.

○ Dash lines represent bonds going behind the plane.

○ Solid lines represent bonds in the plane.

Tip: RS nomenclature helps determine stereochemistry in wedge projections.

④ Newman projection

○ Projection structure introduced for analyzing conformers.

○ View of single bonds along the bond axis.

○ Nearest carbon to the observer is drawn as a dot, farther carbon as a circle.

○ Hydrogens or substituents attached to each carbon are connected by lines.

⑤ Sawhorse representation

○ Projection structure introduced for analyzing conformers.

○ View of carbon-carbon bonds from an oblique angle.

○ Front carbon shown on the left and inclined downward.


Figure 2. Example of sawhorse representation

⑥ Fisher projection

○ 2D representation of 3D organic molecules invented by Hermann Emil Fischer.

○ Represents stereochemistry with a 2D cross.

○ Represents 3D arrangement in a 2D format using specific rules, instead of wedges and dashes.

Rule 1. Horizontal atoms come out of the plane, vertical atoms go into the plane.

Rule 2. Only 180° rotations within the plane are allowed.

Rule 3. Generally, the most oxidized substituent is placed at the top.

○ In nomenclature, the more oxidized terminal carbon is labeled as 1.

○ Easy to understand by considering the structure of glucose.


Figure 3. Conversion between wedge projection, Newman projection, and Fisher projection

○ Widely used for representing chain-form monosaccharides.

⑦ Haworth projection

○ 3D projection structure used for cyclic monosaccharides.

○ Thick lines indicate positions close to the observer.

○ Unable to distinguish axial and equatorial positions in a cyclic structure.


Figure 4. Haworth projection of glucose

⑷ Organic Chemical Reactions

① →: Reaction arrow

② ⇄: Double reaction arrows (equilibrium arrows)

③ ↔: Double-headed arrow. Resonance structure.

④ ↷: Full-headed curved arrow. Movement of a pair of electrons.

⑤ ⇀: Half-headed curved arrow. Movement of a single electron. Primarily used in radical reactions.

3. Bond Length and Bond Strength

⑴ Bond Strength: Measured by bond dissociation energy.

⑵ Bond Length: Average distance between the nuclei of two atoms participating in a bond.


Figure 5. Average Bond Lengths of Various Bonds (Unit: Å)

⑶ Trends in Bond Strength and Bond Length

①: As bond strength increases, bond length decreases, and vice versa.

② Higher bond order leads to increased bond strength and decreased bond length.

③ Bond length due to hybrid orbitals

○ sp3 - sp3 > sp3 - sp2 > sp3 - sp > sp2 - sp2 > sp2 - sp > sp - sp

④ Atomic size: Smaller atomic radius leads to shorter bond length.

Dipole Moment

4. Resonance Structures

⑴ Overview

① Definition: Delocalization of electrons driven by pi electrons or non-bonding electron pairs.

② Generally, hybrid structures of each atom remain unchanged among resonance contributors.

○ Example: Hybrid orbitals of each oxygen in -COOH are sp2 and p orbitals.

③ Can be divided into resonance involving three or more atoms’ non-bonding electrons and resonance involving non-bonding electrons of two atoms.

④ Electrons move from electron-rich areas to electron-deficient areas.

⑤ Important in benzene acylation mechanism for two atoms’ non-bonding electrons.

⑵ Types of Resonance Structures

① Allylic lone pair, radical, or other double bonds: 2 curved arrows

② Allylic positive charge: 1 curved arrow

③ One pair of electrons near a positive charge: 1 curved arrow

④ Pi bond between two atoms with different electronegativities

⑤ Conjugated pi bonds within a ring structure


Figure 6. Types of Resonance Structures

⑶ Resonance Theory


Figure 7. Resonance Structures of Carbonate Ion

① No single structure accurately represents resonance structures.

② Such individual structures are called resonance or resonance contributors.

③ Real molecules are understood as a mixture of these structures.

② According to X-ray studies, all C-O bond lengths in the carbonate ion are the same; they are longer than double bonds and shorter than single bonds.

⑷ Drawing Resonance Structures

① Resonance structures or contributors are indicated by a double-headed arrow ↔.

○ Chemical equilibrium is indicated by ⇌.

② Resonance structures are formed only by the movement of electrons.

○ 1,2-hydride shift is not a resonance phenomenon.

③ Only pi bond electrons or non-bonding electron pairs can form resonance structures.

④ Total number of electrons within the molecule must remain constant.

⑤ Resonance structures requiring the breaking of sigma bonds are not plausible.

⑥ Second-period elements cannot accommodate more than eight electrons.

⑦ Hydrogen atoms can have only up to two electrons.

⑸ Contribution

① Resonance contribution: Degree to which each structure is favored among resonance contributors.

○ Major contributor: Resonance contributor most similar to the actual structure.

○ Minor contributor: Resonance contributor less similar to the actual structure.

② 1st. Octet Rule: Resonance contributors violating the octet rule always have the lowest contribution.

○ Example: Resonance contributors with carbocations are likely to be minor contributors.

○ For second-period atoms, no more than 8 electrons in the valence shell.

③ 2nd. Charge Separation: Resonance contributors without charge separation have higher contributions.

④ 3rd. Higher electronegativity at the site of a negative charge leads to higher contribution.

⑤ 4th. If no difference exists among ② ~ ④, resonance contributors with more bonds have higher contributions.

Example 1. Zaitsev’s rule

Example 2. Electron-donating Inductive Effect

⑹ Examples

① Carbonyl resonance


Figure 8. Carbonyl Resonance

② Oxocarbocation resonance


Figure 9. Oxocarbocation Resonance

③ Allylic system

○ Allylic cation


Figure 10. Allylic Cation Resonance

○ Allyl Anion


Figure 11. Allyl Anion Resonance

④ Nitro Resonance


Figure 12. Nitro Resonance

⑤ Carboxyl System

○ Carboxylic Acid


Figure 13. Carboxylic Acid Resonance

○ Carboxylate Ion


Figure 14. Carboxylate Ion Resonance

⑥ Phenolate Ion


Figure 15. Phenolate Ion Resonance

⑺ Cautions

① Resonance structures of cyclic molecules must consider aromaticity.

○ Cyclic molecules that do not satisfy aromaticity cannot overlap pi bonds between carbons stereoelectronically

○ Example: Cyclooctatetraene does not form resonance structures



Figure 16. Cyclooctatetraene

5. Acid-Base Theory

⑴ All reactions are classified into acid-base reactions (oxidation number change) and redox reactions (oxidation number remains constant).

⑵ General Chemistry: Acid and base theory

⑶ Organic Chemistry: Lewis acid and base

① Lewis acid and base: Thermodynamically, there is a difference between nucleophiles and electrophiles in reaction rates.

○ In organic chemistry, Lewis acids are referred to as electrophiles, and Lewis bases as nucleophiles.

② Nucleophile (Nu): A species that likes nuclei. Reaction-rate related.

○ Example: Electron-rich negative ions, δ-, carbon-carbon pi bonds.

○ Nucleophilicity can be lower despite strong basicity due to steric hindrance.

○ Basicity: t-butoxide > ethoxide

○ Nucleophilicity: ethoxide > t-butoxide (due to steric hindrance)

③ Electrophile (E): A species that likes electrons. Reaction-rate related.

○ Example: Electron-deficient positive ions, δ+. Mainly on carbon δ+.

○ Reason for Br2 being an electrophile.


④ Significance of Basicity as a Thermodynamic Concept

○ Thermodynamics is related to the equilibrium state, i.e., the final state.

○ Higher basicity corresponds to lower pKb with respect to equilibrium constant Kb.

○ That is, basicity indicates which species attracts protons more effectively in the final state.

⑤ Significance of Nucleophilicity as a Reaction Rate Concept

○ Relates to which species reacts more quickly initially.

○ Example: t-BuOK reacts slower than EtOK due to steric hindrance, hence lower nucleophilicity.

Basicity: The extent of accepting H+. Acidity and basicity are not absolute.

① Overview: Reactivity↑ → Stability ↓ → Basicity ↑

○ Conjugate base of a strong acid is a weak base; conjugate base of a weak acid is a strong base.


○ Acidity and basicity are thermodynamic (reversible reaction exists), while nucleophilicity and electrophilicity are kinetic (irreversible, no reverse reaction).

○ Example: t-BuOK is a strong base but a weak nucleophile.

○ Factors of basicity

Factor 1: Inductive Effect: Inductive effect, electronegativity, resonance, hydrogen bonding, size effect.

Factor 2: Resonance Effect: Stabilization due to resonance, polarization, backbone bonding, aromaticity effect.

Factor 3: Other Effects: Steric hindrance, solvation effect.

○ Introduction of EDG (Electron-Donating Group) and EWG (Electron-Withdrawing Group) concepts considering both inductive and resonance effects.

1-1. Inductive Effect: Electron withdrawal or electron donation through σ bonds.

○ Definition: Effect that influences electron density through σ bonds.

○ Differentiate between electron-donating and electron-withdrawing inductive effects.

○ The more functional groups, the more stabilized the carbocation, affecting reaction rate.


Figure 17. Energy levels of carbocations according to substituents

○ Examples:

○ CH3COOH: The electron-donating effect of the CH3 group leads to destabilization of the negative charge on the -COO- group.

○ CF3COOH: The electron-withdrawing effect of the CF3 group stabilizes the negative charge on the -COO- group.

○ CF3COO- is more stable than CH3COO-, which results in a lower basicity, thus the conjugate acid is stronger.

○ Acidity comparison: CF3COOH > CH3COOH

○ Actual pKa values: CF3COOH pKa = 0, CH3COOH pKa = 5

○ Acidity comparison: (CH3)3COH (pKa = 18) < CH3CH2OH (pKa = 16) < H2O (pKa = 15.7)

1-2. Electronegativity: Increases with increasing group number, leading to increased stability and decreased basicity.

○ For elements in the same period, having negative charge on atoms with greater electronegativity results in stability, while having positive charge on such atoms results in instability.

○ Basicity: F- < OH- < NH2- < CH3- (due to electronegativity)

○ Acidity: HF (pKa = 3.2) > H2O (pKa = 15.7) > NH3 (pKa = 38) > CH4 (pKa = 50)

1-3. Mixed Effect: As s-character increases, acidity increases


○ Definition: The phenomenon where sigma bonding provides electrons to anti pi bonding, stabilizing the compound.

○ In the order of sp > sp2 > sp3, electronegativity is stronger, so sp3 carbon provides electrons to sp and sp2 carbon.

○ Reason: In the order of sp > sp2 > sp3, the spheric orbital, which is s character, is stronger, bringing it closer to the nucleus → increase in electronegativity.

○ sp Hybridization: Among 2 hybrid orbitals, 1 s orbital → 50 % s-character

○ sp2 Hybridization: Among 3 hybrid orbitals, 1 s orbital → 33 % s-character

○ sp3 Hybridization: Among 4 hybrid orbitals, 1 s orbital → 25 % s-character

Example 1.

○ Basicity: CH3CH2- > C2H3- > C2H-

○ Acidity: CH3CH3 (pKa = ~50) < C2H4 (pKa = 44) < C2H2 (pKa = 25)

Example 2. Basicity: pyridine < piperidine



Figure 18. pyridine(top) and piperidine(bottom)

○ The N in pyridine is sp2 and in piperidine is sp3, so H+ is more likely to approach piperidine with smaller s-character.

○ The resonance stabilization in pyridine exists before and after the acid-base reaction, thus it is canceled out.

○ Basicity: alkyl amine (sp3) > pyridine (participating in resonance) > aniline (participating in resonance) > pyrrole (participating in resonance) > amide (participating in resonance)

Example 3. Comparison of piperidinium and aziridinium

Example 4. Influence of acidity by remote hybridization

○ propyl alcohol (pKa: 16.1), prop-2-en-1-ol (pKa: 15.5), benzenemethanol (pKa: 15.4), prop-2-yn-1-ol (pKa: 13.5) 

○ propanoic acid (pKa: 4.9), prop-2-enoic acid (pKa: 4.2), benzenemethanoic acid (pKa: 4.2), prop-2-ynoic acid (pKa: 1.9)

1-4. Hydrogen Bonding: Acidity increases when conjugate bases can form intramolecular hydrogen bonds.

○ Example: o-aminophenol is more acidic than p-aminophenol.


Figure 19. Stabilization of o-aminophenol’s conjugate base through hydrogen bonding

○ Strong intramolecular hydrogen bonding leads to weaker intermolecular hydrogen bonding.

1-5. Size Effect

○ Larger polarization (∝ size) leads to better nucleophilicity, making overlap with σ* easier in the transition state.

○ Opposite to 2-2 explanation

Example 1. Nucleophilicity: H2O < H2S < H2Se

Example 2. Nucleophilicity: NH3 < PH3

2-1. Resonance Stabilization Effect: Resonance structures increase stability, reducing basicity.

○ Multiple resonance contributors lead to energetic stability.

Particle in a box: Electron delocalization decreases energy (∝ 1 / L2).

○ Example: Carboxylic acid anion is stable and harmless due to resonance.

○ Basicity: CH3CH2O- > CH3COO- (due to resonance stabilization)

○ Acidity: CH3CH2OH (pKa = 16) < CH3COOH (pKa = 5)

2-2. Polarization: More electron shells lead to reduced electron-electron repulsion, increasing stability and reducing basicity.

○ Applicable mainly to HX compounds.

○ Basicity: F- > Cl- > Br-

○ Acidity: HF (pKa = 3.2) < HCl (pKa = -7) < HBr (pKa = -9)

2-3. Backbonding: p orbital electrons interact with vacant d orbitals, stabilizing the molecule.

○ Example: Comparison of CHF3 and CHCl3

○ Acidity: CHF3 < CHCl3

○ Conjugate base stability: CF3- < CCl3-

○ Interpretation: Cl has 3d orbitals where electrons can be placed, thus excess electrons from carbon’s 2p orbital can be stabilized by delocalizing in Cl’s 3d orbitals.

○ Electron-withdrawing inductive effect is stronger in CF3- than CCl3-, which can be misleading about the stability of conjugate bases.

○ Remember the trend of acidity: HF < HCl < HBr < HI, which makes understanding backbonding easier.

2-4. Aromaticity Effect

○ A type of resonance stabilization effect.

○ If the conjugate base possesses aromaticity, the special stabilization due to resonance leads to higher acidity.

○ If the conjugate base is anti-aromatic, it’s highly unstable, resulting in lower acidity.

3-1. Steric Hindrance

○ Acidity: Ethanol (pKa = 16) > t-butanol (pKa = 18)

○ Basicity: ethoxide < t-buthoxide

○ If nucleophile is large, t-butoxide’s steric hindrance can overcome its stabilization in solvent, leading to stronger nucleophilicity of ethoxide.

3-2. Solvation Effect

○ Definition: The phenomenon where a separated conjugate base is stabilized by the surrounding solvent.

○ Note: Basicity is not affected, only nucleophilicity is affected.

○ Dielectric constant: Higher dielectric constants indicate stronger polarity, enhancing solvation effect.

○ Polar protic solvents (e.g., water) have higher dielectric constants compared to polar aprotic solvents (e.g., DMSO, DMF).

○ Positive protic solvents: Easier stabilization with smaller-size electronegative atoms. Larger atoms have less electron density, leading to weaker ion-solvent interaction.

○ Basicity: I- < Br- < Cl- < F-

○ Nucleophilicity: I- > Br- > Cl- > F-

○ Basicity: SeH- < SH- < OH-

○ Nucleophilicity: SeH- > SH- > OH-

○ Basicity: tert-butoxide > ethoxide (due to steric hindrance)

○ I- is a good leaving group and nucleophile in water.

○ For elements in the same period, electronegativity dictates the trend. CH3- > H2N- > HO- > F-

○ Nonpolar aprotic solvents: Nucleophilicity follows the trend of basicity due to lack of intramolecular hydrogen bonding.

○ Basicity: I- < Br- < Cl- < F-

○ Nucleophilicity: I- < Br- < Cl- < F-

○ Basicity: SeH- < SH- < OH-

○ Nucleophilicity: SeH- < SH- < OH-

○ I- shows increased basicity in protic solvents compared to nonpolar aprotic solvents.

○ Solvent hydrogen bonding increases basicity but reduces stability.

⑸ pKa values to memorize in organic chemistry

① Lower pKa means stronger acid, lower pKb means stronger base.

② The listed pKa values are measured in water and may differ in DMSO or other solvents.

Acid pKa Conjugate Base pKb
R-H 60 R- (e.g., RMgX, RLi) -46
R-CH3 (e.g., H3C-CH3) 50 R-CH2- -36
R2C=CH2 (e.g., Alkene) 44 R2C=CH- -30
H-H 35 . .
R-NH2, H-NH2 (e.g., NH3) 30 R-NH-, H-NH- (e.g., NaNH2, LDA) -16
RC≡CH (e.g., HC≡CH) 25 RC≡C- -11
Ketone 20 . .
RCOCH3 19 RCOCH2- -5
t-BuOH 18 t-BuO- (e.g., t-BuONa) -4
i-PrOH 16.5 i-PrO- -2.5
Secondary Alcohol (e.g., EtOH) 16 EtO-, R-O- (e.g., EtONa) -2
H-OH 15.7 OH- (e.g., NaOH) -1.7
Primary Alcohol (e.g., MeOH) 15.5 MeO- -1.5
RCHO 13 RCO- 1
Diester 13 . .
Ketoester 11 . .
PhOH * Aromatic side chain effect 10 PhO- 4
R-NO2 (e.g., CH3NO2) 10 . .
NH4+ 10 NH3 4
HCN 9 CN- 5
Diketone 9 . .
H2S 7 . .
H2CO3 6 HCO3- (e.g., NaHCO3) 8
pyridium ion 5.2 pyridine 8.8
protonated aniline 5 aniline 9
RCOOH (e.g., CH3COOH) 5 RCOO- (e.g., RCOONa) 9
HN3 5 N3- 9
HF 3.2 F- 10.8
Salicylic Acid * Intramolecular hydrogen bonding 3 Salicylate ion 11
H3PO4 2 H2PO4- 12
pyrrole ion * Aromatic effect 0.4 pyrrole 13.6
HNO3 -1.3 NO3- 15.3
H3O+ -1.7 H2O 15.7
H2SO4 -3 HSO4- 17
HCl -7 Cl- 21
HBr -9 Br- 23
HI -11 I- 25

Table 1. Essential Memorization of pKa

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