Korean, Edit

How to Solve the Pacific Garbage Patch? - On the Publication of Meteorite Hunter Yuha Jin Aqua Planet Edition

Recommendation: 【Environmental Chemistry】 Environmental Chemistry Contents

§ Message §

I have previously introduced many unresolved scientific problems. One such problem is the following question:

What are the solutions to solve the Great Pacific Garbage Patch?

To solve the Great Pacific Garbage Patch problem, I explored environmental topics, which led me to solve problems from the Environmental Chemistry of the Korean national exam for highly professional public officers. I encountered various interesting concepts such as oxygen demand, microbial denitrification processes, the relationship between pE and pH, isothermal adsorption equations, and pool disinfection using electrolysis.

At some point, a specific idea materialized regarding this issue. It is to use spatiotemporal omics technology on the ocean (ref). And to find microorganisms that have plastic decomposition activity. However, since applying spatiotemporal omics technology to an immensely vast area like the ocean is needed, I concluded that the current level of technology is insufficient. Therefore, I thought it would be better to share my idea in the form of a sci-fi novel.

In addition to this, while writing the sci-fi novel, I aim to address the following:

● Despite the advent of the era of ChatGPT, why is it still meaningful to create novels? For instance, can ChatGPT invent something?

● If a protagonist who has distanced himself from people gets closer to them, what realizations and emotional lines does he go through?

● Is the narrative medium more effective in conveying some convincing scientific hypothesis or invention idea?

On May, 2024, I published this sci-fi novel to share my ideas with readers worldwide.



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