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How to Obtain TCGA DATA

Recommended Post : 【Bioinformatics】 Table of Contents for Bioinformatics Analysis

1. Common Process

2. Finishing Method 1

3. Finishing Method 2

4. Finishing Method 3

5. Finishing Method 4

6. Troubleshooting

7. Appendix

1. Common Process

⑴ Search for TCGA on Google

Figure. 1. Common Step 1

⑵ Go to The Cancer Genome Atlas Program - National Cancer Institute at the top

Figure. 2. Common Step 2

⑶ Access the publicly available in the main text

Figure. 3. Common Step 3

⑷ Click on Carts in the upper right corner

Figure. 4. Common Step 4

⑸ Access the GDC Data Transfer Tool on the right side

Figure. 5. Common Step 5

⑹ Install the GDC Data Transfer Tool for your operating system


② Downloading the GDC Data Transfer Tool Client

③ Downloading the GDC Data Transfer Tool User Interface (Beta)

④ Safely download and install both GDC Client and GDC User Interface to the Downloads folder

⑺ Go to https://portal.gdc.cancer.gov/ and access Projects

Figure. 6. Common Step 6

⑻ Select the desired data

Figure. 7. Common Step 7

2. Finishing Method 1

⑴ Click the Manifest button at the top right to download the .txt file

⑵ Run the Command Prompt (cmd) and refer to the location of the text file to enter the following

⑶ You must also enter the command cd Downloads to change the directory

① It is presumed that you need to move to the directory where the gdc-client file is located

② The Manifest file does not necessarily need to be in the same directory

③ If the Manifest file is in the same directory, you can just display the file name and extension

⑷ The following prompt had a minor error in input: gdc-manifest → gdc_manifest

Figure. 8. Finishing Method 1

⑸ The file is saved in ‘C:/Users/sun/’

3. Finishing Method 2

⑴ If you look around, press the Download button to download the .json file

⑵ Open the .json file as a text file and confirm the uuid

⑶ Run the Command Prompt (cmd) and refer to the location of the text file to enter the following

⑷ You must also enter the command cd Downloads to change the directory

① It is presumed that you need to move to the directory where the gdc-client file is located

⑸ gdc-client download uuid

Figure. 9. Finishing Method 2

⑹ The file is saved in ‘C:/Users/sun/’

4. Finishing Method 3

⑴ Open the GDC Data Transfer Tool program on the desktop and drag the Manifest file used in Method 1

Figure. 10. Finishing Method 3

5. Finishing Method 4

⑴ If not confident in the previous methods, use the datasets provided by UCSC XENA

Link 1. https://ucsc-xena.gitbook.io/project/public-data-we-host/tcga

Link 2. https://xenabrowser.net/datapages/

6. Troubleshooting

⑴ ERROR: ###: 403 Client Error: FORBIDDEN: { “message”: “Your token is invalid or expired. Please get a new token from GDC Data Portal.” }

① If the Access level is not open but controlled

② Requires a token file equivalent to permission

③ Presumed that the token should be in the same directory as the gdc-client file

7. Appendix

⑴ TCGA Barcodes (ref)

① TCGA-02-0001-01C-01D-0182-01

○ TCGA : Project name

○ 02 : TSS

○ 0001 : Participant

○ 01 : Sample

○ C : Vial

○ 01 : Portion

○ D : Analyte

○ 0182 : Plate

○ 01 : Center

② TCGA-02 : Institution where samples were collected

③ TCGA-02-0001 : Number identifying patients

④ TCGA-02-0001-01 : Sample type of the patient (tumor or normal)

○ 01 : Primary Solid Tumor

○ 02 : Recurrent Solid Tumor

○ 10 : Blood Derived Normal

○ 11 : Solid Tissue Normal

⑤ TCGA-02-0001-01B : Sample piece

⑥ TCGA-02-0001-01B-02 : Sample piece

⑦ TCGA-02-0001-01B-02D-0182 : Plate used for measurement

⑧ TCGA-02-0001-01B-02D-0182-06 : Measurement result considered most accurate after measuring the plate multiple times

Key Abbreviations

○ LAML : Acute Myeloid Leukemia

○ ACC : Adrenocortical carcinoma

○ BLCA : Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma

○ LGG : Brain Lower Grade Glioma

○ BRCA : Breast invasive carcinoma

○ CESC : Cervical squamous cell carcinoma and endocervical adenocarcinoma

○ CHOL : Cholangiocarcinoma

○ LCML : Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia

○ COAD : Colon adenocarcinoma

○ CNTL : Controls

○ ESCA : Esophageal carcinoma

○ FPPP : FFPE Pilot Phase II

○ GBM : Glioblastoma multiforme

○ HNSC : Head and Neck squamous cell carcinoma

○ KICH : Kidney Chromophobe

○ KIRC : Kidney renal clear cell carcinoma

○ KIRP : Kidney renal papillary cell carcinoma

○ LIHC : Liver hepatocellular carcinoma

○ LUAD : Lung adenocarcinoma

○ LUSC : Lung squamous cell carcinoma

○ DLBC : Lymphoid Neoplasm Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma

○ MESO : Mesothelioma

○ MISC : Miscellaneous

○ OV : Ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma

○ PAAD : Pancreatic adenocarcinoma

○ PCPG : Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma

○ PRAD : Prostate adenocarcinoma

○ READ : Rectum adenocarcinoma

○ SARC : Sarcoma

○ SKCM : Skin Cutaneous Melanoma

○ STAD : Stomach adenocarcinoma

○ TGCT : Testicular Germ Cell Tumors

○ THYM : Thymoma

○ THCA : Thyroid carcinoma

○ UCS : Uterine Carcinosarcoma

○ UCEC : Uterine Corpus Endometrial Carcinoma

○ UVM : Uveal Melanoma

Input: 2019.08.26 23:32

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