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How to Determine Directions Using a Wristwatch

Recommended post : 【Earth Science】 Chapter 6. The Movement of the Earth

1. Introduction

2. Proof

3. Supplement

4. Summary

1. Introduction

When the hour hand points to the sun, the direction that bisects the hour hand and 12 o’clock is south

① As seen in Scorpion Season 1 and Detective Conan.

⑵ Related to the diurnal motion of the celestial sphere

Example 1. Sunrise : Assuming 6 AM, with the hour hand pointing east, the 9 o’clock direction is south

Example 2. Noon : 12 PM, with the hour hand pointing south, the 12 o’clock direction is south (cf. solar noon altitude)

Example 3. Sunset : Assuming 6 PM, with the hour hand pointing west, the 3 o’clock direction is south

2. Proof

⑴ Simplification : Sunrise at exactly 6:00 AM in the east, sunset at exactly 6:00 PM in the west, the solar path is parallel to the horizontal plane

① Part of the solar path is above the horizontal plane, and part is below, hence the concept of day and night

② The angle between the solar path and the celestial horizontal plane is 90 - φ° (where φ : latitude)

⑵ Diagram


Figure. 1. Proof Diagram

① The sun is t° (-90 ≤ t ≤ 90) from the south

② ⇔ The current time T is T(t) = 12 + t / 15 (hours)

Reason 1. (t, T) = (-90, 6), (0, 12), (90, 18) are passed

Reason 2. T = T(t) forms a straight line graph

③ ⇔ The angle between the hour hand and the 12 o’clock direction is 2t°

Reason 1. For every hour past 12, the angle of the hour hand widens by 30°

Reason 2. 30 × t / 15 = 2t

④ ⇔ The south direction is the direction that bisects the hour hand and 12 o’clock

3. Supplement: Ways to find directions without a compass

⑴ Using an analog watch

⑵ Only possible at noon

① South : Direction of the sun

② North : Direction of the shadow

③ East : When facing away from the sun and looking at your shadow, the right direction

④ West : When facing away from the sun and looking at your shadow, the left direction

⑶ Finding directions at night

① Direction of the North Star

② By coincidence, the North Star is currently in the direction of Earth’s axis of rotation

③ Due to precession, the North Star may not always be in the direction of the axis

4. Summary

Posted : 2019.07.31 20:14

Updated : 2024.03.11 00:22

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