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Chapter 17. Non-linear Regression Analysis 

Higher category: 【Statistics】 Statistics Overview

1. quadratic regression model

2. polynomial regression model

3. logarithm regression model

4. probability model

5. interaction

1. quadratic regression model 

⑴ formula 


⑵ determination of coefficients 

multiple linear regression model is used : consider Xi and Xi2 as different variables and interpret them 

② it is possible because Xi and Xi2 do not have perfect multi-collinearity

⑶ linearity test 


⑷ confidence interval of the amount of change 

① effect : the effect of Y by a unit change of X is as follows 


② marginal effect


③ standard deviation of the amount of change


④ confidence interval of the amount of change


2. polynomial regression model 

⑴ general equation


⑵ determination of coefficients : multiple linear regression model is used

⑶ linearity test 


decision of degree (order) of polynomial 1. top-down method 

① the most commonly adopted method

② 1st. set the maximum value of r

③ 2nd. test H0 : βr = 0 

④ 3rd. if H0 is rejected, r is the degree of regression line 

⑤ 4th. if H0 is not rejected, eliminate Xir and repeat 2nd step for βr-1, ··· 

decision of degree (order) of polynomial 2. bottom-top method 

① a way to see if there is a significant effect on explaining a given sample when a term with a higher order of one level is added

② procedure

○ 1st. assume that the coefficient for all terms is significant up to the (r-1)-order polynomial of in the botom-top manner  

○ 2nd. add a r-order term 

○ 3rd. calculate the sum of squares by the r-order regression line (degree of freedom: r)

○ 4th. subtract the sum of squares by the (r-1)-order regression line (degree of freedom: r-1) from the value obtained from 3rd step 

○ 5th. calculate the sum of squares by the residual of the r-order regression line (degree of freedom: n-1-r)

○ 6th. calculate the mean square by dividing the value obtained from 5th step by (n-1-r)

○ 7th. divide the difference of the sum of squares obtained from 4th step by the mean square obtained from 6th step: the degree of freedom of the difference of the sum of squares is 1

○ 8th. calculate p value by substituting F statistic obtained in 7th step from F(1, n-1-r)

③ example 

○ problem situation

model sum of squares df mean square
linear 3971.46 1 3971.46
error 372515.09 18 20695.28
quadratic 367833.58 2 183916.79
error 8652.97 17 509.10
cubic 369211.71 3 123070.57
error 7274.84 16 454.68
Table. 1. problem situation

○ table of results 

model difference of sum of squares df sum of squares of residuals df mean of sum of squares of residuals F ratio
quadratic 367833.58 2 8652.97 17 509.10 F1,17 = 714.72
linear 3971.46 1       p < 0.001
difference 363862.12 1        
cubic 369211.71 3 7274.84 16 454.68 F1,16 = 3.03
quadratic 367833.58 2       NS
difference 1378.13 1        
Table. 2. table of results

④ drawbacks: sequential type Ⅰ error accumulation is problematic 

○ the study of statistics is to analyze them with a phenomenon that occurs at once

○ it’s very difficult to analyze a phenomenon of a certain probability by applying another phenomenon that has already appeared with a different probability

○ difficulty means that the statistic may not follow the F distribution

○ bottom-top method of degree determination is to analyze a phenomenon of a different probability in a phenomenon of a particular probability

○ the phenomenon of a particular probability refers to the (r-1)-order regression equation

○ the phenomenon of a different probability refers to the r-order regression equation 

○ (note) it is impossible to clearly show the difference of sum of squares follows the F distribution 

3. logarithm regression model 

⑴ (note) logarithmic approximation


class 1. linear-log model

① formula


② if Xi increases by 1%, Yi increases by 0.01β1 

class 2. log-linear model

① formula


② if Xi increases by 1,Yi</sub increases by 100β1% 

class **3.** log-log model

① formula


② if Xi increases by 1%, Yi increases by β1

⑸ we can select the more appropriate model by compairing adjusted R2 between log-linear model and log-log model

⑹ it’s pointless to compare linear-log model with other two models, as the dependent variable of linear-log model differs

4. probability model: the case of dependent variable being a binary variable

⑴ linear probability model (LPM)

① formula


Figure. 1. linear probability model


② issue : the dependent variable does not always show values between 0 and 1

probit regression model 

① overview : the most frequently used probability model

② formula

○ simple model


Figure. 2. probit regression model


○ multiple model


③ effect 

○ formula


○ marginal effect


④ statistical estimation

○ there is no exact form of function of the estimator of each coefficient : find the maximum likelihood estimator through numerical analysis

○ once obtained, the maximum likelihood estimator satisfies consistency and normality

logistic regression model

① formula

○ logistic function


○ modeling: put the linear regression form of βx + β0 to logistic function, which is a kind of a linking function


○ log-odd (logarithmic of odds ratio) : also called logit. A logarithmic conversion of the odds ratio. having a value from negative to positive infinity.


Figure. 3. logit function


○ The logistic function is the inverse function of the logit function.

○ The logistic function transforms an input variable that takes values from negative infinity to positive infinity into an output variable that ranges from 0 to 1.

maximum likelihood estimation 

○ assume the independent variable is not ome-dimensional variable of xi but multidimensional variable of xi, and use the Bernoulli function 


○ definition of likelihood function of L(θ) and log likelihood function of ℓ(θ) : here, L(θ) is defined as a cross-entropy 


lemma : L(θ) and ℓ (θ) are convex function. the minimal solution is not local solution but global solution. proof is complicated

step 1. definition of gradient 


step 2. definition of Hessian matrix 


step 3. get the Taylor series for θk for the secondary approximated equation and obtain the maximum solution θk+1 = θk + dk of the approximated equation


Figure. 4. relationship between maximum likelihood estimation and Taylor series


step 4. updating θk in a way of Newton-Raphson method reaches the global maximum 

○ this is obtained by numerical analysis, but does not have the exact function form of the estimator of each coefficient.

③ idea for the proof of consistency (assuming symbols may differ from the above)


④ idea for the proof of asymptotic normality (assuming symbols may differ from the above) 


⑤ application : multiclass classification 

○ intoduction: as logistic regression is a binary classification, it cannot be applied directly to multiclass classification 

method 1. performing 1 vs {2, 3} at first, and 2 vs 3 afterward 

method 2. softmax function

○ definition


○ softmax function in multiclass classification


○ proof : logistic regression is a special example of softmax function


⑷ Comparison of LPM, probit, and logistic function 

① unable to compare coefficients between LPM, probit, and logistic because models are different

example 1. comparison between probit regression model and logistic regression model

○ showing very similar plots


Figure. 5. comparison between probit regression model and logistic regression model

○ the difference in coefficients is very significant: there is no mathematical meaning to this difference


⑸ Dirichlet regression model:

① Overview : Used for regression analysis while considering the topology (simplex) of the data.



Figure 6. Situations where the Dirichlet regression model is applied

② Sample space: A multi-dimensional vector representing the proportions or probabilities of each item



○ Non-negative data

○ Unit-sum

○ D: The number of components, i.e., the size of the dimension

○ d = D - 1

③ Dirichlet distribution: Gains attention because it can analyze the simplex.

④ Estimation of Dirichlet regression:

○ Aitchison (2003) first introduced the log-ratio transformation.

○ Log-likelihood function: Given n data points,



○ Zero data can be a problem in the log-likelihood function.

○ Solution 1: Replace zero data with very small nonzero values, as proposed by Palarea-Albaladejo, Martín-Fernández, and others.

○ Solution 2: Use a dual model that handles zero data separately, as proposed by Zadora, Scealy, Welsh, Stewart, Field, Bear, Billheimer, and others.

○ Solution 3: Use an improved regression model that robustly applies to zero data, as proposed by Tsagris, Stewart, and others.

5. interaction

⑴ modeling

① interaction regressor or interaction term is introduced 


② unable to compare coefficients with models without interaction terms

③ 3 or more multiple interactions can also be defined

⑵ effect: the change of Yi by a unit change of Xi is as follows


⑶ elasticity 

① intuitively, it means the degree to which the absolute value of the slope is large

② in microeconomics, elasticity means the slope multiplied by (-1)

⑷ applicatio n: interaction of binary variables

① modeling


② effect : the effect of Y by a unic change of X is as follows


③ H0 : the proposition that Y is not affected by D can be tested by F statistic concerning β2 = β3 = 0. determinant check 

④ H0 : the proposition that the effect of Y by a unit change of X is not affected by D can be tested by t statistic concerning β3 = 0 

⑤ the entire regression line can be obtained by using the regression line of D = 0 and the regression line of D = 1


⑸ application: interaction of two binary variables (dummy variables)

① modeling


② knowing 2 × 2 table for D1, D2 can lead to regression line equation

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