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Study Abroad Interview Expected Questions and Answers ver.2

Recommended Post : 【Study Abroad Admissions】 Interview

1. Overview

2. Expected Questions

3. Example: UCLA BMSB

4. Example: Memorial Sloan Kettering

5. Example: UW CS


1. Overview

⑴ My Mindset

I redefined research. Research is the invention of new knowledge. Sometimes it manifests as the creation of an artist, other times as the entrepreneurship of a businessperson, just like Jeff Bezos considers Amazon his greatest invention. Like Elon Musk, who is a dreamer who wants to change the world. I believe I can do research regardless of where I am affiliated. A person who creates new knowledge as naturally as breathing. That is my definition of a researcher.

I want to implement spatiotemporal omics. Beyond red bio, I want to open new industrial horizons that encompass white and green bio. To implement this new technology, I have started to pursue Ph.D. studies again. I want to make this world a better place and believe that aware scholars will recognize me.

⑵ Checklist

○ Ask if an in-person interview is possible, even if the interview is scheduled via Zoom.

○ Send a thank you mail after the interview.

2. Expected Questions

1-minute Self-introduction : Should include small talk and minimize content already in application materials. Hooks are needed.

○ Hello, my name is Jeongbin Park. I’m currently working with spatial transcriptomics in a start-up. I usually enjoy making YouTube clips and writing sci-fi novels. Nice meeting you.

Keynote : Interviews are inherently serious. However, starting off too seriously can make the entire interview overly heavy. It’s better to start off lightly and let it become serious later, rather than making it difficult from the beginning.

Additional explanation about YouTube : There are numerous algorithms about bioinformatics and chemoinformatics. Thus, I started a YouTube channel to make more fun about learning the novel algorithms by sharing them to the public.

Note : The younger interviewers generally reacted to YouTube, while the relatively older interviewers showed a reaction to sci-fi novels.

Which labs are you interested in?

○ Review the professor list before going.

Academia or Industry?

○ I would like to continue my research to solve many international problems in the academy. However, during the gap year, I could get to know that I can even do the research in the industry. Thus, after the graduation of doctoral studies, I can survive as a researcher in any places.

Have you interviewed elsewhere?

○ Yes, I have received interview offers from departments related to bioinformatics. However, I believe that biochemistry principles are essential for implementing spatiotemporal omics. Since this place is the only biochemistry department, it is my highest priority.

What is research?

○ Research is an invention that creates new knowledge.

What is a scientist?

○ A scientist is a person who creates the promising tomorrow.

Why do you want to do research?

○ I want to solve international but only-solvable-by-academic- discipline problems with a global academic audience.

What is the significance of spatiotemporal omics?

○ First, the hypothesis that heterogeneity is spatiotemporal variation is gaining strength (especially in Switzerland), and spatiotemporal omics is thought to be an effective tool for conquering biological heterogeneity.

○ Second, while all existing omics data are correlative data, spatiotemporal omics data inherently imply causality.

What is the next step for spatiotemporal omics?

○ It is perturbed spatiotemporal omics in drug screening.

Do you have a person you admire?

○ John Nash. He is the epitome of human victory, seeing solving math problems despite schizophrenia as another mathematical problem.

The most impressive paper you have read


Any additional questions?

○ Could you briefly introduce any recent research you are doing?

○ Let me know if there is a big question.

3. Example: UCLA: 20 minutes / faculty × 2 faculty

⑴ (official) Tell me about your past research experiences.

⑵ (official) What scientific areas are you interested in?

⑶ (official) Why do you want to come to UCLA?

4. Example: Memorial Sloan Kettering

⑴ (official) Why cancer engineering?

⑵ (official) Why MSKCC?

⑶ (official) What can you contribute?

5. Example: UW CS

⑴ (official) prior research

⑵ (official) research interests in the lab

⑶ (official) reasons for choosing UW

⑷ What kind of deep learning model have you used?

Entered : 2023.12.23 11:28

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