Word’s Pair with the Same Root or Etymology
Recommended post: 【English】 English Words Index, 【English】 Tips for memorizing English words easily
※ Place difficult words first and easy words next
Abase: A (not) + Base
Abet: Ab (away)
Abominate: Omen
Abreast: Breast
Abstemious: Abstain
Abutting: About
Accolade: Collum, Collar
Accomplice: Complex
Address: At
Aerial: Air
Aficionado: Affection
Agog: Pedagogue
Al fresco: At fresh air
Aliphatic: Oil
Allege: Legal
Ambush: Bush
Amenable: Menace
Amphitheater: Ambivalence
Analgesics: Nostalgia
Anaesthetic: An (not) + Aesthetic
Angst: Anxiety
Anodyne: Dyne
Antediluvian: Diluge
Apiculture: Cell Culture
Apostle: Postulate
Apparition: Appear
Appellation: Appeal
Appraise: Price. Not from praise.
Appurtenance: Pertain
Arcane: Arc
Arrears: Rear
Articular: Art
Askance: Ask, Askew
Asinine: Ass
Asseverate: Severe
Assuage: Sweet
Astringe: String
Atavistic: At
Atone: at One
Audacious: Dare
Avarice: Avid
Aversion: Avert
Avuncular: Uncle
Baggy: Bag
Balky: Balk at
Ballot: Little Ball
Balm: Balsamic
Banal: Ban
Bane: Wolf’s bane
Barbarian: Barbar
Barrage: Bar
Bathetic: Base
Batter: Bat, Beat
Beacon: Beckon
Bedlam: Bethlehem
Behest: Behave
Beleaguer: League
Bequeath: Quote
Berate: Be + Rate
Bereft: Be + Left
Betroth: Be + True
Bevy: Beverage
Bewilder: Be + Wild
Bigoted: Be + Got
Bivouac: Watch
Blandish: Bland
Blasphemy: Evil Speaking
Bleak: Black
Blight: Blue
Bluster: Blow
Boisterous: Voice
Boot: Bootstrap
Brash: Rash
Brawny: Brown
Breach: Break
Brusque: Rough
Bucolic: Buffalo
Budge: Bubble
Bumptious: Bump
Bustle: Busy
Butler: Bottle
Cachet: Cache
Cadence: Cascade
Calico cat: Cloth
Callow: Callous
Canard: Cannard
Cancer: Crab
Capacious: Capacity
Caparison: Cape
Cardinal: Cardiac
Careen: Career
Cartography: Card
Casuistic: Case
Casualty: Casual
Catastrophe: Catabolism
Caterwauling: Cat + Wail
Cavort: Curve
Charade: Charlatan
Chariot: Cart
Chary: Care
Chastice: Chaste
Choleric: Cholesterol
Choppy: Chop
Churl: Church
Churlish: Church
Circadian: Circle
Citadel: City
Clemency: Calm
Cloister: Close
Coachman: Coach + Man
Coffer: Coffin
Colonel: Column of Soldiers
Colossal: Colosseum
Combat: Bat
Comestible: Edible
Comity: Co + Amity
Commend: Recommend
Commensal: Mensa
Commensurate: Measure
Compersion: Com + Part
Compost: Composite
Compunction: Punctuation
Concoct: Cocktail
Condescend: Descend
Congruous: Congruent
Conjugal: Conjugation
Connote: Note
Connubial: Nuptial, Prenuptial agreement
Conscript: Script
Consummate: Sum
Contemplate: Temple
Contretremps: Contra
Conversant: Conversation
Convulsion: Pull
Coquet: Cock
Cordon: Cord
Cornucopia: Corn + Copious
Corona (used in various contexts such as viruses, electrical engineering, and nanochemistry, each with its own meaning): Crown
Coruscate: Luster
Coterie: Co + Terminal
Coterminous: Terminal
Couch: Collocate
Countenance: Contain
Covenant: Cover
Coy: Quiet
Cranky: Crank Axis
Crestfallen: Crest + Fall
Crumble: Crumb
Culinary: Cuision
Cull: Collect
Curfew: Cover + Fire
Curmudgeonly: Curse
Cynosure: Sign
Daze: Dazzle
Debilitate: Able
Debunk: Bunk
Decadent: Decay
Decorous: Decoration
Defalcation: Falx
Defile: De + Foul
Delectable: Delight
Delegate: Legacy
Delirious: Deviate
Denizen: Den
Depot: Deposit
Deracinate: Race
Derelict: Relict
Deride: Ridicule
Descendant: Descend
Desideratum: Desired
Despot: Power
Detest: Test
Devious: Devil
Devout: Vow
Diabolic: Diablo
Dialectic: Dialect
Diaspora: Disperse
Dilettante: Delight
Discombobulate: Discomport
Disheveled: Disordered + Hair
Dislodge: Dis + Lodge
Divestiture: Divest, Vest
Dotage: Dote + Age
Dour: Endure
Downcast: Down + Cast
Drab: Dry
Drawl: Draw
Duchess: Duke’s Wife
Duly: Due
Ebullient: Boil
Economy: Ecology + Manage
Edifice: Edit
Effete: Ex + Life
Effigy: Figure
Egalitarion: Equal
Egotism: Ego
Ellipsis: Eliminate
Embrace: Bracket
Emeritus: Merit
Emissary: Emit
Emulous: Emulate
Encomium: In + Com
Encroach: Crack
Enervate: Ex + Nerve
Ennui: Null
Erratic: Error
Esoteric: Inter
Espresso: Press
Exalt: Altitude
Exasperate: Asper
Escapade: Ex + Cape
Excoriate: Ex + Core
Execrable: Ex + Curse
Exhume: Ex + Human
Exigent: Urgent
Exiguous: Exact Amount
Exorbitant: Ex + Orbit
Expiate: Pious
Expound: Poner ((es) to put)
Extemporaneous: Temporal
Extol: Tall
Exuberant: Exude
Facetious: Face
Faux: False
Feckless: Effect
Feisty: Fist
Felicitate: Feliz ((es) Celebrate)
Feud: Fade
File: Pile
Fitful: Fit
Flaccid: Flabby
Flagellate: Flagellin
Fleet: Flee
Flippant: Flip
Flounder: Flow
Flout: Flute
Flummery: Flume
Fodder: Feed
Foible: Feeble
Foray: Forage
Force majeure: Major
Fortuitous: Fortune
Frail: Fragile
Frenzy: Fanatic
Fretful: Fraught
Fusty: Fustian
Gainsay: Against + Say
Gait: Gate
Gall: Garrulous
Gallant: Gay
Gamut: Gamma
Garble: Garbage
Garish: Gay
Giddy: God
Gingerly: Gentle
Glare: Gleam
Glum: Gloomy
Glut: Gut
Gossamer: Goose Summer
Harangue: Harass
Harebrained: Hurry
Heathen: Heresy + The (God)
Heave: Heavy
Hebetude: Heavy
Hedge: Hedgehog
Hefty: Heavy
Helter-skelter: Hastan and Scatter
Heinous: Hair
Herald: Hear
Hermaphrodite: Hermetic
Hirsute: Hair
Historinic: History
Hoary: Hair
Hobnob: Have or not have (= give and take)
Holacracy: Whole
Homily: Homeo (crowd), Homeobox
Hortative: Exhort
Humdrum: Humid + Dry
Humilitate: Humility
Humility: Humble
Humint: Human + Intelligence
Humoral: Humor
Hunch: Humble
Husbandry: Husband
Hymeneal: Human + Membrane
Identify: Idea
Igneous Rock: Ignition
Imbibe: Im + Beverage
Impeccable: Peculiar
Impecunious: Pecuniary
Importunate: Im (not) + Portable
Imposter: Im (not) + Poster
Impudence: Few
Impute: Put
Incantation: Cantabile
Incite: In + City
Inculcate: Calculate
Indolent: In + Doler ((es) Sick)
Inebriate: Brew
Infirmacy: Infirm
Ingurgitate: Gulf
Inexorable: In (not) + Entreat
Iniquitous: In + Equity
Innuendo: Nuance
Insinuate: In + Sign
Insouciant: Not + Solicit
Insurgent: Surge
Interloper: Landloper
Intimidate: Timid
Inveigh: Vehicle
Inveterate: Veteran
Invincible: Vanquish
Irate: Rate
Iridescent: Iris
Jarring: Jar
Jaunty: Gentle
Jest: Jesture
Jingoistic: A song named ‘Jingo’
Juncture: Junction
Junta: Join
Ken: Knowledge
Kerb: Curb
Labile: Lapse, Collapse
Laissez-faire: Forfeit
Lambaste: Bombaste, Bombastic
Lambent: Lamp
Largesse: Large
Lascivious: Lass
Lavish: Lava
Lax: Slack
Leaven: Live
Legerdemain: Light from (de) Man-
Levity: Light
Liability: Ligase
Lieutenant: Lieu (Place) + Tenant (Holder)
Lissome: Listless
Listless: Wish List
Lithe: Light
Loom: Gloom
Lucrative: Luck
Lukewarm: Warm
Machination: Machine
Machine: Make
Maim: Mayhem
Martinet: Martial
Masculine: Muscle
Masticate: Mastic
Maternal: Mother
Matriculation: Matrix
Matrimonial: Marital
Maunder: Mawn
Maudlin: Mary Magdalene
Meager: Mal + Eager
Megalomaniacal: Megalodon
Menagerie: Manage
Mendacious: Mend
Mendicant: Demand
Mercenary: Mercy
Mercurial: Mercury
Meretricious: Merely
Meritocracy: Merit
Meteorology: Meteor
Meticulous: Measure
Mettlesome: Metal
Minatory: Menace
Miscellaneous: Mix
Miscreant: Mis + Credibility
Modicum: Moderate
Momentous: Momentum
Mongrel: Mingle
Motley: Medley
Mulish: Mule
Muster: Must
Mutilate: Mutate
Natty: Neat
Naysayer: No
Nepotism: Nephew
Niche: Nest
Noisome: Annoy
Nominal: Name
Nonchalant: Non + Chary
Nonplus: Not More
Nonpareil: Not Parallel
Nosiness: Nose
Obduracy: Durable
Obedient: Obey
Obituary: Ob
Oblique: Ob (against) + Limb
Obstreperous: Ob (away) + Stereo
Obsequious: Sequence
Obstetrician: Obstacle
Officious: Officer
Opprobrium: Problem
Ordain: Order
Orifice: Oral
Ostracize: Oyster
Overcast: Over + Cast
Overwrought: Overwork, Over + Worry
Oxymoron: Moron
Pagan: Propaganda
Pallor: Pale
Palter: Paltry
Pamper: Pep
Paraffin: Affinity
Parochial: Parish
Parvenu: Permeate
Pastiche: Paste
Pasturage: Pastoral
Path: Pass
Patience: Patient
Patina: Plate
Pauper: Poor
Penultimate: Pan + Ultimate
Peremptory: Preempt
Perk: Perch
Perm: Permanent
Perpetual: Perfect
Pillory: Pillar
Piscine: Fish
Plaintive: Complain
Platitude: Flat
Plebby: Plebian
Plump: Plummet
Plutocracy: Pluto
Polemical: Pole
Pontificate: Pope
Porcine: Pork
Powwow: Power
Prattle: Prate
Precarious: Pre + Care
Precept: Concept
Precipitous: Precipitation
Precocious: Pre + Cook
Preposterous: Pre + Poster
Probity: Proven Honesty
Procrastinate: Pro + Cast
Prodigious: Prodigal
Proficient: Professor
Profonde: Profound, Pond
Promiscuous: Mix
Prophylactic: Anaphylaxis
Prostitution: Pro + Station
Prostrate: Pro + Stern
Protean: Proteus
Protege: Protend
Prowess: Pro (professional)
Prowl: Prey
Prudish: Prudent
Prune: Plum
Prurient: Prey
Purblind: Pure + Blind
Purgatory: Purify
Puritanical: Purity
Purloin: Put + Long (away)
Quagmire: Mire
Quandary: Quando (es)
Quarantine: Cuarenta (es)
Quarry: Square
Querulous: Query
Quibble: Qui
Quintessence: Quinta + Essence
Quixotic: Don Quixote
Quotidian: Quote
Ramshackle: Ransack
Rapacious: Rape
Recidivism: Re + Incidence
Reckless: Reckon
Reconnaissance: Connoisseur
Redoubtable: Doubt
Redress: Dress
Referendum: Reference
Refreshment: Fresh
Refulgent: Flash
Regime: Region
Reminiscence: Remind
Repine: Repent
Reprobate: Re + Approve
Restive: Re (back) + Stiff
Revel: Rebel
Revulsion: Re (back) + Pull
Rigmarole: Ragman Roll (‘Ragman’)
Risible: Deride
Robust: Robot
Roost: Roof
Rotund: Round
Rouse: Arrouse
Rout: Bankrupt
Rove: Roam
Rubric: Ruby
Rue: Sorrow
Rug: Corrugated
Rustic: Rural
Saline: Salt
Salubrious: Salute
Saturnine: Saturn
Savant: Sage
Savvy: Saber (es)
Scam: Scam Coin
Scanty: Scarce
Scathe: Scary
Scoff: Scorn
Scotch: Scotch Tape
Scour: See and Care
Scuffle: Shuffle
Scurrilous: Curse
Sealant: Conceal
Serfdom: Serve
Sever: Several
Shard: Shear
Sheer: Shine
Shove: Shovel
Simile: Similar
Sinister: Sin
Skulk: Skulduggery
Sneaky: Sneak
Smatter: Matter
Snarky: Snore
Soggy: Soak
Soporific: Sleep
Sprey: Spring
Spurn: Scorn
Squabble: Quibble
Stave: Staff
Steadfast: Steady
Stench: Stink
Stodgy: Stuff
Stoic: Stoicism
Stolid: Stupid
Stalwart: Worth
Stratosphere: Stratification
Strew: Strawberry
Stricture: Stringent
Stringent: String
Stultify: Stupid
Stutter: Stammer
Stymie: Stifle
Sub rosa: Sub + Rose
Sully: Soil
Supercilious: Super + Cillium
Superficial: Super + Face
Supine: Super 양
Swarthy: Swarm, Swamp
Sway: Way
Synod: Syn
Taboo: Almost becomes a common noun in Korean.
Taut: Tough
Teaser: Tease
Teetotal: Tea + Total
Temerity: Extreme
Tempt: Attempt
Tergiversation: Turn + Give
Testify: Test
Tether: Tethering
Thesaurus: Treasure
Tinge: Tint
Toady: Toad
Topsy-turvy: Disturb
Torrid: Thirsty
Trammel: Mesh
Travesty: Trans + Vestige
Tribulation: Trouble
Tribunal: Trial
Trickery: Trick
Tryst: Triste
Tug: Tow
Tutelage: Tutor
Uncouth: Un (not) + Cunning (to know)
Unduely: Due
Unfettered: Feet
Unkempt: Un + Comb
Untended: Not + Intended
Unwieldly: Un + Wild
Unwitting: Wit
Upbraid: Brandish
Usury: Usurp
Utopia: Topology
Valorous: Value
Vanguard: Avan-garde
Variegated: Variety
Vaunt: Vanity
Vendetta: Vindication
Vernacular: Born
Versed: Versatile
Vicarious: Vicinity
Vicissitude: Vicinity
Vim: Vivacity
Virgin: Virtue
Wan: Wane
Wherewithal: Where + With
Whimsical: Whim
Wilt: Wither
Wince: Wink
Winnow: Wind
Wistful: Wish
Wizened: Wither
Woe: Worry
Wrack: Wreck
Wrangle: Wrestle
Wrought: Work
Zinger: Zing
Input: 2021.03.21 23:03