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Gromov-Wasserstein distance (Kantorovich–Rubinstein metric, Earth Mover’s Distance, EMD)

Recommended Post : 【Statistics】 Chapter 5-2. Distance Functions and Similarity

1. Overview

2. Code

1. Overview

Joint Probability Distribution (Joint Probability Mass Function, Joint Probability Distribution; Coupling)

① Discrete Random Variables : For X ={x1, ···, xm}, Y ={y1, ···, yn}, the function π(xi, yj) = π(X = xi, Y = yj)

② Continuous Random Variables : For ∂2F(x, y) / ∂x ∂y = π(x, y), the function π(x, y)


Property 1. π(x, y) ≥ 0


Property 2. ∑∑ π(x, y) = 1

Marginal Probability Distribution

① Definition : Transforming the joint probability distribution into a distribution of either random variable X or Y

② Marginal Probability Distribution for Discrete Random Variables

③ Marginal Probability Distribution for Continuous Random Variables

Kontorovich’s problem

Definition : Given the probability distribution of X (i.e., πX), the probability distribution of Y (i.e., πY), and the cost function (i.e., c(x, y)), the problem is to find the joint probability distribution π that minimizes the expected cost.

○ X is called the source, Y the target.

Assumption : There must exist a functional relationship between X and Y ( for π(x, y) to have practical significance)

③ Instead of πX, conditions like {x1, x2, ···, xn} may be given (but πX=x1 = πX=x2 = ··· = πX=xn)

④ Example : Problem of pairing {x1, x2, ···, xn} and {y1, y2, ···, yn} in a close manner.


Figure. 1. Example of Kontorovich’s problem

⑤ Kantorovich-Rubinstein duality (KD) problem is merely a modification of the above definition.

⑷ Optimal Transport Plan

① Definition : The solution to Kontorovich’s problem, forming a convex set


② Existence of Solution : Always exists under mild conditions like lower semicontinuous

③ Methods to find the solution

○ North West Corner Method

○ Vogel’s Approximation Method

○ Least-Cost Method

○ Various Numerical Analysis Techniques

Example 1. Deciding how to distribute resources when demand and supply are fixed


Figure. 2. Optimal Transport Plan in Economics

Example 2. Differences in Optimal Transport Plans for Continuous and Discrete Variables


Figure. 3. Differences in Optimal Transport Plans for Continuous and Discrete Variables

⑸ Wasserstein Distance

① The expected value of the cost function in a special Kontorovich’s problem scenario where the cost function c(x, y) is the Euclidean distance d(x, y)

○ Resulting in the expected value of a distance with the same unit as the distance


○ Measuring how much the shape of a pile of sand changes when moved from one place to another, which is exactly the Wasserstein distance


Figure. 4. Process of Moving a Pile of Sand

② Can also measure the distance between two sample groups in different metric spaces

○ Example : When X is a set of 2D data points, and Y is a set of 3D data points

③ Example : WGAN (Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Neural Network)

⑹ Applications

Application 1. p-th order Wasserstein distance : Using the p-th moment (p-th moment, p ≥ 1) and then raising it to the power of 1/p to produce the expected value of a distance with the same unit as Euclidean distance.


Application 2. Partial Wasserstein Distance

: Calculating the Wasserstein distance using only part of X and Y

Application 3. Entropic Wasserstein Distance : Incorporating product measure (i.e., X ⊗ Y), Relative Entropy(Kullback-Leibler divergence)


○ Entropic Wasserstein distance is also known as Sinkhorn divergence

○ Advantage 1. Makes Kontorovich’s problem differentiable, allowing the use of gradient-based optimization methods

Advantage 2. Introduces 𝝐 to provide flexibility in adjusting the optimal transport plan

Application 4. Robust Wasserstein Distance : Using cλ(x, y) = min { c(x, y), 2λ } instead of c(x, y)

2. Code

Example 1. Generate X = {x1, x2, ···, xn}, Y = {y1, y2, ···, yn} as an example, and calculate the 2D-partial Wasserstein distance (ref)

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